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Destiny |OT16| Enrage is here, there, everywhere...

E92 M3

Oh I totally agree, but speaking from personal experiences our software group at work has some excellent pieces of software and some horrible pieces of software. The bad software works, and looks good, but underneath is a mess and any fix I ask for, small or big, takes a week to track down, a week to fix, and then a week to test. That's exactly what their bug tracker was describing so I immediately equate it with poorly written software. That usually comes from 1 or 2 things during development. Too large of a group working out of many development branches and finding it doesn't merge well into the main code-line or changes in team leads and philosophies regarding coding mid project.

What you wrote is logical - and I am definitely not a software developer.

like I said, NFs need to get rid of ass mats. Ridiculous.

And legendary engrams need to stop giving me ass shards :( I haven't gotten an exotic from an engram since week 2 or 3.
Most have moved on to CE normal for flawless attempts. It's much faster/easier. Usually on the weekends a group or two gets together and manages to get it done in about an hour or so.

Rad. I'm good either way.

Do I creep this thread or is there a specific one that I should go to?
I booted up Destiny to upgrade my SGA, and I was thinking of running a nightfall, but I've just seen that it's fricken Omnigul?! Again?! WTF?!

I ain't doing this shit.

IMO...and possibly only mine.

This Omnigul is fun and fantastic for glimmer farming.


Well with this constant push to keep pushing dlc content in the damn dailies, weeklies, and now even Xur... I am no longer racing to see what he's got anymore. And I own the dlc! Everything is just even more repetitive now.

Didn't log in on Tuesday when I saw the weekly was damn omnigul again. And not logging in today when I see Xur has the same bullshit for sale. Before the dlc, even when my gameplay time slowed Id still show up on Tuesdays and Fridays. Not anymore


Well with this constant push to keep pushing dlc content in the damn dailies, weeklies, and now even Xur... I am no longer racing to see what he's got anymore. And I own the dlc! Everything is just even more repetitive now.

Didn't log in on Tuesday when I saw the weekly was damn omnigul again. And not logging in today when I see Xur has the same bullshit for sale. Before the dlc, even when my gameplay time slowed Id still show up on Tuesdays and Fridays. Not anymore

Yeah, nightfall strike selections, daily selections and xur's inventory haven't felt very random since the release of the dark below. It's pretty obvious they are pushing to get more people to purchase the DLC by consistently polluting xur with TDB exotics and making the nightfall/dailies TDB content. I think it's pretty funny that you can get a TDB exotic from the nightfall if you don't own TDB, but you need to buy it in order to purchase TDB exotics from Xur.

Maybe the vault space update is taking a while because they still need to finish the micro-transaction system.



Well with this constant push to keep pushing dlc content in the damn dailies, weeklies, and now even Xur... I am no longer racing to see what he's got anymore. And I own the dlc! Everything is just even more repetitive now.

Didn't log in on Tuesday when I saw the weekly was damn omnigul again. And not logging in today when I see Xur has the same bullshit for sale. Before the dlc, even when my gameplay time slowed Id still show up on Tuesdays and Fridays. Not anymore
Yep, that DLC push might be even more of a pain in the ass for people with the DLC than without.
The game was already quite repetitive, but now it's borderline ridiculous.
I suppose once the second DLC hits it will just become a rotation between Omnigul and the new strike, and Xur selling items from either one of the two DLCs.
Making your game have *less* variety after a DLC is really a feat to achieve.
I'm not going to rag on Deej because I am sure he is limited in what he can actually say. I'm sure if he was allowed to, he would be telling us more but Bungie is a secretive lot and until they realize that games like this don't lend themselves to secrecy and mystery and keeping people in the dark about systems until a magazine or website can reveal it, nothing is going to change content-wise.

That said!

Dude really needs some editing to his posts. Just give us the info we want to know as clear as possible with a little flair. It doesn't need to be NoFunAllowed.jpg but when you say SO much but have SO little actual content, it only serves to piss people off. Just to critique this particular update which was a perfect example:

Deej said:
Heavy Ammo Inbound

Before I ran away from home to join Cirque de Bungie, I was a huge fan of the way the team shot people out of cannons. For me, it was always fascinating to pull the curtain back a little bit and look in on the world where games get made. If you’re reading this, I hope you agree.

I still remember the time, long ago during the age of another game, when one of them posted “I just fixed a ten-year-old bug,” on a social network. I was shocked to learn that there were bugs buried so deep in the code that they could take a decade to squash – and that there were developers tenacious enough to hunt them for that long. That developer was Jon Cable.

These days, Jon works on Destiny as a Sandbox Engineer. The fancy title means he’s one smart guy on a team of smart people who create the code that makes your armor and guns work. They still hunt bugs where they live, no matter how deep, or for how long, they’ve burrowed into the code.

Hypothetical Aside: You love Heavy Weapons. The purple glow of ammunition is a promise of future enemy annihilation by way of your favorite Rocket Launcher or (even better) belt-fed Machine Gun. You buy it in bulk when you visit the Gunsmith. To get the most bang from your space bucks, you equip armor that lets you carry more of the stuff. Unfortunately it turns out that those deep pockets have metaphorical holes in them.

Thus, you tend to lose your coveted ammunition when one of the following happens in a PVE activity:
You die
You return to orbit
You encounter a cutscene

If you’ve spent any time reading about Destiny on a forum where Guardians congregate, you know this is far from hypothetical. It happens to us all. It makes Raids harder to clear. It deprives you of precious Glimmer, and patience. Frankly, it sucks.

For some time now, we’ve been tracking this one. To date, the best we’ve been able to do is to admit that we were aware of the issue. This week, we can give you some additional information.

Did we mention that Sandbox Engineer Jon Cable loves to hunt the really big bugs? He’s working on a fix that we hope to deploy before the end of February. While we test his work and prep it for deployment, he wanted to say a few words about what he (along with his team) has been wrestling with behind the scenes.

Jon: The basic flaw here is an ordering problem. Our inventory system creates your weapons when your characters spawn. When that happens, it tries to restore the same fraction of ammo that you had when you died. The bug occurred because the weapon is created before capacity modifiers from armor perks are applied, so the persisted fraction yields fewer rounds.

Way over my head! Sounds like you’ve identified the issue, though. Any word on why it’s taking so long to resolve?

Jon: Fixing bugs in a live game is always about managing risk. What are the chances that the fix is going to cause an issue that might be worse than the original bug? Players outnumber our testers by factors of several thousand, so if there is a problem that slips through the cracks, it is virtually guaranteed that the community will find it. This bug was mainly risky because it was at the intersection of a lot of different systems – player profiles, investment, sandbox, perks, and weapon management.

Would it be simpler and faster to just fix the affected perk?

Jon: There are a lot of weapon and armor perks in the game. Changing the order of how they are applied has a huge impact. It would have required a large restructuring of the way the game works to even accomplish this, because the armor perks can’t take effect until the weapon is created anyway. The application of armor perks would have to be inserted in between weapon creation and the rest of the weapon setup code.

So, what’s the ultimate solution?

Jon: In the end, I came up with a surgical change that fixes the main issue and minimizes the chances that a new problem would be introduced. I do not think I can overstate the complexity of these systems – it took me several tries to come up with a fix that did not cause other problems.

Fixing bugs can be tricky business. Promising and dating fixes can be just as challenging. For this particular bug, we’ll be sure to update you once the new math is on the way to your box. Until then, if you catch a distraught Guardian lamenting their lost rounds, please point them to this conversation.

Bolded = Should be completely excised.
Italicized = Truncate to a sentence or so

Just give us the meat.

Now contrast that kind of update with the way Killer Instinct handles theirs. Here's an example of the last one:

Hello everyone!

It’s nearly TU2.3 update day, and Omen’s public release! There’s lots of fixes, balance changes, and additions in this update which we've covered here, so I won’t spend any time on those things this week – get in there and play once you update!

...and to make it that much sweeter, this weekend is a DOUBLE XP WEEKEND – ALL XP, ALL MODES – 200% XP REWARDS!

Character input "feel" of S1 vs. S2
There was a good thread started on how the feel of input was different on the early S2 characters from the S1 cast and it’s a side-effect of a philosophical change on how we handle input windows. We realize that this resulted in tighter cancel windows and thus a different feel for a few S2 characters. We’ve been investigating an optimization to address this without breaking any existing combos and hope to roll it out by the end of Season 2. It’ll be added on one character at a time, as we want to take care we don’t break anything with the existing characters and balance.

A word on B.Shago-
We see many comments on how it should be "easy" to add B.shago as a playable character, or “just add” one of his moves to shago, and I'd like to clear that up. Short version: It's not easy at all.

As even DH said long ago, he's not meant to be a player character, and behind the scenes that's very, very true. In order to become playable, B.shago's moveset and controlling scripts have to be rebuilt from the ground-up. His animations look good, but they also need cleanup for regular play, as they cheat in many places we can’t cheat for a playable character. And of course, with a moveset that crazy, he’ll need lots and lots of balance time.

Combined, this means the only way you'll see b.shago as an independent character is if we sacrifice a full character slot to him. We obviously didn't do that this season, as we wanted to provide more diverse characters in the full slots instead of a half-clone of Jago. Is there still hope? Sure, but we’re going to wait until we're through season 2 first before we even start thinking about what we could do with him.

Little friendly intro. Then straight in to the deluge of valuable info presented in a way that sounds like a natural conversation without getting too cute with Cirque de Bungie asides. That post also ends with almost 20 relevant questions from the community with straightforward transparent answers to each one. And they do it that way every week.

Now again, I don't blame Deej for the actual content, but it would be nice if he could not make it seem like he's just trying to fill a word quota. If there's not much to say in a given week, then keep it short and sweet. You guys aren't fooling anyone. And if you need space to fill, give us more Dev interviews explaining stuff like this week's update. It's nice to hear that you're talking about certain fixes, but people would be a lot more understanding if you told us WHY it's so hard to add vault space etc. They want proof that they've been heard beyond numerous, toothless vague posts of "We hear you". They want an actual dialogue instead of scraps. That's how you'll foster a healthy community that will have your back even in low times.

E92 M3

I'm not going to rag on Deej because I am sure he is limited in what he can actually say. I'm sure if he was allowed to, he would be telling us more but Bungie is a secretive lot and until they realize that games like this don't lend themselves to secrecy and mystery and keeping people in the dark about systems until a magazine or website can reveal it, nothing is going to change content-wise.

That said!

Dude really needs some editing to his posts. Just give us the info we want to know as clear as possible with a little flair. It doesn't need to be NoFunAllowed.jpg but when you say SO much but have SO little actual content, it only serves to piss people off. Just to critique this particular update which was a perfect example:

Bolded = Should be completely excised.
Italicized = Truncate to a sentence or so

Just give us the meat.

Now contrast that kind of update with the way Killer Instinct handles theirs. Here's an example of the last one:

Little friendly intro. Then straight in to the deluge of valuable info presented in a way that sounds like a natural conversation without getting too cute with Cirque de Bungie asides. That post also ends with almost 20 relevant questions from the community with straightforward transparent answers to each one. And they do it that way every week.

Now again, I don't blame Deej for the actual content, but it would be nice if he could not make it seem like he's just trying to fill a word quota. If there's not much to say in a given week, then keep it short and sweet. You guys aren't fooling anyone. And if you need space to fill, give us more Dev interviews explaining stuff like this week's update. It's nice to hear that you're talking about certain fixes, but people would be a lot more understanding if you told us WHY it's so hard to add vault space etc. They want proof that they've been heard beyond numerous, toothless vague posts of "We hear you". They want an actual dialogue instead of scraps. That's how you'll foster a healthy community that will have your back even in low times.

I agree with this. It's nothing that Deej can't foster if he wanted to; he still has time to make changes.

In regards to the Fang: they really need to edit the marking ability - complete waste of a perk.
Fully upgraded Word of Crota and it does just a smidge more damage than Fatebringer, 1540 on red health enemies compared to 1505.

Shame that it has a Mulligan tier signature perk because it's a pretty solid gun otherwise. The rate of fire is really nice for a hand cannon.


What the hell happened to the Archon Priest strike in nightfall? I hate that strike so much, but I'd rather play through it instead of fucking Omnigul.
I agree with this. It's nothing that Deej can't foster if he wanted to; he still has time to make changes.

In regards to the Fang: they really need to edit the marking ability - complete waste of a perk.
WHAT?!?! Without that marker, my raid team is unable to see the swordbearer and crota. Its such an OP perk. That green light stands out so much on Crota.


I'm seriously contemplating quitting this damn game. What else am I playing for now. I pretty much have all the content except for that one holy grail. Why Are people getting truckloads of them but the glorious few get nada, not even a sniff. Seriously it's getting on my nerves.

Only thing that keeps me playing is that there really isn't anything else that I'm interested at the moment.
I'm seriously contemplating quitting this damn game. What else am I playing for now. I pretty much have all the content except for that one holy grail. Why Are people getting truckloads of them but the glorious few get nada, not even a sniff. Seriously it's getting on my nerves.

Only thing that keeps me playing is that there really isn't anything else that I'm interested at the moment.

I seriously have no idea what you're actually talking about
Man. We had a great raid night last night. VoG hard and Crota normal.

As a group of five we saw.
3 icebreakers
1 dragons breath
1 G'horn
1 vex

Plus a praetorian foil (first time I've ever seen one drop) and a black hammer that I needed very badly.

E92 M3

What the hell happened to the Archon Priest strike in nightfall? I hate that strike so much, but I'd rather play through it instead of fucking Omnigul.

I actually like Omnigul more than Archon - a lot more. The worst part of Omnigul is the second room.

WHAT?!?! Without that marker, my raid team is unable to see the swordbearer and crota. Its such an OP perk. That green light stands out so much on Crota.

The Swordbearer is very easy to kill now days for my team - stunlock with snipers and a Gjallar for good measure. You described a valid situation, but that's where the purpose ends. Not worth a perk - should have been an inherent ability like Cascade on the Necro.
The Swordbearer is very easy to kill now days for my team - stunlock with snipers and a Gjallar for good measure. You described a valid situation, but that's where the purpose ends. Not worth a perk - should have been an inherent ability like Cascade on the Necro.

Yeah if it was just an innate ability like Kinetic damage, that would be one thing, but it's a pretty useless ability for about 98% of the game's content and not even that useful for the other 2%.
I actually like Omnigul more than Archon - a lot more. The worst part of Omnigul is the second room.

The Swordbearer is very easy to kill now days for my team - stunlock with snipers and a Gjallar for good measure. You described a valid situation, but that's where the purpose ends. Not worth a perk - should have been an inherent ability like Cascade on the Necro.

Yeah if it was just an innate ability like Kinetic damage, that would be one thing, but it's a pretty useless ability for about 98% of the game's content and not even that useful for the other 2%.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah if it was just an innate ability like Kinetic damage, that would be one thing, but it's a pretty useless ability for about 98% of the game's content and not even that useful for the other 2%.

It might be geared toward the next raid, perhaps? Think a ton of stealth vandals in a dark space.
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