Destiny 2: Forsaken |OT| Destiny's endgame is no longer forsaken


Gold Member
I want that Ace of Spades but I'm really not looking forward to this quest - namely the 5 invasion kills in Gambit. I want to try out the mode (I haven't yet), but as a solo player, I feel this will be an exercise in frustration.

I mainly play solo and basically got my 5 invader kills within two games of Gambit by using the Crimson handcannon. The 3 round burst takes down the invader overshield very quickly. Hope this helps. Good luck,
you can get it done! :messenger_sunglasses:


I mainly play solo and basically got my 5 invader kills within two games of Gambit by using the Crimson handcannon. The 3 round burst takes down the invader overshield very quickly. Hope this helps. Good luck,
you can get it done! :messenger_sunglasses:
I played 1 match and used the Crimson, and yeah, didn't go to well. The invader sniped me from afar with the Sleeper basically each time before I could get any sort of jump on him. There's just a lot going on in this game mode to boot...looks like it could be pretty fun though once I get the hang of it, so I'll be trying again.

Generally speaking though, for the time being I'm in love with Destiny again, which is pretty damn cool. :)
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Yea I love having random rolls again. I take that much longer scrapping shit because of it but I’ve gotten some killer rolls on some good stuff so far.

I got a travelers theory sidearm with high caliber rounds, full auto, kill clip and modded with back up mag.... it’s the best side arm I have ever used and all these shotgun fools running around in crucible get melted at range with it.

Still need a good hand canon. Have yet to get a good better devils roll or a trust yet. Although I did get the duke 44 last night!

Not looking forward to this week’s ascendant challenge in the dreaming city. Looks a bit rough to solo but so was last week’s and I managed after like 12 times :|

Tried nightfall last night. Real rough at 527 but made it happen.
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Join the clan Dthump set up if you’re on PS4! I picked up Forsaken yesterday and played non-stop, all the way to level 50 and LL 500. No shame :p
I’d be up for playing with you. I haven’t even done any co-op PvE things but I played a few rounds of Crucible.

Yeah I joined! No where near level 50/500 yet. I don't get so much time to play. I think I just finished the Warmind campaign. So forsaken tonight!
Yea I love having random rolls again. I take that much longer scrapping shit because of it but I’ve gotten some killer rolls on some good stuff so far.

I got a travelers theory sidearm with high caliber rounds, full auto, kill clip and modded with back up mag.... it’s the best side arm I have ever used and all these shotgun fools running around in crucible get melted at range with it.

Still need a good hand canon. Have yet to get a good better devils roll or a trust yet. Although I did get the duke 44 last night!

Not looking forward to this week’s ascendant challenge in the dreaming city. Looks a bit rough to solo but so was last week’s and I managed after like 12 times :|

Tried nightfall last night. Real rough at 527 but made it happen.

Doing nightfall while underleveled felt like D1 nightfalls.

I'm in love with destiny again.


Got the first part of the Ace of Spades quest done in Gambit. Once I got the hang of the mode (and realized the PvP portion is level-enabled (duh), I was able to pull it off in 5 games or so...not too bad. I just used a decent hand cannon that had just dropped for me (The Thin Line) as my secondary weapon and switched to it when needed. Fortunately, I played in some matches where the invading Guardians were aggressive instead of sniping from afar with Sleeper, so the kills on them were doable. So yeah, that's a relief.
I wanted to repost something very negative that I wrote before playing the free update and then deciding to buy the Forsaken DLC.


Bungie doesn't owe me a download of Forsaken, they owed it to themselves to not ruin the game and the community with the initial release of Destiny 2. To not change everything about the competitive multiplayer, and ignore the importance of an end-game loot system.

Bungie speaking in an interview BEFORE the initial release of Destiny 2:

It's hard to get excited about getting another Better Devils when it's going to have the same stats and perks as your first one.

"How can my second, third, and tenth Better Devils hand cannon be interesting? That's a question we should be asking and answering as quickly as we can," [Luke] Smith said.

"We have ideas. While I would like nothing more than to share those ideas with you, we're up against [a deadline]. I don't know if they'll make it for our Sept. 6 [release] date. But we have some ideas that we're pretty excited about."

I mean, yeah, Bungie can go fuck themselves for this, but they still don't owe me another game's worth of content. They screwed up, and now they'll find out if it's too late to fix things. Part of me hopes I get one of my favorite games back to a state that I can enjoy for years. Another part of me hopes that Destiny never recovers, and the developers have to come to terms with the fact that their insistence on lying to and ignoring their community has all but destroyed their franchise. I'll be good with either.


I wanted to quote this again, because I meant every word of it, and because it should perhaps give me some level of credibility that I'm not some blind Destiny defense force fan who refuses to admit the game's faults and wouldn't say anything bad about the game no matter what.

And now that I've said that, let me say this: Destiny Forsaken has fixed nearly every complaint I had about Destiny 2, and I'm enjoying all aspects of the game as much or more than any point in Destiny 1. I am shocked that they pulled this off.

The weapon system rework and higher ammo drop rates makes PVE much more entertaining. Random weapon rolls give loot meaning again. Crucible is exactly what I wanted from Destiny 2 in the first place. Gambit was a terrific idea, and it's a great addition. The new environments are great, the main quest was solid, and the post-game is unprecedented for the series. I have no complaints at all, beyond all the goodwill and community support that was squandered by the initial release of Destiny 2.

The developers took a massive hit game with an addictive "game as hobby" approach, and they gutted every reason people would have to play past a month or so. Destiny has now been fixed, and then some, but I have to think they really hurt the game's reputation with all their screw ups. And considering where the game is today, that's a shame, because Destiny's really good again.
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I have a question: the bounties you get in the reef for wanted targets, are they in the strikes or just chilling around the map? No clue how to find them.
I have a question: the bounties you get in the reef for wanted targets, are they in the strikes or just chilling around the map? No clue how to find them.

They're mostly in the lost sectors. Easiest thing to do is watch a You Tube video on their locations. They're a good way to get legendary gear early in the new campaign.



I want that Ace of Spades but I'm really not looking forward to this quest - namely the 5 invasion kills in Gambit. I want to try out the mode (I haven't yet), but as a solo player, I feel this will be an exercise in frustration.

I got 1 kill after three matches. Ugh. Not looking forward to getting the rest for sure, as I am kind of crap at MP to begin with.

I did it in 2 rounds by using Sturm/Drang and playing on the outskirts of the map. Use Drang/Heavy to kill mobs and keep a full mag of charged shots for Sturm. When invader enters, crouch and peek cautiously to find invader and (hopefully) wait until he engages the rest of your team. Then when he's distracted just pop him with a couple charged Sturm shots. It takes some patience but after a few games you'll get it for sure, people just have trouble because they freak out and rush invader instead of playing cautiously.

Thanks for the strategy, will have to try!


Handcanon kills weren’t too bad. But I waited till I got one I thought I could actually use. All my better devils drops have been meh. I’m mythic 1 in gambit and still haven’t had truth drop.... but I got like 5 dukes drop and I think it’s pretty awesome in general. Pick your shots with that thing and you can do some work.

Done playing for the week (I think). I’m at 536 and won’t be raid ready till after next weekly milestone refresh, whatever new shit they have coming for us and iron banner Tuesday (kinda hyped!).

I want to say that this is the best version of destiny but I haven’t even touched the new raid yet but the feel of it alone, the gameplay loop.... good stuff
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I played 1 match and used the Crimson, and yeah, didn't go to well. The invader sniped me from afar with the Sleeper basically each time before I could get any sort of jump on him. There's just a lot going on in this game mode to boot...looks like it could be pretty fun though once I get the hang of it, so I'll be trying again.

Generally speaking though, for the time being I'm in love with Destiny again, which is pretty damn cool. :)

I used the crimson(my fav handcannon) it just doesn't work me in crucible. This took me longer than it needed to and I mostly ran around in pairs looking for the final kill shots etc.
Problem with the Crimson atleast for me is - by the time you drop the enemy shield you need a reload. Having someone shooting at the enemy also helped the situation some.


I have a question: the bounties you get in the reef for wanted targets, are they in the strikes or just chilling around the map? No clue how to find them.
I believe they are scattered through strikes etc. I've seen tons of "wanted" enemies littered thoughout.
I have a question: the bounties you get in the reef for wanted targets, are they in the strikes or just chilling around the map? No clue how to find them.

Some are lost sector bosses. Others are roaming HVTs. I'm not sure about the tier before last one. Never bothered with those. The last one is an adventure.


Just wanted to give a heads up, I did take off the open setting to my clan. Anybody is still welcome but open just invites too many randos who were taking to much of my time and energy to deal with. Shoot me a message here, through PSN (Dthomp) and let me know you applied/want an invite and I will hook you up. Happy to have seen a few faces from here so far, IB should be interesting this next week. I worry for our sanity when all our teammates are trying to triple cap and getting us worked over.


Hey guys!

Can someone actively playing Forsaken could help me out with an article? Please PM me if you have 10 minutes to spare would be really appreciated :)


The time gated progression is really starting to annoy me and my group to the point where we don't even want to bother raiding.

Time gated progression? I am playing a ton and having trouble finishing all of the powerful gear rewards in a week. I'm up to 532 or 533, I'm not bleeding edge, but I don't really feel that I am in any way behind the curve.
I'm 542. Only things i didn't do were nightfall 100k and raid. I think that's fine.
Oh missed the powerful engrams that require full vanguard armor and crucible armor. Other than that you have prime engrams.

Edit: So apparently LL advantages in Iron Banner is very significant. Can't wait to try it tonight.
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Gambit is free for everyone this weekend. Everyone who hasn't picked up Forsaken should really try it out.

On another note, did Bungie really just needlessly ruin the Glimmer economy again? There was always SOMETHING to buy with Glimmer on the tangled shore, but now they just decide they want you to be consistently earning a worthless currency and constantly holding onto the limit of that worthless currency? Am I missing something, or is there really no other good way to spend Glimmer? That's other than infusing weapons, which costs too darn many other materials to be worth doing beyond a handful of weapons. This is so stupid.
Lol I spend it all on infusing so I’m broke atm 😂

I don't want to spend the cores until I have some genuine "god rolls," so I'm stuck earning money while I'm not actually able to store anymore money. It's a really stupid system that I thought was fixed with the tangled shore vendor.



Am I missing something, or is there really no other good way to spend Glimmer? That's other than infusing weapons, which costs too darn many other materials to be worth doing beyond a handful of weapons. This is so stupid.
You can buy Raid banners, if you're so inclined...but yeah, they seem to have botched the usefulness of the Glimmer currency.
Lol I spend it all on infusing so I’m broke atm 😂

You can buy Raid banners, if you're so inclined...but yeah, they seem to have botched the usefulness of the Glimmer currency.

I just watched this video, which explained some good things to know that I wasn't aware of.

Infusing exotics into legendaries (even reclaimed exotics) doesn't require cores, and infusing the exact same armor or gear into itself requires ONLY glimmer. That's a great way to keep the perks I want on armor or a weapon, and still find a higher level duplicate drop useful.
Gambit is free for everyone this weekend. Everyone who hasn't picked up Forsaken should really try it out.

On another note, did Bungie really just needlessly ruin the Glimmer economy again? There was always SOMETHING to buy with Glimmer on the tangled shore, but now they just decide they want you to be consistently earning a worthless currency and constantly holding onto the limit of that worthless currency? Am I missing something, or is there really no other good way to spend Glimmer? That's other than infusing weapons, which costs too darn many other materials to be worth doing beyond a handful of weapons. This is so stupid.

Buy materials from the spider.


The addiction won and I bought the first 2 expansions after getting the game from ps+ :S
When I have the 3 chars at lvl 30 ill buy Forsaken dlc.
I have over 1000h of Destiny 1, I was trying to not get addicted to any game, but ps+ got me :(


I have a question: the bounties you get in the reef for wanted targets, are they in the strikes or just chilling around the map? No clue how to find them.

When buying the bounties or when they are in your inventory, place the cursor over the bounty and a window will pop up and tell you the exact location of the target.

The most expensive bounty will give you Powerful Gear once the target is eliminated. For the high valued target, they tell you what planet it is on and once you look at the map there will be an Adventure marker on the planet map. The high valued targets are extra hard to kill and usually require some kind of strategy and unique play mechanic. Quite challenging, but fun. Best to bring a friend of two along when taking down the high valued targets.


Finished the campaign last night. Enjoyed it. Was great hunting the individual enemies. And the final boss was good fun.

Got my first legendary drop in forever and still have never got an exotic drop in this game yet. Im lvl 50 500 power. Do they even drop anymore?
Finished the campaign last night. Enjoyed it. Was great hunting the individual enemies. And the final boss was good fun.

Got my first legendary drop in forever and still have never got an exotic drop in this game yet. Im lvl 50 500 power. Do they even drop anymore?

Exotics are pretty rare. And bungie even added quest exotics to dilute the loot pool. Xur won't be selling any of the new exotic gear for a while.
I had 10 exotic drops since release. Half of it dropped as exotic engrams from random enemies. Three were forsaken armors. The rest were Y1 duplicates.


Finished the campaign last night. Enjoyed it. Was great hunting the individual enemies. And the final boss was good fun.

Got my first legendary drop in forever and still have never got an exotic drop in this game yet. Im lvl 50 500 power. Do they even drop anymore?

Did you unlock the dreaming city?

The reddit was leak is true. There is indeed the rumored “dungeon” coming. Shattered throne is the name I believe. That should conclude the post game story and will be power level 550. We also have the queens court and other surprises.

Hopefully that dungeon is similar to the whisper quest.

I want to say this is easily peak destiny
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Can somebody give me some advice?

I purchased Destiny 2 on the PC ( when it was first released but never got around to playing it but now I want to start so what should I do?

It seems like I can either just play the base game that I already own, or purchase Forsaken and skip the first year of content?

I'm also confused on the prices... Destiny 2 Forsaken shows $39.99 but then there is an Annual Pass for $34.99 and I think I need both expansions $19.99 a piece or $9.99 for the Expansion Pass ... I'm so confused!


Finished the campaign last night. Enjoyed it. Was great hunting the individual enemies. And the final boss was good fun.

Got my first legendary drop in forever and still have never got an exotic drop in this game yet. Im lvl 50 500 power. Do they even drop anymore?

I've gotten my character up to 525 and only had one exotic drop, which was a dupe. Pretty depressing.


Two exotics here - guess I been lucky.
Got the Cerberus +1 which I Loveeeeeee and the sweet Black Talon. Got them both before 510 and haven't seen another exotic anything in a few weeks now. Im 532
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Did you unlock the dreaming city?

The reddit was leak is true. There is indeed the rumored “dungeon” coming. Shattered throne is the name I believe. That should conclude the post game story and will be power level 550. We also have the queens court and other surprises.

Hopefully that dungeon is similar to the whisper quest.

I want to say this is easily peak destiny

I dont believe ive unlocked it yet no. Or if i have I cant see it on the director.

How does it unlock?

Edit: oh i remember its the lost sectors right?
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I dont believe ive unlocked it yet no. Or if i have I cant see it on the director.

How does it unlock?
After you beat the story you get a Talisman quest line from Spider(Check your inventory). Complete all of those.
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Damn, what's up with the horrible input lag on the PS4 version? It kinda ruins the game. Really makes me wish my buddy could play on PC instead.


So next week along with breakthrough in pvp Bungie is hinting at maybe that shattered throne dungeon dropping. Rumor has it that it’s an ascendant challenge with numerous boss encounters.

There’s a unrevealed villain too. We caught a sneak peak at some of this stuff in one of the first reveal trailers. It’s all real. Neat stuff.

They definitely are handling the launch of forsaken pretty damn well. I guess some people will complain that stuff is time gated but that padding is working.

Hopefully when the launch cycle is over we’re going to led into reworked faction rallies and trials shortly thereafter.
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Can somebody give me some advice?

I purchased Destiny 2 on the PC ( when it was first released but never got around to playing it but now I want to start so what should I do?

It seems like I can either just play the base game that I already own, or purchase Forsaken and skip the first year of content?

I'm also confused on the prices... Destiny 2 Forsaken shows $39.99 but then there is an Annual Pass for $34.99 and I think I need both expansions $19.99 a piece or $9.99 for the Expansion Pass ... I'm so confused!

Play the base game to completion and if you like it, buy the Legendary Edition expansion, along with the season pass. You'll also want to join a Destiny gaming group/clan, as some activities require a group. Your clan-mates can also help you level up quicker and provide guidance.

Destiny 2: Forsaken - Legendary Collection includes:
Destiny 2
Expansion I: Curse of Osiris
Expansion II: Warmind
Destiny 2: Forsaken
Buy materials from the spider.

That's the thing. He seems to have stopped selling materials for glimmer, making the glimmer economy much more useless.

The addiction won and I bought the first 2 expansions after getting the game from ps+ :S
When I have the 3 chars at lvl 30 ill buy Forsaken dlc.
I have over 1000h of Destiny 1, I was trying to not get addicted to any game, but ps+ got me :(

Reading my post again, and knowing what I know now, I feel like a drug dealer. Sorry.

I would just pick one class and stick with it, though. The grind in Forsaken is unlike any other in Destiny 1 or 2. The new Prime Engram system rewards players who put in the time to play more. Gone are the days of just doing your weekly events and gaining levels that way. I think trying to juggle all three classes would be way too time consuming for me.

I've gotten my character up to 525 and only had one exotic drop, which was a dupe. Pretty depressing.

I've only found year one exotics as well. Haven't seen any exotic engrams, either. Both of my exotics dropped after crucible matches.

On another note, considering how ridiculous some of the roaming supers are in this game, it's weird that the hunter now essentially has the nova bomb that the Warlock always wanted. Dropping that on a group capturing a point in Iron Banner is so satisfying.



That's the thing. He seems to have stopped selling materials for glimmer, making the glimmer economy much more useless.

Reading my post again, and knowing what I know now, I feel like a drug dealer. Sorry.

I would just pick one class and stick with it, though. The grind in Forsaken is unlike any other in Destiny 1 or 2. The new Prime Engram system rewards players who put in the time to play more. Gone are the days of just doing your weekly events and gaining levels that way. I think trying to juggle all three classes would be way too time consuming for me.

I've only found year one exotics as well. Haven't seen any exotic engrams, either. Both of my exotics dropped after crucible matches.

On another note, considering how ridiculous some of the roaming supers are in this game, it's weird that the hunter now essentially has the nova bomb that the Warlock always wanted. Dropping that on a group capturing a point in Iron Banner is so satisfying.

I like having one of each class, it expands the gameplay possibilities. There is nothing else that interests me being released until next year, and I have a lot of free time to play, so it's manageable. Only the first character takes time, with the next ones I will do only the mandatory missions and I kept nearly every weapon to allow them to level faster. Adventures and quests I leave for free time between the release of expansions.


I like having one of each class, it expands the gameplay possibilities. There is nothing else that interests me being released until next year, and I have a lot of free time to play, so it's manageable. Only the first character takes time, with the next ones I will do only the mandatory missions and I kept nearly every weapon to allow them to level faster. Adventures and quests I leave for free time between the release of expansions.

That's the right strat, but Forsaken did change the leveling from the first two expansions. The move guns method is very helpful, but blues and gear drops stop being 5 below you at 540 light so you run into an artificial wall where you will need either luck or to do all activities to really reach that characters ceiling.


Yea me neither. Up to two exotics but neither was from an actual engram dropping in the wild.
Got my first forsaken exotic, Chromatic Fire, while doing The Rifleman daily heroic story mission. I read on Reddit that doing Spider's bounties could possibly net you a Queenbreaker's Bow and Lord of Wolves. Haven't dropped for me so far though...


Well I had a productive Destiny day yesterday as I had a lazy Sunday. Finally acquired the Sleeper Simulant!! Absolute beast
I also finally got up to Escalation Protocol LVL 7 which was a feat in its own initially - then farmed it for abit. No drops which was disappointing. My buddy came out with both the Ikelos Shotgun and the Ikelos Sniper.

Anyone want to arrange some Protocol farming? Just need a big group over 500
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