Destiny 2: Forsaken |OT| Destiny's endgame is no longer forsaken


I have Lord of Wolves but I think that may be the only Forsaken legendary I've received so far (weapon-wise)

Wife and I have beat the Escalation Protocol 2 or 3 times but I've never gotten anything good from it.. .and it always asks for a decrypted cache key which I only have two fragments of at the moment. Not sure how I get more of them as I jumped out of D2 for awhile after Osiris and came back for Forsaken.
I have Lord of Wolves but I think that may be the only Forsaken legendary I've received so far (weapon-wise)

Wife and I have beat the Escalation Protocol 2 or 3 times but I've never gotten anything good from it.. .and it always asks for a decrypted cache key which I only have two fragments of at the moment. Not sure how I get more of them as I jumped out of D2 for awhile after Osiris and came back for Forsaken.

If i'm not mistaken you'd get key fragments from nightfalls. Then you trade 7 fragments with Anna Bray for one blue key. Each EP wave will charge your key till it turns legendary.
Anyway, the key is used to unlock the chest at the last boss. But it gives you armor. And Y1 armor at this point is pretty much useless.
Weapons only drop from bosses.


Yea, all I pulled out of EP were the shaders from the boss. lol
I really just want the shotgun, but my Badlander will have to do for now
Yea, all I pulled out of EP were the shaders from the boss. lol
I really just want the shotgun, but my Badlander will have to do for now

I've been infusing my ikelos shotgun but i'm not really sure if it's worth it. I have a badlander with rampage and threat detector. I'd love to see some damage testing. Maybe with major or boss mods it could be better than ikelos sg.
I'm wating for a god roll ten paces to replace my midnight coup.


I've been infusing my ikelos shotgun but i'm not really sure if it's worth it. I have a badlander with rampage and threat detector. I'd love to see some damage testing. Maybe with major or boss mods it could be better than ikelos sg.
I'm wating for a god roll ten paces to replace my midnight coup.

I've been out of the loop with god rolls. Is it just a preference to certain - each person with their own perceived god roll - or is there a legit list of specific combos?


I have hundreds of iron banner tokens after this week.
Matchmaking has been hideous but at least the crucible is fun again. I have mask of one eyed man and Ursa furiosa.... so they can be a laugh. Seeing my super absorb gunshots and other supers just to fuel yet another super is incredible and rewards strategy and patience.

In general, there is loads to do every week. Between ascendant challenges and blind well and bounties and pvp and gambit... it feels like even more than TTK.
I've been out of the loop with god rolls. Is it just a preference to certain - each person with their own perceived god roll - or is there a legit list of specific combos?

It's a matter of playstyle, type of weapon and if it's pvp or pve. Rampage is always a solid perk. Outlaw+kill clip has good synergy. Outlaw with any precision weapon is a god roll by itself in my opinion.
I don't like perks that require crouching to work, like firmly planted and field prep. Or graver robber in mid/long range weapons.


Recently played a bunch. Up to like 525. Got my second seed for my Titan. But, man, for as long as it's taking me just to climb up to raid ready I really don't' know if I'm going to level up my other two characters or not.
This is the best destiny has ever been. The sandbox is fun. And there are so many things to do. It's insane. The way the dreaming city evolves each week with new activities is pretty cool.

In case you don't know yet you can acquire the third seed of light. You need an offering to the oracle.

Forsaken is better than TTK.


This is the best destiny has ever been. The sandbox is fun. And there are so many things to do. It's insane. The way the dreaming city evolves each week with new activities is pretty cool.

In case you don't know yet you can acquire the third seed of light. You need an offering to the oracle.

Forsaken is better than TTK.

Oh good - already have that!
I agree with this being better than TTK. THat being said - redoing a lot of the same stuff weekly will get old for me. Lets see if they can hold me through Read Dead


I’ve encountered cheaters in gambit. Somehow a clan or fireteam will appear on opposite teams and throw a match. They should all be banned for a bit until they fix that shit
I’ve encountered cheaters in gambit. Somehow a clan or fireteam will appear on opposite teams and throw a match. They should all be banned for a bit until they fix that shit

Perhaps it allows players to join on other players if both teams aren't full yet, which would be a huge issue. Bad enough they will groups of three or four against a team of solo players. You can easily tell, though. If it's too unfair, I'll just leave.

I got the queenbreakers bow the other day, and that thing is just brutal in Gambit. I hipfired a guardian rushing me with a sword, and he was gone. I almost dance emoted when I did it, but then I thought of how mad I'd be if that happened to me. I think you get about five shots per ammo pickup, too.


Anyone high level willing to do the Malfeasance quest later today?
I really want that gun 🤩

Got the boss to drop last night. Encountered it in my first gambit match earlier in the week. Wasn’t ready... finally saw it again last night. That was pretty stressful and hypeworthy when I got the quest to drop.

What’s crazy is that I have yet to have a trust handcanon drop from gambit. It’s starting to look as if resetting my rank is the only option.
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Got the boss to drop last night. Encountered it in my first gambit match earlier in the week. Wasn’t ready... finally saw it again last night. That was pretty stressful and hypeworthy when I got the quest to drop.

What’s crazy is that I have yet to have a trust handcanon drop from gambit. It’s starting to look as if resetting my rank is the only option.
Wish I had your luck. Played a little each day, haven't seen him once. Doesn't help matters that I find Gambit to be monotonous and a complete waste of my time (outside of wanting the exotic). Every match plays the same, with the exact same loadouts everywhere. Only question is, how bad are your teammates compared to theirs. I'll just wait for the fix that makes it easier to spawn. If they switched the 5 invader kills for AoS which was easy (done on all 3 characters pre patch not trying)then no way this doesn't get changed to help make it spawn more. I'd actually have loved if they had made this boss a random spawn in multiple activities to not force people into a game mode they may not enjoy. How epic would a strike be if Riven shows up instead of the boss? EP?


Great night tonight with two exotic drops!
Both Forsaken weapons and this game has been kind to me since this expansion released. 4/6 Forsaken Exotics engrams
So far i have...
Cerberus +1 - my fav
Two Tailed Fox
Black Talon


I’m starting to think that strikes need to go away. I don’t enjoy them anymore. I prefer stuff like escalation protocol.


I’m starting to think that strikes need to go away. I don’t enjoy them anymore. I prefer stuff like escalation protocol.

Strikes just feel off in D2. I can't pinpoint exactly why I don't enjoy them, as running strikes was just something I did for fun or to kill time in D1. I think they need less bosses that have immune phases to draw out boss battles, and they need to address the length of these strikes as I don't think 20 minutes for a heroic strike is a great use of time for drops 15-20 below your level (At least unless they add in strike specific, and not only NF specific loot). The new strikes were a step into the right direction, but the Corruption once you've done it a couple times really feels like it takes forever.


Nah it’s just running strikes in general. Been doing them for years already. Tired of it

I’m starting to hope that the annual pass won’t include strikes as rumored. Raid Lairs and “new activities” ... these new activities may be a better alternative as far as I’m concerned.
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My only fear when it comes to new activities is making every pool smaller with each new activity. Not sure how any company combats this though, especially bungo. As a 50/50 player in d1 for pve/pvp, Bungie has completely dropped the ball on the pvp side for this game so far. Too busy worrying about the new mode they are working on
My only fear when it comes to new activities is making every pool smaller with each new activity. Not sure how any company combats this though, especially bungo. As a 50/50 player in d1 for pve/pvp, Bungie has completely dropped the ball on the pvp side for this game so far. Too busy worrying about the new mode they are working on

How so? Other than still not being able to choose from the most popular game modes, I don't have many complaints. PVP now feels better than it has at any point in Destiny 2's lifespan, and pretty much on par with Destiny 1, IMO.

What do you think needs to change?
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Nah it’s just running strikes in general. Been doing them for years already. Tired of it

I’m starting to hope that the annual pass won’t include strikes as rumored. Raid Lairs and “new activities” ... these new activities may be a better alternative as far as I’m concerned.

I sort of agree. Strikes just don't hold the weight they used to hold in D1 - mainly because of the drops and how many difficulty settings you can choose in my opinion.
D1 - was regular or heroic, there was a challenge and the loot was either useful or great.
Now I merely do them to cover my weekly allotments, despite the fact that I do enjoy them on the most basic level. The immune phases on nearly every boss are a pain though- cant stand em.


How so? Other than still not being able to choose from the most popular game modes, I don't have many complaints. PVP now feels better than it has at any point in Destiny 2's lifespan, and pretty much on par with Destiny 1, IMO.

What do you think needs to change?

My top complaint are the maps. They are far too small for 6s play and cause spawn issues really ha,peering peoples fun. Getting killed by a super, only to spawn right in front of the same super is dumb.

Second is more consistent balancing of weapons. I honestly haven’t played a ton in forsaken yet, but this has always been an issue of theirs and something that should not be accepted anymore after this many years. Balancing should happen often, and anytime something comes up.

Unbalanced classes. This wasn’t a problem in yr 1, however giving titans a Ohko punch while the other two classes do not have that option is the definition of unbalanced. I felt the warlocks punch range made up for that in d1 and gave them something that felt unique to the class.

Things I have noticed in forsaken that need adjusting though would be the mercy system kicking in much sooner, tinkering with bow damage as them being a two hit kill feels slightly too strong in the current meta. Ammo economy of specials need a tweak of sorts. It rewards “aping” as you will pick up their ammo and continue to have shotty ammo, where as a sniper will rarely ever get more then two shots off per life, fusions fall somewhere in between. Either bring back green ammo crates, or give the other guns extra bullets to fit that play style as I feel punished for sniping when I can shotty and never be out of ammo.

Last thing off the top of my head is heavy. It needs to go back to d1 days, one to two crates, team near it gets it and when you die it’s gone. Far too much heavy every match and it leads to the big sweeps in points depending on your team hoarding it all. I want to be rewarded for improving my pvp gun skill, not handed heavy 5 seconds into a match.

That ended up being more then I expected it to be. The pvp is improved, you are right about that, but pvp is what kept d1 strong in the long haul and with every other company focusing on great pvp experience and balance I just expect more from Bungie then what we’ve got so far.


I sort of agree. Strikes just don't hold the weight they used to hold in D1 - mainly because of the drops and how many difficulty settings you can choose in my opinion.
D1 - was regular or heroic, there was a challenge and the loot was either useful or great.
Now I merely do them to cover my weekly allotments, despite the fact that I do enjoy them on the most basic level. The immune phases on nearly every boss are a pain though- cant stand em.

I think what we don’t see yet due to the shininess of forsaken is that there is not enough loot for this large of a dlc. While it’s cool? I guess you can infuse up old stuff, we should be using new gear and guns. They thought random rolls would make up for only adding a couple of each type and it’s not enough to chase, along with the lack of quality perks. I can live with mods for additional stats, but things like hidden hand, Icarus, counterbalance all should be in the perk pool too. More options on the rolls is a good thing. Right now the only perks anybody wants are outlaw/kill clip/rampage. I mean the raid load out is all old guns, something wrong there. #Makestrikesgoodagain


I think what we don’t see yet due to the shininess of forsaken is that there is not enough loot for this large of a dlc. While it’s cool? I guess you can infuse up old stuff, we should be using new gear and guns. They thought random rolls would make up for only adding a couple of each type and it’s not enough to chase, along with the lack of quality perks. I can live with mods for additional stats, but things like hidden hand, Icarus, counterbalance all should be in the perk pool too. More options on the rolls is a good thing. Right now the only perks anybody wants are outlaw/kill clip/rampage. I mean the raid load out is all old guns, something wrong there. #Makestrikesgoodagain

Definitely not enough loot -its been that way throughout the life of D2. Just looking at the Forsaken weapon exotic list and i almost have all the drops already(Yes I been lucky) but its only a matter of time before everyone else does too - there aren't many. Most legendaries are dismantle fodder(Edge Transit anyone?)
Yep, we should still be using old weapons but I also don't consider perks to be as huge as people make it out to be...sorry im not gonna farm the same gone over and over looking for perks. The game already disrespects my time for me to bother doing that.

Armor is still merely a cool skin. People work so hard for all this neat gear and then make it completely useless in the next update. I learned my lesson going after armor throughout the years.


There’s plenty of weapons. Plenty of options too with random rolls and mods. All weapons seem viable. This is possibly the most fun destiny pvp has ever been and it helps that D2 Titan is so much more fun to play as than d1 titans just because the supers are just that much better. The shotgun whiners need to go into a corner as well. You have options to counter in addition to changin your playstyle to adapt.

Same with armor. In particular the reverie dawn armor. Armor has a ton of useful perks that improve efficiency with various weapons. I love the duke for instance and destroy in pvp with it. Opening shot is killer and the fucker can two tap. Reload sucks so ... masterwork reload, or maybe go for outlaw, or get armor rolls with enhanced hand canon loaders and targeting... I added hidden hand mod onto all of that as well.

Forsaken is easily the best destiny
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Yep, we should still be using old weapons but I also don't consider perks to be as huge as people make it out to be...sorry im not gonna farm the same gone over and over looking for perks. The game already disrespects my time for me to bother doing that.

Armor is still merely a cool skin. People work so hard for all this neat gear and then make it completely useless in the next update. I learned my lesson going after armor throughout the years.

Is it safe to assume you don't play much PVP? Because I think weapon rolls see the largest benefits in the crucible.


I understand perks better than I did in D1. And after only having one unique perk in year one of D2 and now having two uniques you can roll (in addition, to scopes, magazine type and masterwork) ... man I get off on that shit. When you get something you can kick ass with its totally something else. Destiny in the end is ALL about the weapons and I really think that no other game can come close to the weapon variety or gunplay at this point.

That’s also why I do not fear shotguns or sleeper.
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Having a rough time staying engaged even though they did everything pretty well. Kind of depressing. I really don't like all the random bounties you have to collect before you engage in an activity. They should just be in another tab along with Collections or whatever and have everything organized in a menu system. There is a better way to do it than is currently implemented for sure. I also basically never get the Clan reward anymore, nor the 20 bounty one because that's just too damn much. At least they lowered the Dreaming City reward requirement to just 2 weekly bounties.

Also, apparently Cayde's Will has been changed to where you only need to kill 5 enemies in Gambit, no longer 5 invaders. WTF busting my ass to get that gun and now it's easy as hell to get it. :messenger_loudly_crying:

Players may now progress the “Cayde’s Will” quest step by defeating either invaders or general enemies with Hand Cannons.
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The five invader kills was probably the quickest part of that quest.

The 20 bounty one is pretty quick. Any bounties count except maybe not scrapper bounties. You don’t have to do these things in one day ya know. The clan one is a bit of a bitch since you need to do those bounties and the better ones require some clan buddies. I have a consistent daily team but there are times I like playing alone in crucible all week so I get screwed a bit there.

I’m in the 560s tho so I’m not really chasing engrams anymore. Just what I enjoy or feel like at this point. I know people feel the need to chase everything and do everything all the time but I also think that’s lunacy.

Really impressed they’re STILL continuing with the story weeks after launch. Bungie says they want to develop the savathun story arc throughout the year. It’s kinda really interesting what they’re doing.

Festival of the lost is bringing back thunderlord and black armory includes last word and new horde mode activity. From the dude that leaked forsaken details and ended up being on the money completely.... thank god they’re ramping up with year 2. Year 2 D1 kinda sucked imo because of too much down time.
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The five invader kills was probably the quickest part of that quest.

The 20 bounty one is pretty quick. Any bounties count except maybe not scrapper bounties. You don’t have to do these things in one day ya know. The clan one is a bit of a bitch since you need to do those bounties and the better ones require some clan buddies. I have a consistent daily team but there are times I like playing alone in crucible all week so I get screwed a bit there.

I’m in the 560s tho so I’m not really chasing engrams anymore. Just what I enjoy or feel like at this point. I know people feel the need to chase everything and do everything all the time but I also think that’s lunacy.

Really impressed they’re STILL continuing with the story weeks after launch. Bungie says they want to develop the savathun story arc throughout the year. It’s kinda really interesting what they’re doing.

Festival of the lost is bringing back thunderlord and black armory includes last word and new horde mode activity. From the dude that leaked forsaken details and ended up being on the money completely.... thank god they’re ramping up with year 2. Year 2 D1 kinda sucked imo because of too much down time.

I did the Dreaming City questline two weeks in a row but missed last weeks. Do you know if the quests stay available until you complete it or do they disappear? Also I do like horde mode activities, good to hear.
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The ascendant challenges rotate. There’s rumored to be 6 in total. We’ve seen 4 so far.

On the third week is when you have the shattered throne dungeon/3-person raid and when you can visit the queen court and visit Mara sov.

The Corsair mission are only in non curse weeks. Interestingly these awoken now know they’re cursed and trapped in some time loop. Supposedly the rest of the year will be about ending it. How? I dunno if it’s during the annual pass or just leading into next falls major expansion.
I understand perks better than I did in D1. And after only having one unique perk in year one of D2 and now having two uniques you can roll (in addition, to scopes, magazine type and masterwork) ... man I get off on that shit. When you get something you can kick ass with its totally something else.

Of all things to see and get happy about recently, I got a new Edge Transit! But really, it has proximity grenades, genesis, auto loader, and a larger explosive radius than my old Play of the Game. Should be great for PVE and PVP.

I've also been doing the free raid chest for the past few weeks, and I got the helmet, then the chest piece, and then the darn helmet again. Still no raid weapon. Right after, I did some Blind Well, and a random enemy dropped the Crimson catalyst. That definitely made up for the raid chest.

So yeah, loot is actually good again! It makes me kind of sad that there are a handful of weapons that have set perks for some reason, mostly the bows.

I also basically never get the Clan reward anymore, nor the 20 bounty one because that's just too damn much.

I usually get that on day two of the reset. Between Dreaming City, Tangled Shore, Gambit, and Crucible, that's almost 20 bounties right there. Skip a few that you don't want to bother with, and the rest go pretty quickly.
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Texas Pride

If any of you are on PS4 and want to roll sometime hit me up. I play with IRL friends off and on and despite having a ton of friends who play Destiny I don't know them well enough to raid weekly. Shame as I'm a really good player in pretty much every aspect of Destiny.


Finished the raid twice this week (although have cheesed Riven each time) and the bastard RNG needs to stop. 5 freaking Transfigurations in 2 days...I just can't explain how annoying that is. I did however get the Lake of Shadows grenade launcher with Proximity grenades, quickdraw, Auto Holster and quick launch so with so playstyle practice looks to be a beast of a PVP gun if paired with something I'm comfortable with. I'll try with Trust and Graviton and work some other stuff in to see how it works.


Big new leaks. Icebreaker. More dungeons. Lots of new unique perks. Black armory takes place on earth. New ep horde mode event on earth. Raid lair also on earth.

Dungeons are exactly what I want over strikes. Nice to see them doing more of that.

Excited to see more reworks year 1 weapons coming in the October updates.
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i was just thinking about how great the Icebreaker was, last week. Heres hoping we get the good version of it - not the nerfed late D1 edition


I do hope we see changes to the ammo economy in PVP if they are bringing back Icebreaker. Cause the changes to it at the end of D1 causing everybody to run IB was really bad.


I do hope we see changes to the ammo economy in PVP if they are bringing back Icebreaker. Cause the changes to it at the end of D1 causing everybody to run IB was really bad.

It wasn’t the ammo that made icebreaker a problem. It was just the common goto weapon when you wanted to break the game. If they can reintroduce while avoiding the design issues it poses I think they’ll bring it back as originally designed. I mean... whisper is essentially the infinite ammo black hammer before the nerf.
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It wasn’t the ammo that made icebreaker a problem. It was just the common goto weapon when you wanted to break the game. If they can reintroduce while avoiding the design issues it poses I think they’ll bring it back as originally designed. I mean... whisper is essentially the infinite ammo black hammer before the nerf.

True with Whisper but that doesn't really give any type of PVP advantage. A big problem with sniping ATM is lack of ammo, this will change that for sniping so either it's the only sniper being used or it becomes a go to energy? weapon in PVP because you don't need to be aggressive to get the green ammo bricks. Now if it moves to the power slot that changes things (and I hope it doesn't)
I just reinstalled the game, haven't bought any dlc. Game is quite different. Any tips on where to start? 50 levels?

I answered your other question in the other thread, about why you should wait until the 16th to buy the game.

I hope you didn't buy anything yet. In two more days, you'll be able to save 33% off the amount you'd need to pay right now. At least in the US, Forsaken is $40, but requires you to also purchase the first two DLC releases, and those are $20 for both. After the 16th, Forsaken will include those two DLC episodes.

As far as your question here goes, you'll want to just play the story content of each DLC episode until Forsaken unlocks, and then play the story there. It's a fair bit better than the first two episodes. After the story ends, you'll get a new quest to unlock the true endgame content. Be sure to do that right away.

Also, do a little research on each of the new supers and perk sets. Because you only get one early in Forsaken, and you won't be able to unlock the other two until after the main campaign.
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I got an Offering to the Oracle, can I keep it for next week to get a seed of light or will it disappear on the week reset?


I saw your question before reset, but I didn't know the answer. Sorry. Did you get to keep it?
Yes, it staid in the inventory.
And even after the patch, that says they fixed the issue of the offering not being removed from the inventory after being used, I still have it. So I guess I can get some extra loot next week.
I want to play Black Ops 4, but Destiny has other ideas.

If it hasn't been spoiled for you already, there's a nice gift waiting for everyone who does the intro quest for the new timed event. Seeing as it's a power level 200 mission (when current endgame content is around 540 and up), I'm pretty sure everyone who owns any version of Destiny can do this.

And then if that wasn't enough, I decide to do one low level strike for a simple bounty, and the Sturm Exotic Catalyst drops for me.

Oh yeah, and there's a new horde mode event, new 600 power legendary auto rifle to earn, Iron Banner is up again, it's double valor all week long, and the weekend will offer triple valor.
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