Okay, so here's my current exotic list:
That's 20 x 7,000 glimmer: 140,000 glimmer
That's 20 x Exotic Shards for 7 strange coins: 140 Strange Coins
That's a hell of a lot of currency to just get 23 extra attack power/ 2 light. Heaven help you if you don't have the coins to afford buying everything you want that week.
Not to mention, you can only level one exotic at a time. OR that you need another 140 strange coins to get them to max attack power/light level again. OR that Xur is guaran-BLAM-teed to sell duplicates and not offer what you want when you need it. People are talking about holding off on upgrading the first time something comes around like Gjallarhorn. Well, Gjallarhorn has only come up once from Xur. If you miss it one week, there's no guarantee it won't be back til March 2015.