We ran a HM VoG legit with someone who hadn't run VoG yet... a handful of wipes in the Templer's Well, and no wipes @Gatekeeper/Atheon. Smooth run. Then we Team First Try'd NM CE. We then no wiped HM CE to Crota...
We then proceeded to spend more time defeating Crota than all the previous content combined. Lots of glitches, some timing issues and some mistakes but in the end that fucker got what was coming to him.
Thanks Rawr, if it had been earlier I think Haybro coulda gotten it but we were whooped lol! Got Fang so I'm done with HM Crota until I'm at level. That was my third hard Crota defeat (outta 5 runs) and the only things left to get are the Crux and the pulse rifle, neither of which I care about. We kept it light hearted and joked a lot and that helped but it just isn't fun. The extra exotic roll isn't worth it to me.
Had a great group tonight, seriously
Good job guys!