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Destiny |OT16| Enrage is here, there, everywhere...


So what's the ultimate Rainbow Burn loadout for Omnigul??

I'm thinking Fang, Black Hammer, Gjallarhorn. Trying to live vicariously while I'm stuck at work.

I ran with Fang, IceBreaker and Hunger. Did great. Tested out a few other guns just for fun but kept going back to Fang.
Apologies to mobile users if I'm posting too much "media"

Damn I know how that feels. I'm always drifting and hoping to get picked up for raids.

DGAF: Bring Darryl on your next raid so he can carry you like such:


Also: Darryl trolling or actual easter egg...?



:) Happy to help whenever, just send a PM or PSN message if you don't see me posting around here.

Amazing. I'll gif up my viewpoint and post it in a bit. :p

If there were voice comms, there would be a lot of me going "Toasty ajda0 do a thing ajd a9w skeeba-deeba RUN TO THE LEFT iahdio !!!"

It's very nice/complementary when people are appreciative about sword runners, but.... its very existence makes me fucking furious.
sometimes I have a temper
Raiding should be mechanically complex to give a group lots to think about and problems to solve. It's about an exciting, collaborative spirit where everyone can feel important and valuable. It shouldn't be "5 people stand around and try not to wipe the run while 1 person literally kills the boss by him/herself (i.e. HP bar). The stupidly tight timing windows that make the fight unplayable with noticeable lag are supposed to serve as a substitute for ACTUAL TEAMWORK. You know, where every person has an interesting role to contribute.

A big part of the unpleasant feeling during Crota fights is that no one else has a chance to feel good about themselves. Their minimal tasks are so dull, they can only ever feel bad for making a simple mistake.

"Shit, I fell off the ledge"

"Damn, Boomer hid behind that pillar, couldn't see him"

"Arrggh I blew myself up with a rocket."

"I was out of heavy synth..."

I spent countless hours helping groups through VoG, everyone from Gaffers to Tower randos. Many of these randos are the scrubby non-gaf friends who hop into my party chats and embarrass me to this very day, haha. It was fantastic to watch each group grow through that learning process, understanding VoG's language until finally culminating at Atheon.
Hawk knows.
A well-executed Atheon run has an intoxicating rhythm that's never gotten old for me.

Running sword on Crota is completely different. It sounds terrible, but I feel like a kinder-guardian school teacher breaking down the strat: "Stand here, look there and shoot when I tell you to." To be clear: this is an insult to the encounter itself and not remotely to any other players. Nobody wants to waste hours learning all the stupid ways to fail at this point. I guess that's what I mean when I say I have a weird perspective on this game, Crota offends me on a strangely personal level.

Playing with everyone last night/this morning was a blast and everyone was right on point and still kept a good attitude despite the obvious frustrations. So thanks to everyone for a great team(s).

fake edit: Intentional top-o-page. Come at me, DGAF ╭∩╮(-_-)╭∩╮

I could not agree more. The Atheon encounter is fantastic (sans glitches), and it's exhilarating for each member of the party. Regardless of who is running relic, every single person has an active role and can have a sense of accomplishment. Wish this encounter had more of that, and less "sorry i killed the knight before you used a super on him."


Playing with everyone last night/this morning was a blast and everyone was right on point and still kept a good attitude despite the obvious frustrations. So thanks to everyone for a great team(s).

fake edit: Intentional top-o-page. Come at me, DGAF ╭∩╮(-_-)╭∩╮

Quick question. Does Crota have a shield gate?
If you use a sword to take down the last sliver of his shields does the damage carry over into health or is it lost in the ether? This is for those niche situations with slow DPS or when soloing.

Largely agree with the post. It's why above all else I hate that Gatekeeper. That Gatekeeper needs a hook. A very simple one would be to close the door behind it as it spawns, open the door when it dies, spawn a new Gatekeeper after Ogres and close the door behind it again.

*This is also part of why randomizing the Atheon teleports was a great change.


I could not agree more. The Atheon encounter is fantastic (sans glitches), and it's exhilarating for each member of the party. Regardless of who is running relic, every single person has an active role and can have a sense of accomplishment. Wish this encounter had more of that, and less "sorry i killed the knight before you used a super on him."

Bingo, you nailed it. Crota, especially hard, is basically a time and resource management sim, when you think about it.


I ran with Fang, IceBreaker and Hunger. Did great. Tested out a few other guns just for fun but kept going back to Fang.

hunger is the only normal weapon i still need. It would be way more practical to have on hand than either Word or Oversoul Edict (the two HM weapons I'm missing), but for some reason I feel the need to try and get them first.


I could not agree more. The Atheon encounter is fantastic (sans glitches), and it's exhilarating for each member of the party. Regardless of who is running relic, every single person has an active role and can have a sense of accomplishment. Wish this encounter had more of that, and less "sorry i killed the knight before you used a super on him."

Rose tinted glasses.

Before random teleports (which everyone hated) you could literally just stand on a pillar and shoot supplicants and wait for a buff.

Very little teamwork involved in Atheon. It's an even simpler encounter than Crota.


2:40 am last night and this happens. Crota enrages, 1 hit for the kill left, shield goes up, and good bye good run. We did get him about 40 minutes later though and I got Word of Crota, leaving me Swordbreaker, the only one I don't care for at all, short of all raid weapons.
Does Crota have a shield gate?
If you use a sword to take down the last sliver of his shields does the damage carry over into health or is it lost in the ether? .

Crota is kinda/sorta the inverse of Templar:

Crota's shield is completely immune to sword damage but only the sword can damage his HP bar.

Templar's shield is completely immune to all non-relic damage and only the relic can damage his shield. (Not exactly the same since relic can damage his HP bar, but you get the idea)

In fact, when using BDancer invis you want to be very careful to not slice Crota until his shield is completely gone AND the game's lag has actually recognized his shield is gone (i.e. kneeling). Otherwise you'll lose the invis and Crota can smack you. Essentially this is what happened in that rage quit gif I posted: admittedly the sword runner struck "too early" but only because of lag which meant Crota hadn't reacted to the shield break yet even though his shield was broken.


hunger is the only normal weapon i still need. It would be way more practical to have on hand than either Word or Oversoul Edict (the two HM weapons I'm missing), but for some reason I feel the need to try and get them first.

Only missing Word and Swordbreaker, not really inclined to go back to normal just for the shotgun, I already have 3 HoC's


So what are my chances of finding a normal CE raid today? I still need like 40 shards to get my lock and Titan to 32.... If anything is set up for later or now please let me know.

Also nightfall this week was 2 legendary Machine guns, and 8 energies... lame.


Rose tinted glasses.

Before random spawns (which everyone hated) you could literally just stand on a pillar and shoot supplicants and wait for a buff.

Very little teamwork involved in Atheon. It's an even simpler encounter than Crota.

I found it so weird how people were struggling outside when Atheon was new, I would offer to go outside because I found going in the portals so easy.
Apologies to mobile users if I'm posting too much "media"

DGAF: Bring Darryl on your next raid so he can carry you like such:


Also: Darryl trolling or actual easter egg...?


I enjoy all of this. And I don't remember emoting to Toasty then.

But yea DGAF if there is a hard mode raid coming along let me know :)


Rose tinted glasses.

Before random teleports (which everyone hated) you could literally just stand on a pillar and shoot supplicants and wait for a buff.

Very little teamwork involved in Atheon. It's an even simpler encounter than Crota.

I'll agree with you that it's simpler.


I found it so weird how people were struggling outside when Atheon was new, I would offer to go outside because I found going in the portals so easy.

People still struggle with it today. When I get 'ported inside I worry because I see "so and so died" and I'm like really?

Or I'll come out and there's a ton of supplicants up. What were you doing the whole time?

I like being outside just to make sure we don't wipe.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I may be one of the few that prefer the random teleports, but no, it's not simpler. There are objectively more elements, making it more complex. Necessarily splitting the team into two halves also requires intense teamwork, though I would argue that the crota fight does too. Atheon is a more mechanically sound fight and the lowest-importance role is more interesting than the corresponding role in Crota. There's substantially more room for error in Atheon, however; this isn't at face value a good or bad thing, but can make the fight an order of magnitude less frustrating if lag or glitches get in the way of execution.

All that said, being the swordbearer for Crota is the most fun I've had in Destiny and I haven't gotten sick of it yet. Starting to get the impression that I should feel bad about this :-/
Rose tinted glasses.

Before random spawns (which everyone hated) you could literally just stand on a pillar and shoot supplicants and wait for a buff.

Very little teamwork involved in Atheon. It's an even simpler encounter than Crota.

Random teleports have been in effect for months so let's not go back there.

Further, I don't buy that it's a more simple encounter than Crota. In a sum total, the Atheon fight "involves" more of the fireteam. There is a very solid chance you will be teleported and you will have to deal with oracles, the relic, the assholes in the portals, Time's Vengeance, cleansing in the portal, grouping under the relic shield after exiting portal, getting out of shield and safe before next teleport, etc etc.

If you aren't the swordbearer in CE, don't die and shoot Crota when you're told to do so.


Rose tinted glasses.

Before random teleports (which everyone hated) you could literally just stand on a pillar and shoot supplicants and wait for a buff.

Very little teamwork involved in Atheon. It's an even simpler encounter than Crota.

I disagree, people not teleported needed to know which portal to open and make sure the people in the portal didn't come out to a nice surprise.

Crota has 5 people doing half of that for the whole fight.

Hell what I just described is only what people do outside the portal never mind inside it.
How would you all feel if Bungie sold Ballerhorn but made it cost an outrageous amount of coins (let's say 100)--I wonder if this would happen.


Only missing Word and Swordbreaker, not really inclined to go back to normal just for the shotgun, I already have 3 HoC's

i like the shotgun, though it doesn't have many practical uses. Funnest thing i've used it for is killing the flanking minotaur over and over again on The Nexus.

E92 M3

I want 3 Gjallarhorns.

I just want 1 Fatebringer =/

Haha I was just about to respond to E's post with this. I just unlocked wolfpacks on my 2nd Horn...feels good man.

I have my second all filled out, but actually unlocked.

3rd Planet problems there bub. I would gladly take that roll.

Trust me for every good RNG taketh - I have my own problems lol. All a matter of perspective ;)

dude I got a shabby legendary shotgun :/

Had that for 2 weeks straight.


I may be one of the few that prefer the random teleports, but no, it's not simpler. There are objectively more elements, making it more complex. Necessarily splitting the team into two halves also requires intense teamwork, though I would argue that the crota fight does too. Atheon is a more mechanically sound fight and the lowest-importance role is more interesting than the corresponding role in Crota. There's substantially more room for error in Atheon, however; this isn't at face value a good or bad thing, but can make the fight an order of magnitude less frustrating if lag or glitches get in the way of execution.

All that said, being the swordbearer for Crota is the most fun I've had in Destiny and I haven't gotten sick of it yet. Starting to get the impression that I should feel bad about this :-/

Why should you feel bad? It IS a lot of fun, especially when helping out a team that's been struggling (I've only been that person on normal).
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