3 spots open for VoG normal mode from Gorgons.
Just trying to run through it real quick for a chance at Gallajorn.
Add me EL_CUCO305 PS4
We'll start when were full
Im in
3 spots open for VoG normal mode from Gorgons.
Just trying to run through it real quick for a chance at Gallajorn.
Add me EL_CUCO305 PS4
We'll start when were full
Yep - it's a rip off.
It's funny how Deej didn't even mention that there wouldn't be an update...
Yep - it's a rip off.
It's funny how Deej didn't even mention that there wouldn't be an update...
Anyone want to try nightfall and weekly with a 31 hunter, and a 29 titan?
Glimmer run not happening?
Bungie PR is such a mess.
Remember when they said that guy in TDB trailer was only the first form of Crota? And then it turns out that guy in the trailer isn't even Crota and Crota only has one form?
We are doing 1 NF then weekly. Feel free to join.
PSN: coyquettish
Thanks for the invite, we have 2 looking for a third.
We are running it now if you want to join?
We have a few spots open. Anyone else want to glimmer farm at gatekeepers to get ready for Xur?
Just join in
Bungie PR is such a mess.
Remember when they said that guy in TDB trailer was only the first form of Crota? And then it turns out that guy in the trailer isn't even Crota and Crota only has one form?
I'm going crazy with Xur, 1 strange coin is more than enough for 5. Going to spend 20 strange coins and just store them in my vault.
Also maybe Deej is just running late because of difficulties, no clue, did he tweet anything?
Also I really wish Destiny was more like the universe of Saga comic.
3 spots open for VoG normal mode from Gorgons.
Just trying to run through it real quick for a chance at Gallajorn.
Add me EL_CUCO305 PS4
We'll start when were full
Yes, I remember that. Been bringing it up a few times and it's funny how there is no answer for it. UNLESS, in hard mode there is another form.
Glimmer run not happening?
We are running it now if you want to join?
We have a few spots open. Anyone else want to glimmer farm at gatekeepers to get ready for Xur?
Just join in
He did crota as a lvl32.I would be so ashamed of myself if I were them. Level 32 doesn't even help you until January sometime lol. Normal raid is already super easy at level 31. Someone beat entire raid by themself even.
thanks. i could have sworn i picked up the one it says i don't have though.
I think we know this game well enough to know that there is no new forms for Crota in the raid. It's just going to be the exact same stuff but Shielded Knights and more Majors/Ultra's.
Oops, I thought you meant those were your characters. Okay np.
Invite for anyone else needing coins and coins for Xur tonight.
I think there's probably plenty, myself includedAre there people out there that haven't done the new raid?
I want to get a blind group going.
I need a shit load of Plasteel Plating and Hardronic Essence. Like mountains. Gonna be lots of Roc strikes in my future.
I need a shit load of Plasteel Plating and Hardronic Essence. Like mountains. Gonna be lots of Roc strikes in my future.
1 spot open on the glimmer farm, PSN is DrDrizzay101.
GG Shem
1 spot open on the glimmer farm, PSN is DrDrizzay101.
Can I join, PSN: Darryl_M_R
Vanguard Roc has been generous with Shaders tonight. Got 3.
Is that good or bad?
If you get another open spot open I'd love to join in as well. :]For sure, we've got 1 more spot open in a minute when Cosmos has to leave.
If you get another open spot open I'd love to join in as well. :]
I feel like I've gotten every shader that can drop
Yessssss! Finally after 36 ranks I have received a Dead Orbit Shader...
Yessssss! Finally after 36 ranks I have received a Dead Orbit Shader...