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Destiny |OT22| Game of Thorns

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Seriously it's like PoE was designed by someone who had no fuckin clue. People don't want to do it for fuckin armour and weapon core, that leaves one etheric light as the only reward left if you don't have a key.

Who the fuck would want to run level 34 and 35 for one etheric light ? I played ToO last week and I got like 8-9 etheric light out of all three characters. Making keys a random drop and a rare one at that was a fuckin terrible idea, it should be a reward from dailies or a guaranteed weekly reward (will give people some incentive to play weekly as right now all it has is coins...that no one needs since they took legendaries out of it)

PvP had like no rewards but now it has everything, PvE on the other hand has nothing. Even the guns are shit.

I'm thinking the only reason to horde Armor Cores is because Varik cycles which +42 light item he has. Last week it was gloves and this week it is chest piece.
Meh been 2.5 months (plus I tend to not return to games when I stop playing for ~2 weeks) since I really play destiny plus been kinda vocal on how I think HoW is very lacklust. However I do admit it's still fun to play with rl friends (of course they decide to start playing again when I am done) and some gaffers. Guess I will be hanging around more often.

down 2 orth

Hey guys, this question has probably already been answered but I have to ask:

Do you lose out of reward opportunities in Prison of Elders if you start at a higher difficulty and work your way down like you would in raids?


I'm thinking the only reason to horde Armor Cores is because Varik cycles which +42 light item he has. Last week it was gloves and this week it is chest piece.

I don't think it's necessary. There's a guarantee Armor core each week. I'm taking my chance rolling the dice turning in both my armor and weapon core for something better. This week I'm 0-2; two scout rifles.


Hey guys, this question has probably already been answered but I have to ask:

Do you lose out of reward opportunities in Prison of Elders if you start at a higher difficulty and work your way down like you would in raids?

No. Each is independent of the other. Did 34 on my hunter yesterday, then did 32 later.


Morning DGAF.

I was thinking about running a Crucible Train later today. So how much interest is there in doing some Trials practice?
I don't think it's necessary. There's a guarantee Armor core each week. I'm taking my chance rolling the dice turning in both my armor and weapon core for something better. This week I'm 0-2; two scout rifles.
Yep. This is a good week to take the Judgement Chance. The chest has crap stats (all str) and many people already got the ToO chest or ascended a legendary/exotic and are 34. Since it's on a rotation, it will be back in a few weeks and hopefully will have a better stat roll.


I have one more Etheric Light to spend. Don't know what to spend it on. Here are the legendary weapons I have ascended already:

3 Fatebringers
1 Arc LDR with Final Round
1 Found Verdict
1 Swordbreaker
1 Void Efrideet Spear
1 Vision of Confluence
1 Hunger of Crota
1 Corrective Measure
1 Black Hammer

I basically ascended all the good primaries and secondaries I have.


I don't think it's necessary. There's a guarantee Armor core each week. I'm taking my chance rolling the dice turning in both my armor and weapon core for something better. This week I'm 0-2; two scout rifles.

Judgements chance would be better if the rolls you already received got removed from the rng table. Just getting the same weapons does not seem fun.


RNGesus was not kind to me yesterday, 3x Nightfall only got a exotic helmet i already had equipped. 10x Dragon Strike I had about 6/10 my other 2 teammates get exotic weapons. Sad...


I'm thinking the only reason to horde Armor Cores is because Varik cycles which +42 light item he has. Last week it was gloves and this week it is chest piece.
There's also a lot of perk variation in the PoE set. Forgetting the stat (damn STR I don't like you), there's 4 possible versions of each armor piece. They can each have a Fallen, Hive, Vex or Cabal perk.

So for instance he sold Gauntlets with a Fallen perk last week. A few weeks from now when he sells gauntlets again it'll probably be with a Hive or Vex bonus for instance. Since it's so cheap (1 core) and come at 42 Light right off the bat it would've been interesting to hoard them all... Like 4 PoE sets so you could put on your Hive helm, chest, gauntlets and boots for Round 1 then switch as required.

Sadly, this is exceedingly impractical, if nothing else because of the limited inventory slots.

Completionists like me are mortified at the idea of being unable to keep and hoard all the exclusive endgame stuff. In detail, my Hunter would ideally have:

All 5 Exotic Helms
Iron Banner
ToO Watcher
ToO Exile

This is ignoring any faction set you like the looks/stats of. That's 11 helms I'd consider worth keeping if you came across them, and in many cases worth going out of your way to find. But you can only have 10 on you.

This sort of illustrates how having 4x PoE pieces to suit each encounter is not only wholly unnecessary (we're doing just fine without those bonuses anyways :p) but downright impractical if you also want to keep other sets on your character.


This. I feel people are overestimating the necessity of elemental damage on most situations. Sure Nightfalls require them - both for the burn and the Epic modifier placing shields where there normally aren't any.

The overwhelming majority of the time you'll either be shooting non-shielded enemies or hitting those shields with a secondary outside of Nightfalls though.

Dregs, Vandals, Shanks, Thrall, Ogres, Acolytes, Knights, Psions, Phallanxes, Legionaires... Everything except Captains, Wizards, Minotaurs and Centurions is going to be the same when using kinetic or elemental primaries.

Make no mistake - Fatebringer is my favorite gun - elements are super useful. But saying a kinetic primary is generally wasted on PvE content is a bit of an exaggeration since it'll nearly always make no difference.

I'd far rather rock my new Red Hand IX than Word of Crota. There's plenty of pulse rifles which play better than the VoG and CE ones despite being Arc for instance.

Perhaps this perception is slanted because of how good some of the elemental primaries are. The thing is, a kinetic Fatebringer would still have been the PvE monster because of its base stats and perk harmony. Vision of Confluence is a great scout - full auto with nice perks and stats, and would have been popular even without the Solar.

I too would have liked PoE 35 to have guaranteed elemental primaries, Crota style. Or with an Adept Weapon Core or whatever. But if the weapons are bad, elements aren't gonna fix that. And if the weapons are good, being kinetic won't change that.

I need a Solar Hand Cannon in my life though :(

I agree with pretty much all of this. I think what the problem that bungie created is the expectation that high lvl end game content will reward you with a elemental primary. VoG had multiple chances at them, so did Crota. PoE gives you one shot.

Also creating elemental and non-elemental versions of the same guns was just lazy design. If I have a Six Dreg Pride, then see someone running around with a solar, or whatever version of it, I'm going to feel cheated out of a better version of the gun I already own.

The other part is the guaranteed elemental drop from going flawless in ToO. I like the idea of end game content for PvP players, however make the rewards the similar: finishing lvl 35 PoE should net the same type of rewards for flawless ToO.

I think the problems can all be fixed to keep people content, it's just a matter of why were things done this way in the first place?


I don't think it's necessary. There's a guarantee Armor core each week. I'm taking my chance rolling the dice turning in both my armor and weapon core for something better. This week I'm 0-2; two scout rifles.

I meant to say that's what Armor Cores are useful for. Each week Varik brings a different item


I have one more Etheric Light to spend. Don't know what to spend it on. Here are the legendary weapons I have ascended already:

3 Fatebringers
1 Arc LDR with Final Round
1 Found Verdict
1 Swordbreaker
1 Void Efrideet Spear
1 Vision of Confluence
1 Hunger of Crota
1 Corrective Measure
1 Black Hammer

I basically ascended all the good primaries and secondaries I have.

Ascend an Arc sniper if you're attempting Scrubla this week.


I have one more Etheric Light to spend. Don't know what to spend it on. Here are the legendary weapons I have ascended already:

3 Fatebringers
1 Arc LDR with Final Round
1 Found Verdict
1 Swordbreaker
1 Void Efrideet Spear
1 Vision of Confluence
1 Hunger of Crota
1 Corrective Measure
1 Black Hammer

I basically ascended all the good primaries and secondaries I have.
I have spent a good view on vanguard, crota gear as i want to look cool and my stats to be suited with my playstyle. Have seen a lot of people with most upgraded weapons but stats all over the place.
Morning DGAF.

I was thinking about running a Crucible Train later today. So how much interest is there in doing some Trials practice?

If I'm around when it's happening, I'd be interested. Had mixed results in ToO, but I'm making big changes to my loadouts.



This. I feel people are overestimating the necessity of elemental damage on most situations.

It's also about space. I have little of it and won't dismantle elemental weapons with bonus utility over a kinetic that could possibly be fun to use in low level content, where it doesn't really matter what I use. I don't constantly change my loadout nor do I have a compelling reason to equip something over say Fatebringer or Vision of Confluence, kinetic or not. The high level end game content absolutely favors elemental damage over kinetic and after completing this content why would I want something that isn't useful in it? PoE has burns and shielded enemies as does Nightfall as do the raids.

Now that we can reforge any of the new weapons it also eliminates the need to have ten flavors of the same kinetic weapon.


Good Morning DGaf!

If some of our PvP experts could weigh in on some weapon advice, I'd really appreciate it!

Playing ToO last week made me realize that I need some upgrades onmy loadouts, here are my two questions:

I just got The Ash Factory from a crucible drop with Battle Runner / Javelin / Grenades and Horseshoes - Worth keeping? Should I try and reroll so I get Tripod instead of Battle runner? I have a Valedictorian 9-44 that has Grenades and Horseshoes but not any other great perks to speak of, it has 2 in the mag, so I’ve been using that, however The Ash Factory seems like an upgrade.

I have a few snipers that seem like they are viable options if I can get the rol the right perks, here's what I have:
-Amplified Geo-D6
-Low Grade humility
-Efrideets Spear (I have an extra one I can reroll)

or should I ascend my Praedyth's revenge?


It's also about space. I realize elemental damage doesn't matter in most PVE situations but I don't constantly change my loadout nor do I have a compelling reason to equip something over say Fatebringer or Vision of Confluence, kinetic or not. The high level end game content absolutely favors elemental damage over kinetic and after completing this content why would I want something that isn't useful in it? PoE has burns and shielded enemies as does Nightfall as do the raids.

Now that we can reforge any of the new weapons it also eliminates the need to have ten flavors of the same kinetic weapon.
Vault of Glass only has Minotaurs using shields, Crota's End only has three Wizards which we Snipe or Rocket away at anyways.

I too use my FB for most things. What I was suggesting is that this would be true even if it were Kinetic, outside of Arc burns. It's the reason I use my Fatebringer even in places I won't be running up against Arc shields - a golden example being VoG (VoC being the other popular primary for that Raid - no Solar shields anywhere either).

I think they messed up making PoE primaries being available in kinetic versions just because it somehow dilutes the "elite" level - elemental primaries have always been a special tier. However, this is only a meta disappointment in terms of in game prestige and stuff. On a practical level, they're disappointing because they do not reach the utility of previous top-tier stuff; utility which I believe lies in stats and perks, not elements.
Kill Skolas. May get a drop (bounty/elemental primary). Wipe on the mines. Repeat.

The new exotic bounties (cipher) drop from the PoE 34 or 35 bosses.
Since you can actually kill Skolas but die afterwards from the mines to defuse, you can farm him by killing it before the second waves of mines and let yourself die to it. Rinse, and repeat, until bounty is obtained. :3

Yeah, they have interesting mechanics, but they turn the "difficulty" button way too high, at which point the whole thing becomes frustrating rather than fun and challenging.

Thanks guys.

Can I get a weapon drop and keep farming? Or once I get something you won't get any more stuff?

do i gain an etheric light if i dismantle an armor that variks sell? if not what it gives?

No. It gives Motes of Light and Armor mats if I'm not mistaken.


The Cryptarch's Bane
The Qodron fight is ridiculous. So last night we had two 34s and a 33. Made it all the way to round 5 and only wiped once. Got to 5 and totally hit a wall. The detain mechanic happens way too often, and even when we had the jailbreaker perk it seemed like we'd die almost immediately as soon as we were detained. Think we wiped 10 times trying to do it legit and had barely put a dent in the boss...

So we used our synths, laid around for 5 minutes, then shut his ass down in under 45 seconds.

That kind of difficulty spike isn't fun. I'm one that actually LIKES prison of elders, but that encounter is fucked.
Needs some tuning, undoubtedly. It's actually not a fundamentally bad design. It could be a nice fight with a mini-Atheon rhythm to it, with alternating damage phase/mechanic clear phases for 2-3 cycles until dead. But the sheer number of Axis Hobgoblins defines the fight IMO, and the boss' splash damage combined with Trickle reducing crowd control options for everyone makes it far more practical to focus completely on DPS so he dies before first detain. A different modifier with something to take advantage of might make it more of a reasonable challenge for starters.

We had two 34s and a 33 as well and we just had to do the same thing, load up, wait for synth cooldowns and start the fight.

Funnily enough I found 34 up to that point to be quite enjoyable this week. Really liked the servitor boss (killed him with Vestian Dynasty :D)


I have spent a good view on vanguard, crota gear as i want to look cool and my stats to be suited with my playstyle. Have seen a lot of people with most upgraded weapons but stats all over the place.
My Hunter got decent stats: 275 Int, 161 Dis, and 110 Str. Warlock has 149 Int, 235 Dis (I like them Grenades) and 186 Str (I wish Int and Str stats were swapped) edit: I forgot the Crota helm brings Int close to 200 while dropping Str to 110 and still keeping me at 34.

My Titan is fucked though. Both ToO and PoE are Str. With either on, it has 0 Dis while Int is at 201 for both. (Str is nearing 360 with either on). My ascended IB chest is Int and Dis. Drops Str to 190, raises Dis and Int to 86 and 280 respectively.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Morning DGAF.

I was thinking about running a Crucible Train later today. So how much interest is there in doing some Trials practice?
I'd be honored to run with you later today and flesh out some generic strategies and tips to give peeps during my first Trials Dojo on Sunday...


My Hunter got decent stats: 275 Int, 161 Dis, and 110 Str. Warlock has 149 Int, 235 Dis (I like them Grenades) and 186 Str (I wish Int and Str stats were swapped) edit: I forgot the Crota helm brings Int close to 200 while dropping Str to 110 and still keeping me at 34.

My Titan is fucked though. Both ToO and PoE are Str. With either on, it has 0 Dis while Int is at 201 for both. (Str is nearing 360 with either on). My ascended IB chest is Int and Dis. Drops Str to 190, raises Dis and Int to 86 and 280 respectively.

This is why I still wear a mix of my Crota gear with the new stuff. Probably will for the foreseeable future to, these stats are out of whack right now.
This. I feel people are overestimating the necessity of elemental damage on most situations. Sure Nightfalls require them - both for the burn and the Epic modifier placing shields where there normally aren't any.

The overwhelming majority of the time you'll either be shooting non-shielded enemies or hitting those shields with a secondary outside of Nightfalls though.

Dregs, Vandals, Shanks, Thrall, Ogres, Acolytes, Knights, Psions, Phallanxes, Legionaires... Everything except Captains, Wizards, Minotaurs and Centurions is going to be the same when using kinetic or elemental primaries.

Make no mistake - Fatebringer is my favorite gun - elements are super useful. But saying a kinetic primary is generally wasted on PvE content is a bit of an exaggeration since it'll nearly always make no difference.

I'd far rather rock my new Red Hand IX than Word of Crota. There's plenty of pulse rifles which play better than the VoG and CE ones despite being Arc for instance.

Perhaps this perception is slanted because of how good some of the elemental primaries are. The thing is, a kinetic Fatebringer would still have been the PvE monster because of its base stats and perk harmony. Vision of Confluence is a great scout - full auto with nice perks and stats, and would have been popular even without the Solar.

I too would have liked PoE 35 to have guaranteed elemental primaries, Crota style. Or with an Adept Weapon Core or whatever. But if the weapons are bad, elements aren't gonna fix that. And if the weapons are good, being kinetic won't change that.

I need a Solar Hand Cannon in my life though :(

It's pretty simple for me. I just want to be able to finish the thorn bounty as a Titan. A void primary would help that IMMENSELY.


Needs some tuning, undoubtedly. It's actually not a fundamentally bad design. It could be a nice fight with a mini-Atheon rhythm to it, with alternating damage phase/mechanic clear phases for 2-3 cycles until dead. But the sheer number of Axis Hobgoblins defines the fight IMO, and the boss' splash damage combined with Trickle reducing crowd control options for everyone makes it far more practical to focus completely on DPS so he dies before first detain. A different modifier with something to take advantage of might make it more of a reasonable challenge for starters.

We had two 34s and a 33 as well and we just had to do the same thing, load up, wait for synth cooldowns and start the fight.

Funnily enough I found 34 up to that point to be quite enjoyable this week. Really liked the servitor boss (killed him with Vestian Dynasty :D)

It was really fun! We were having a great time up to round 5, and I found it to be overall much easier in rounds 1-4 than last week's 34. I'm sure a big part of that is having a fireteam w/ two 34s as opposed to all 33s last week; but it's a really fun ramp this week.

A fight with that sort of mechanic seems better to suited to a 6 man fireteam like Atheon. With only 3 though it just seems like there's way too many things to keep up with.
-clearing ads
-dps on boss
-who's taking down the goblin
-timing of WHEN you take down above goblin
-if you're WAITING to take him down, keeping up w/ where he is while also clearing out ads/dps'ing the boss.
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