Kor of Memory
I think the Gjalla stuff last week really gave people a false sense of security in doing the boss. "Oh we took him down so easily, let's do it against with arc snipers". But alot of times that won't work unless you land fast consecutive headshots, so you end up having to disarm mines and pass around the disease whilst dodging the vandals/dregs/shanks(Captains don't use any arc weaponry.).
At that point you have to start realistically clearing out vandals/dregs whilst maneuvering around the arena(Skolas doesn't do alot of damage surprisingly enough.)
The fight is still in the honeymoon phase of people having to learn it and it's mechanics. People have become complacent sitting in one spot and trying to rush down the fight(Which surprisingly enough, people tried to do with the level 34 fight. Instead of playing around with the mechanic, they try to avoid it and end up just failing and giving up). So they end up blaming the fight itself and not themselves.
I dislike seeing that. It's doable. I did the level 34 fight the first day, formulated a strategy based around keeping track of the eye/sticking to the right side/rotating DPS It's doable.
Datto put up a strategy guide for Skolas.
As long as Bungie makes bullet sponge bosses, players are going to use bullet sponge tactics.
Create bosses with proper forms/stages, or boss encounters with multiple enemies ala Dust Palace. Else, watch as your player-base just abuses the mechanics they are given.