So did anyone verify whether you can currently get CE raid checkpoint drops today even if you did it yesterday? (I heard someone on reddit was claiming this happened to them.)
Hay guys, anybody want to join in on some crota's end PS4? We're right at crota and have figured out a pretty decent strategy we've done some significant damage and are thinking in a few runs we might have it. If anyone wants in just add me with the PSN: Yzenup
Come now come all for chance at a raid ship.
I hope Xur lets me upgrade my sunbreakers this weekend. Then both my warlocks can be 31 together without using the vault.
Uh, speaking of which: Does upgrading exotic armor only retain the defense value or also the light level?
It fake. GAf already tried it
Uh, speaking of which: Does upgrading exotic armor only retain the defense value or also the light level?
this just dropped
max 294 attack
same base stats as fatebringer
send it and armor piercing rounds
luck in the chamber
Second story mission by myself was actually intense.
I felt the same. Seemed like I was getting overwhelmed the whole time. I liked the music, too.Second story mission by myself was actually intense.
At 25?
I'm up for it. Tigerheli.About to run nightfall if anyone wants in.
I think it looks good.![]()
Got the Mark of the Pit yesterday out of the solo chest. Not to impressive IMO.
I hope IB lets us upgrade our previous gear
About to run nightfall if anyone wants in.
I'm up for it. Tigerheli.
Second story mission by myself was actually intense.
I should pay more attention to my blue drops...
About to run nightfall if anyone wants in.
Rolled the new Sunbreakers from a legendary engram from the Weekly Heroic. Even though my first character was a Warlock, I surprisingly never got it.
Gjallarhorn saved me.
SentMe. Subtervotion. Ran it twice with my other two.
Sorry, just missed it. Next time!Up for it if still got place. PSN : Hyunsai
First thing I will upgrade.
My holidays are confirmed!
December 19th-January 14th I will be off work! Woohoo!
Anyone want to form a daytime multi character Crotas End Weekly raidathon?
First #ForeverNoVex of back to back Atheon kills with th Gaf group in 10 minutes! If you're interested I'll repost if there are any alts needed.
Dear Bungie,
I write this in hopes you will see it as I know you have employees that are on Neogaf and this thread. Please, I beseech you, change the loot drops for VoG now that the new raid is out. I've done the hard mode run of VoG 17 times, and guess what? 17 times I've walked away without a vex. My friend? He has done it 5 times, and guess what? He has gotten a vex 4 times. I understand rewards are dolled out through RNG, and by no fault of my friends own , he got those 4 vex mythoclast 4/5 times. Now that people won't run VoG as often or at all since all the loot is old, please help those of us still wanting a vex. It's obvious you have left VoG behind you since it still drops old DMG capped exotics as well. This makes it even harder to find people who want to run it. This week all I heard was " only running this to try to get a vex". Please, hear our plea!
I won't go as far as to say I deserve a vex by now, but I've played destiny for a total of 14 days across all 3 of my characters, my friend has a couple of days under his belt with his one warlock and lv13 hunter alt he barely plays on. This story is all to familiar to a lot of us vexless rejects and , quite frankly, its annyoyng as hell. I have done everything you want people to do, level all 3 characters, play the hell out of the content, heck, I even almost have all the trophies as soon as salvage comes back. What more can i give you in exchange for that damn gun!
Respectfully yours,
Someone who really likes destiny.
If you gift me a vex in my mailbox I totally won't tell anyone. Hell, give me just the grimoire card so I can move in with my life.
anyone doing nightfall and/or weekly?
anyone doing nightfall and/or weekly?
Would also like to know this. Need both.
Would also like to know this. Need both.
Im also looking for a group to do the Weekly Strike or Nightfall on PS4.
Lvl 29 Warlock with raid gear. Looking for a group that already has them active, Im still working on the last few bounties to unlock it but can still participate if you already have it unlocked.
PSN: Squadon
It fake. GAf already tried it