Destiny 2: Forsaken |OT| Destiny's endgame is no longer forsaken


Buying it tonight. Haven't played warmind or Osiris so I'm getting a fair bit of content. Any tips on where to start? Haven't played, other than one night last weekend, since the first dlc dropped.


Buying it tonight. Haven't played warmind or Osiris so I'm getting a fair bit of content. Any tips on where to start? Haven't played, other than one night last weekend, since the first dlc dropped.

Just dig into Forsaken for now. Then run through the others stories after your over 500 imo. Not because its hard....but so you can just breeze through it.


Buying it tonight. Haven't played warmind or Osiris so I'm getting a fair bit of content. Any tips on where to start? Haven't played, other than one night last weekend, since the first dlc dropped.

Just upgraded my vanilla to exp 1+frosaken+annual pass 1... LOVING THIS game again! ... I LOVE LOVE LOVE the collections system, brings meaning to collection things and you can spawn your favorite weapons when you want.

I am working on mercury right now... it's pretty cool, there's like 11 guns to unlock.. about to head to warmind soon.
Buying it tonight. Haven't played warmind or Osiris so I'm getting a fair bit of content. Any tips on where to start? Haven't played, other than one night last weekend, since the first dlc dropped.

Just dig into Forsaken for now. Then run through the others stories after your over 500 imo. Not because its hard....but so you can just breeze through it.

There's actually no way to do that, unless you skip Osiris and Warmind with one character, and decide to play them later with another character, which would also mean finishing all of the base game with that character.

So here's where I would start: Do the Festival of the Lost intro mission first, up until you unlock the activity and the free weapon and catalyst that comes with it. You're going to need to get a lot of kills and bounties to enable that upgrade, so then play Osiris and Warmind, and use that weapon a lot. Don't forget to use the catalyst first, so you're getting credit for kills and bounties.

Feel free to rush through Osiris and Warmind, but I wouldn't just skip them.

P phyrlord

Glad you're enjoying the game again. It's great how much they improved everything. They really did fix the game. You should be probably do that Festival intro mission as well, if you haven't already.
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So for anyone who might have uh, "found" the Fighting Lion exotic recently, I have a tip that I discovered. It might be common knowledge, but I didn't realize it at first, and it makes the gun a lot more effective.

After you fire the gun, there's a reload animation of loading another round into the barrel. The full animation sees you cocking the barrel back into place with an upward motion, and then it takes a moment for the full animation to complete. If you hold the trigger as you reload, though, you will fire the gun the moment the barrel is in place, and won't have to wait for the animation to finish. This almost gives the gun the feeling of a grenade launcher mixed with a fusion rifle, and it makes the weapon much more enjoyable to use.

In other news, triple valor is going on now, so be sure to max out your reputation in the crucible, and go for those resets if you're trying to earn the broadsword.


Played a bunch these past two weeks. Basically had to give up progressing in DQ 11 since there's just literally no way for me to commit to both games at the same time. Up to 550s LL, is that good enough for the whole Raid? Seems like it's getting to the point where that's the last thing I really need to learn/focus on and then I can move onto alts if I feel like it (or go back to DQ11).

Also finished up getting the exotics from Warmind (Sleeper Simulant killz), and did the ascendant challenge and got a really good assault rifle & shotgun out of it. Kind of makes up for the complete lack of exotic drops. I haven't seen a single exotic engram yet, which seems insane. At least Prime drops happen somewhat regularly when you play but it's pretty damn depressing to go from semi regular exotic drops to literally none.


I first tried the raid when I hit 580. So no I don’t think 550 is that comfortable for it. I just first played the raid last week. Just a tip; if you have sleeper and whisper... make sure you bring them into the raid as powerful as you can in addition to a good shotty for it. Hell I’ve even played a bit of escalation protocol for the one ikelos weapon I don’t have ... the shotty.

Thankfully my bucket list for forsaken is getting shorter. Really have the shattered throne dungeon and raid to complete. Malfeasance quest is unlocked, still working on the Redrix quest, etc... hopefully soon I can put it down some more and chip away at other games before black armory comes out.

Then again the week of the 30th I’ll probably be obsessed with getting the returning thunderlord.

And I still don’t have a fucking trust. Currently most used weapon in pvp overall. I’m about to get the roll you get for resetting gambit but that’s trash for pvp.

Ps - there are 6 ascendant challenges that change every week.
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When I logged into the game yesterday evening it said my infamy was maxed and I went up a level in valor. Got excited till I went and checked it to see the actual levels didn't budge Haha oh well


Osiris was underwhelming when it came out. The best part was the raid lair and one or two weapons that are now obsolete.

Warmind has some of the best content in the game. Arguably the best, more unique strikes in the game, escalation protocol being better than blind well and still having relevant loot AND is probably one of the strongest patrol zones in the game.

At the time season 3 pvp was in a great place too. Those days of graviton and vigilance wing dominating was fun, sweaty and slow paced goodness. Also... you need warmind to get sleeper and whisper and those are must have weapon.

And when whisper quest dropped Destiny felt amazing again. I will not allow people to trash warmind :messenger_pouting:


Huh? Horror story cannot be infused into other weapons. I’m at 590 currently... we just have some more options at powerful rewards.

Seems that the thunderlord quest that drops on the 30th will be a throwback to the first gameplay footage of the original D1 (which thunderlord was first showcased) and will take place on a snippet of the cosmodrome from D1.



The loading times are killing my desire to get back into this game. It is insanely long to initially load into the game and you're constantly hit with loading screens when you want to do new activities. Even on my SSD, it's unbearable.


The loading times are killing my desire to get back into this game. It is insanely long to initially load into the game and you're constantly hit with loading screens when you want to do new activities. Even on my SSD, it's unbearable.

It's not really loading times, it's rather the fact that even if you stand on a fast travel point and fast travel to it again, you actually get thrown into a new instance of the map. So the "loading" times are not really loading the map, but actually server taking way to long to throwing you into a instance of the map you want to go to.


It's not really loading times, it's rather the fact that even if you stand on a fast travel point and fast travel to it again, you actually get thrown into a new instance of the map. So the "loading" times are not really loading the map, but actually server taking way to long to throwing you into a instance of the map you want to go to.
The time it takes for me to just get to the character select screen is too long. I need it to be snappier like my other games. I can already be in an 88 player blackout match in black ops 4 in the same time


Getting a seed of light from the well is being a mega pain! My titan and hunter are still missing one and I had zero luck all weekend. I might just forget about it and focus on getting them to 550+ and get it from Kali.
I think D1 had better weapons and I really don't like the casual approach to the super trees (presets now).
Getting a seed of light from the well is being a mega pain! My titan and hunter are still missing one and I had zero luck all weekend. I might just forget about it and focus on getting them to 550+ and get it from Kali.
I think D1 had better weapons and I really don't like the casual approach to the super trees (presets now).

By "still missing one" do you mean your second new subclass or your third? Because you can't get a third seed from the well. Instead, you need to do the "Gateway Between Worlds" weekly bounty that gives you an offering to the oracle engine, and then take that to the offering area. You went here when you first arrived in the Dreaming City.

You can do this every week, but you can only get a seed of light from it during weeks where the corruption is at the strongest levels in the Dreaming City, which is every three weeks, which also just happens to be this week. Meaning you have until reset on Tuesday to get it done. The video above is what happens during the other two weeks. On the third week, a chest doesn't spawn, and instead a gateway opens up. Once you're in the new area, be sure to loot the chest before you leave. Have fun!
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By "still missing one" do you mean your second new subclass or your third? Because you can't get a third seed from the well. Instead, you need to do the "Gateway Between Worlds" weekly bounty that gives you an offering to the oracle engine, and then take that to the offering area. You went here when you first arrived in the Dreaming City.

You can do this every week, but you can only get a seed of light from it during weeks where the corruption is at the strongest levels in the Dreaming City, which is every three weeks, which also just happens to be this week. Meaning you have until reset on Tuesday to get it done. The video above is what happens during the other two weeks. On the third week, a chest doesn't spawn, and instead a gateway opens up. Once you're in the new area, be sure to loot the chest before you leave. Have fun!

I got the one from Mara, I'm missing the one from the well. My 1st char got it from tier 2 well and the 3rd from Mara, the other 2 are missing the one from the well.


I got the one from Mara, I'm missing the one from the well. My 1st char got it from tier 2 well and the 3rd from Mara, the other 2 are missing the one from the well.

You also get a guaranteed 3rd from Kalli if the well doesn't cough one up for you. I had no luck on my two alts with the well, and ended up getting their 2nd from mara and 3rd from the raid.


You also get a guaranteed 3rd from Kalli if the well doesn't cough one up for you. I had no luck on my two alts with the well, and ended up getting their 2nd from mara and 3rd from the raid.
I'll probably do that when the chars are at a higher level, I'm not ready for the raid yet (reached 530 this week).

A new timed exotic quest for the returning D1 exotic Thunderlord is now available in the game. Part one of the quest is available this week. See Amanda Holiday in the hanger.

According to leaked info, the whole questline will take three weeks to complete, so be sure to do part 1 this week. This will also mean the return of heavy machine guns to Destiny, which haven't been seen since the first game.

[edit] Once I had the quest step, this took me all of ten minutes. Just go to the first drop zone on Earth, and kill all the enemies that fight each other in the upper right area of the starting point. Not sure if this quest will be a limited event, so if you've set Destiny down while you're playing other games, you might want to load it up to do this.
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Just wanted to bump saying the horrific exotic problem has been fixed with the update.

I played Forsaken for weeks with maybe 1 or 2 exotic drops, both dups from vanilla D2. Something was broken, and for a long time.

As is Bungie's habit, they finally got around to fixing it months later. As of today I played for about 2-3 hours and got 3 exotic drops, no dups, with one being the exotic bow. The rates are high right now, so play before they nerf it again!

P.S. it's also super fast to delete shaders now in menu. I'd rather not count up the amount of time I wasted deleting shaders as it would make the meaningless of my life unbearable.


Anyone on Xbox who has Forsaken and would like to "refer a friend"?
My usual group are waiting for the season pass to drop....

Sorted, pls ignore
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So I just completed foresaken (well, till the will part) and I have a question.

did I just execute someone that is clearly mentally ill?


Yea, killing uldren doesn’t make sense.

The real story unveils itself in the end game with the dreaming city... it’s actually still being told in-game on a week to week basis in some way or another. It’s kinda neat.

The whole uldren and cayde’s death stuff isn’t important at all even within the story of forsaken.
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Thats a shame but is in direct relation to the poor state Destiny 2 originally launched in.

I have been a Day 1 Destiny player, and can say that the game is in the best state it has ever been in and I am having more fun than ever.
So I just completed foresaken (well, till the will part) and I have a question.

did I just execute someone that is clearly mentally ill?

Here's how I thought of it:

He was such an ass in the first game, I don't think his actions in killing Cayde really needed much if any influence, and most if not all of that is all on him. He's hardly "Stop, or we'll have to kill you! I'm doing this for my sister, please don't make us hurt you!" But with the manipulation angle, I do think it was clever to not let you know who really pulls the trigger on him at the end of the game.
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We really need to spoiler tag this? :messenger_grinning_squinting:

I’m not even convinced he’s dead. That would make both the guardian and petra assholes. It’s kinda a shit ending to the popcorn campaign (and I don’t mean cayde).

I will spoiler tag this tho

emissary of the nine once being an awoken and showing up at the queens court was cool. Mara sov isn’t that likable. Just assumes we’re stupid. Thanks, you’re welcome for the help miss!

The drifter is the best new character in the series so far. Him and shaxx are definitely my favorites right now.

Hope y’all did the first two steps for the thunderlord. The actual cosmodrome mission and the gun itself returns next week.

Newest rumor is that last word will appear later on in the black armory much like thunderlord, whisper or wishender did in forsaken
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We really need to spoiler tag this? :messenger_grinning_squinting:

I’m not even convinced he’s dead. That would make both the guardian and petra assholes. It’s kinda a shit ending to the popcorn campaign (and I don’t mean cayde).

Uldren is quite dead, and I think shooting him was justified. He caused the deaths of most of the last remaining reefborn Awoken, murdered the Kell of Kings and Cayde, and were it not for his wish to see Mara, the dreaming city never would have been cursed. Just because we serve the light, we aren't necessarily good guys. I've murdered hundreds of Fallen just for the hell of it.


Yeah as a whole this entire thunderlord quest was a letdown. Have fun facing it in ib all week too. All I gained from this quest is a greater appreciation for how awesome the setting of d1 was compared to this empty shell of d2


Yea that quest blew. Glad I got thunderlord tho. I’m pretty much done with most content in the game. Time to raid a bit before black armory drops. Can finally play some other games for a week or two.


Yea that quest blew. Glad I got thunderlord tho. I’m pretty much done with most content in the game. Time to raid a bit before black armory drops. Can finally play some other games for a week or two.

I need to see more steps in the right direction before I pay for more content. Forsaken was an improvement but let’s not pretend that was hard. Random rolls are still not real random rolls from d1, and I need info from the crucible team about changes there and sandbox. Cause as of now, I’m seeing like 60+% of crucible users with dust rock/Luna/coil in Quickplay to stomp. Sbmm needs to return in some way to improve the pvp experience and honestly outside of last word, icebreacker, and thorn we know nothing else two weeks out from release, that’s not how you entice customers.

down 2 orth

Yeah as a whole this entire thunderlord quest was a letdown. Have fun facing it in ib all week too. All I gained from this quest is a greater appreciation for how awesome the setting of d1 was compared to this empty shell of d2

I just started getting into Warframe, I joined a clan called "Forsaken", lol. Seriously, the Warframe aesthetic took a few playthroughs to get used to but I'm loving it now. I could see it scratching the itch for a lot of people burnt out on D2.


Did they change the exotic drop rate since last week? I got 3 in a row yesterday (but still no Lunafaction Boots...)
I need a new clan. My current one is US based and I never see more than 1 or 2 guys online because I'm in Europe. :(


I need to see more steps in the right direction before I pay for more content. Forsaken was an improvement but let’s not pretend that was hard. Random rolls are still not real random rolls from d1, and I need info from the crucible team about changes there and sandbox. Cause as of now, I’m seeing like 60+% of crucible users with dust rock/Luna/coil in Quickplay to stomp. Sbmm needs to return in some way to improve the pvp experience and honestly outside of last word, icebreacker, and thorn we know nothing else two weeks out from release, that’s not how you entice customers.

It’s 40$ for more destiny over three content drops. I’m obviously getting about 50x more time and value then anything else. Forsaken was great and there still isn’t another shooter as good overall. So they can have my money.

Supposedly two new areas on earth for this dlc and a earth raid lair. The reveal should be like any minute now honestly.
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Got the thunder gun last night. It's pretty great, especially in pairs. Drops bosses in seconds.

They should bring the cosmodrome back again! Reminded me how great it was. The graphics have aged though haven't they?
New pinnacle weapons have been announced for the upcoming season, and I think they're having the averse effect of pushing me away from the game. Seasons in general are making me rethink my time with Destiny.

After playing loads of PVP (close to more than I wanted to, really) I still have a lot more progress to accomplish before I'd unlock the current pinnacle crucible weapon. I didn't realize it when I started the quest, but I essentially only had three months to "prestige" five times in Destiny 2 PVP. That is, reset my rank and start from the beginning, and do that five times. Now all that progress is about to be taken from me, and I think I'm just done.

Destiny is a fine hobby, but it's a bit more demanding than I want from a product that I paid for. I completed so many other quest steps, and now it's all just going to be gone because I wanted to play Red Dead Redemption 2 and Black Ops 4. Meanwhile, there are other games I'd like to play as well, and it downright angers me that I can't just play Destiny 2 when I want to play it, and reach every goal at my own pace.

That the rewards associated with seasonal quests are some of the most effective weapons in the game sours me on the experience even more. I'm done, and I'll remember this when Destiny 3 launches, if they continue this nonsense of resetting your progress for certain goals because you dare want to play other games.
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New pinnacle weapons have been announced for the upcoming season, and I think they're having the averse effect of pushing me away from the game. Seasons in general are making me rethink my time with Destiny.

After playing loads of PVP (close to more than I wanted to, really) I still have a lot more progress to accomplish before I'd unlock the current pinnacle crucible weapon. I didn't realize it when I started the quest, but I essentially only had three months to "prestige" five times in Destiny 2 PVP. That is, reset my rank and start from the beginning, and do that five times. Now all that progress is about to be taken from me, and I think I'm just done.

Destiny is a fine hobby, but it's a bit more demanding than I want from a product that I paid for. I completed so many other quest steps, and now it's all just going to be gone because I wanted to play Red Dead Redemption 2 and Black Ops 4. Meanwhile, there are other games I'd like to play as well, and it downright angers me that I can't just play Destiny 2 when I want to play it, and reach every goal at my own pace.

That the rewards associated with seasonal quests are some of the most effective weapons in the game sours me on the experience even more. I'm done, and I'll remember this when Destiny 3 launches, if they continue this nonsense of resetting your progress for certain goals because you dare want to play other games.

I’ve spoke about this with friends, I think seasons is just not a good fit in this game. Many of the quest lines are just insane for many to complete, and these chase guns are reskins that honestly don’t seem li,e they are worth any of the effort. They are doubling and tripling down on lenghty overboard quests instead of bringing in better perks and things that bring us back each day. I started working on the two crucible quests a couple weeks ago and am on the last step for broadsword and just hit the 100 headshots for Luna and have had to play 6+ hours each day most days to get here. I wish the season weapons would just go into loot pools instead of disappearing into the void.


The seasonal weapons aren’t going anywhere. Only the reset rank requisites matter. I fucked up on on getting broadsword by underutilizing triple xp weekends and playing rumble (top 3 counts as a win for the streak multiplier) but the steps in the quest stay. I super upset about having dropped the ball completing it but I’ll do it next go with the right strategy for getting it done quickly. I felt what legend of Kage felt last night that I need to play crucible for like 6 hrs a day until Tuesday with max streak multiplier just to get it. Fuck that.

The seasons are fine especially if this year it comes with some substantial content along the way. Let’s not forget that post taken king we had absolutely nothing till the next year. That sucked. Balls

There are times that friends or myself are like “fuck this game it doesn’t want me to play anything else” and then go on to play 100 hrs of crucible anyway or spend countless hrs trying to unlock some in-game triumph. I tend not to engage or chase everything. You don’t need it all. In less than two weeks we’ll have new toys to chase and events to play.

Rumble really is the way to go to reset rank. I’ve went on like a 20 game streak with the multiplier because all you have to do is rank in the top 3. Even if youre not the best pvp player your odds still improve drastically. With 3x valor weekends I could’ve done like 3 resets in one day. But I fucked up by playing iron banner instead. I wished I realized that not in the last two weeks of the season because Redrix would be mine by now.

Not so worried about Luna. I’m gonna try chasing that next season. It seems easiest to get out of the bunch and I’ve got aome pretty solid pvp builds ready now. The vanguard and gambit pinnacle weapons for season 5 seem pretty easy to get tho. The grenade launcher not so much but I’ll work on it...
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Wait, do I need to buy the season pass to get the dlc? I can't buy them one at a time?

Nope bungo wants all your money up front instead of earning it and letting you choose your content,’s literally all or nothing
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Gold Member
That's bull shit, at least tell me what is planned.

They did:

Down the left side of the picture is the "free content" all owners of the base Destiny 2 Forsaken can play.

Down the right side is what you get if you want to buy the annual pass.



That’s the old roadmap. Here’s the new one. No more raid lairs. Two full blown raids! \m/



And today’s vidoc
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Both Zavala and Shaxx have additional pinnacle weapons that weren’t revealed until the launch of season 5 yesterday. A reworked pulse for completing 30 bounties, and an adaptive frame shotgun with a godroll. Also if you kept iron banner bounties from last banner, if you redeem them now you get season 5 IB weapons and gear. The weapons seem to maybe be year 1 banner weapons with random perks \m/. (Time worn spire was my favorite year 1 pulse so let’s see what we get!)

I already started grinding valor and glory. I’m not sleeping on it this time. It sucks pksying competitive while everyone already has luna tho. The super pros are on that grenade launcher grind already.

The new blade dancer buff with those gauntlets is bullshit. Nerf that shit now it allows bladedancer super to be infinite and with the buff that got .... rage fuel.

They keep buffing warlocks and hunters. It’s kinda bullshit. Don’t ge me wrong... I play as hunter sometimes but stop fucking over Titans.

What’s interesting is that all Forsaken owners get the 50 power level increase cap along with annual pass owners per season. I guess that’s how they’re gonna keep IB and other ritual events open to all

Still no word on trials. It’s actually nice to see Destiny holding so strongly without trials running to begin with. But I want trials... and now :(

Finally got a second trust aside from the vendor reset drop one. It seems godroll to me with range masterwork, triple tap, rapid hit and accurized rounds. Been averaging 20+ kills a game. Not bad.

And remember... to rank valor play RUMBLE. Top 3 finish counts as a win. Don’t waste time in quick play if you need work on valor resets!

I love this game more than ever now. I can’t believe how much content we got coming for the roads. Huge difference from year 1. Actually huge difference from any year of both games. Good job.

I have kinda high expectations. Vicarious Visions is doing this and warmind/season 3 is what really started fixing the game. They’re doing black armory. I mean... mars is still the best patrol area, those were the two best strikes in the game, and escalation protocol is one of the best pieces of content in the game that isn’t a raid or dungeon.

Fuck strikes. Glad theyre not planning any with the pass. Give me new shit unlike the typical strike stuff
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Both Zavala and Shaxx have additional pinnacle weapons that weren’t revealed until the launch of season 5 yesterday. A reworked pulse for completing 30 bounties, and an adaptive frame shotgun with a godroll. Also if you kept iron banner bounties from last banner, if you redeem them now you get season 5 IB weapons and gear. The weapons seem to maybe be year 1 banner weapons with random perks \m/. (Time worn spire was my favorite year 1 pulse so let’s see what we get!)

I already started grinding valor and glory. I’m not sleeping on it this time. It sucks pksying competitive while everyone already has luna tho. The super pros are on that grenade launcher grind already.

The new blade dancer buff with those gauntlets is bullshit. Nerf that shit now it allows bladedancer super to be infinite and with the buff that got .... rage fuel.

They keep buffing warlocks and hunters. It’s kinda bullshit. Don’t ge me wrong... I play as hunter sometimes but stop fucking over Titans.

What’s interesting is that all Forsaken owners get the 50 power level increase cap along with annual pass owners per season. I guess that’s how they’re gonna keep IB and other ritual events open to all

Still no word on trials. It’s actually nice to see Destiny holding so strongly without trials running to begin with. But I want trials... and now :(

Finally got a second trust aside from the vendor reset drop one. It seems godroll to me with range masterwork, triple tap, rapid hit and accurized rounds. Been averaging 20+ kills a game. Not bad.

And remember... to rank valor play RUMBLE. Top 3 finish counts as a win. Don’t waste time in quick play if you need work on valor resets!

I love this game more than ever now. I can’t believe how much content we got coming for the roads. Huge difference from year 1. Actually huge difference from any year of both games. Good job.

I have kinda high expectations. Vicarious Visions is doing this and warmind/season 3 is what really started fixing the game. They’re doing black armory. I mean... mars is still the best patrol area, those were the two best strikes in the game, and escalation protocol is one of the best pieces of content in the game that isn’t a raid or dungeon.

Fuck strikes. Glad theyre not planning any with the pass. Give me new shit unlike the typical strike stuff

It's a game for hunters at this stage, I main Titan and I have quit (I have been there since D1 beta) because of the favoritism they show to hunters and how they have stripped down titan time and time again.

I wont be back till titan is reworked and made to be powerful in pvp again.
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