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Destiny |OT22| Game of Thorns

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About to start a 32 PoE with a friend. Might run it twice. Send me a FR or just join in you're already on my list and want to do it :).


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
About to start a 32 PoE with a friend. Might run it twice. Send me a FR or just join in you're already on my list and want to do it :).

I'm down, my PSN is Anoreogn. Is yours SonComet?
Get off the fence and pick one. We wouldn't give a shit if it was for a shader or a PvP weapon with elemental burns. I couldn't give a fuck that I didn't win IB enough to get felwinters lie. It's the good PvE loot being behind a mode that is set up to crush PvE players that's causing the hate.

Relax man we worked our asses off helping people in ToO and the salt in the thread is definitely not helping. It seems like Mercury is a must for people instead of having fun.


Yes you can cheese it. There are plenty of scrubs that are getting carried to Mercury. I would love to get carried, BTW, but Xboners aren't that organized.
Carrying isn't cheese. If anything it's a handicap. People got carried through raids all the time. Especially after cheeses were fixed lol.

It's harder to carry in trials though.


Relax man we worked our asses off helping people in ToO and the salt in the thread is definitely not helping. It seems like Mercury is a must for people instead of having fun.
I do really thank you guys, but yes it's really getting too personal. Too much time was taken to set these things up. I don't know if I'll do it next week.
Not to sound rude, but I'm in the same position myself. I work full time, have a wife and two kids. I always keep things short and simple during the day ( bounties, crucible, public events ect. )

If you know you are going into a grueling battle, or raiding, do it later in the evening or when you know you have a few hours to spare.

Yeah it can be a hassle, but having "raid" night or a set schedule works well for me.

Have you beaten 35? I put aside 4 hours and it took Kadey 8. Now I have to start from scratch where with a raid, I could come back and spend 2 hours a night on Crota HM if needed.

Deku Tree

Yup, skolas wasn't the problem, it was those adds that could literally one shot you at times. Nothing like a random dreg grenade that can wipe your whole team in a single throw. lol

Skolas is a lumbering fool with a solar scorch canon and an OHK melee smash. Sure the adds suck with arc burn attacks during arc burn.

If you are waiting any amount of time in the start room for synth cool down or supers to charge then it's boring and it smells cheesy to me.
Relax man we worked our asses off helping people in ToO and the salt in the thread is definitely not helping. It seems like Mercury is a must for people instead of having fun.

Have I once mentioned being helped to Mercury? I don't think any of the salt is aimed at you guys helping people out. If I'm wrong, please show me a post that reflects that.

edit: In fact, I think I've been arguing that Mercury shouldn't be the goal for people that can and are willing to help.
I'm just going to weigh in with my two cents on the DLC thus far.

Fist of all, the Reef is a nice cozy space that mitigates the travel time from visiting vendors like we have in the Tower. However, we still find ourselves making the trip home to take advantage of the quality of life updates such as reforging and material exchanging. Both of these are healthy changes to the game and I imagine they've made players feel a lot more attached to their character's weapons and gear. There's overall a lot less grinding and gating before you can enjoy your stuff, so it's made the game significantly more accessible for new players.

But those quality of life updates aren't what we're playing in this expansion. For starters, we had to go through the new Story missions. They were certainly a step above the launch and The Dark Below missions as far as encounter design and dialog goes. Even though many of the missions were yet again retreads of existing spaces, there were built in a way that made them feel somewhat fresher. The story this time around did a better job of both introducing more interesting characters and tying the lore into what we were doing. I actually understood the Fallen systems by the end and wanted to learn more about them. Bungie still has a long way to go, but they're making progress. The only fault I have with the Story is that - once again - i have absolutely no reason to replay them. The Daily missions aren't even really worth it anymore since the Ascendant materials are being phased out. I used to be in dire need for shards, and now I have so many I don't know what to do with them. This is especially odd for me considering I technically only started playing just over a month ago.

Moving on, the Strike at least is worth revisiting. It's my favorite strike in the game by a country mile and is also a step in the right direction for dungeon design. Unfortunately, it's only worth something during the Weekly activities and Dragon playlists, which again I have less desire to play through unless I'm grinding weapon parts. But then junk like Undying Mind still pops up more often than not. Ugh.

Prison of Elders I think is a very mixed bag. I despised it at first, but it's grown on me if not for the fact that it is a lot simpler than a Raid and therefore requires less of my attention and investment to find and play through. I don't think the challenge modes are that difficult if we're properly geared, but it's troubling how you can coast through the early waves and then wipe for 2 hours at the final boss due to the difficulty spike. That aspect is poorly designed; I generally feel that way about the whole thing. The objectives aren't very inspired and there's nothing special about the wave to wave combat until you reach a boss with Raid mechanics. Bungie tried, but I find myself struggling to muster up the desire to play through it. With the Raid, I was looking forward to the resets; PoE on the other hand feels like a chore. Maybe if the loot was worth dying for, I'd be more interested. Some of the rewards are amazing, but I just don't see myself returning to it for weapons that give me bonus damage to Shanks. Seriously.

And then there's the case of Treasure keys. The new world events were almost unanimously praised and rightfully so - Patrol is a whole lot livelier than it's ever been and it makes doing daily bounties much more refreshing. But the whole key system is a joke considering how rare they are. Bungie has addressed the desire to fix this, but by then I think people will be burnt out from all the farming. Bungie also has the tendency to work in extremes, so I expect it to be raining Treasure Keys after they fix it. They'll make them a lot less rare to encourage us to keep replaying Prison of Elders (and I'm sure it'll come with a change to increase the grind somewhere else).

The PvP side of things is yet another polarizing aspect. It's no secret that I'm very critical of the maps. When I'm playing against people who tend to camp every corner, head glitch every ramp and blink over every wall, I see a lot of wholes in the map's designs. Sometimes it takes a while for the meta to be exhausted (or maps don't have much of it), but once those cracks start leaking it's hard to ignore them. It's for that reason I feel that all 4 of the new DLC maps are absolutely terrible. I could get very specific, but it's not like they're doing anything that the other maps haven't suffered from. Bungie continues to make large maps with very flat terrain and a bunch of line of sight blockers strewn about. It makes them play like paintball maps until somebody blinks over a wall. They also really like making sharp corners with ridiculously tiny sightlines, tiny corridors and throwing explosive barrels down every chance that they get. It's just amateur design with no regard for map flow or map movement. Perhaps the biggest taboo here is the inconsistent geometry, with some spots you can shoot through or get downright stuck in. Who playtests these?

And that ties into Trials of Osiris. I really enjoy most of the gear from this event. It's easy to see why people feel that PvE players have gotten the short end of the stick. Trials of Osiris is the backbone of this expansion in both spectacle and rewards and it's allowed the community to reach out and help each other in an entirely new way. Even if you don't make it to the Lighthouse - keep in mind that this is a new space for a very small percentage of players - you still often get great loot from the vendor. Trials comes with its own problems such as lag, cheating and just the overall inconvenience of finding a group to play through; however, even though it's a very exclusive event, I enjoyed the excitement. That is, until it ended up on Pantheon.

I don't think Burning Shrine is a great map - well I used to but I mentioned that the meta game changes and I've grown to dislike the way people play on that map. But the great thing about Burning Shrine was that the games could end really fast. Knocking out a few wins was very doable in under 30 minutes, so there was never a dull moment on that map. You had to kill or be killed. But Pantheon? Jesus christ this map is garbage and it's brought out the worst in people. I've lost count of how many teams I've played that have camped their spawn with snipers. Maybe it's not the most effective strategy, but it's just one of many that make this map incredibly boring to play on. Frankly, I don't have much desire to play Trials this weekend anymore because the games take so long and the engagements just aren't interesting. The map makes or breaks a game mode with a competitive focus and I don't think it's going to have much success in a game with a library consisting almost entirely of bad maps.

Then there is of course the current state of Crucible. I'd love to rock my brand new Jewel along with a few other weapons, but the meta game revolves around a handful of weapons and play styles. It makes it even more difficult to carry players who may not be familiar with the meta game. Destiny's PvP has grown stale and Trials was a missed opportunity to introduce something different.

So why am I still playing? Much like the main game and The Dark Below, the best part of House of Wolves to me has been the loot. There are a lot of new weapons and gear that appeal to me and I'm willing to endure even the most mundane task of farming treasure keys to get them. Hell, I'll grind Trials for the perfect roll on those damn Hunter jeggings just because I think they're the best looking boots. One weapon or armor piece alone can change the way the game is played, and therefore I've always sought after the best that I can get my hands on. I'm not sure where I'll be after I have all the stuff I want; I suppose I'll be waiting for the next carrot to chase. Hopefully by then, Bungie wises up and delivers content that's worth playing because it's great and not because the stuff I'm using and the people I'm playing it with make it great. I'm not exactly holding my breath this time though.
I do really thank you guys, but yes it's really getting too personal. Too much time was taken to set these things up. I don't know if I'll do it next week.

It was a good effort, thank you again! I enjoyed helping some people, but I don't think we are cut out for this kind of work. It was just too much, at least I'll back out for next week.


Relax man we worked our asses off helping people in ToO and the salt in the thread is definitely not helping. It seems like Mercury is a must for people instead of having fun.
You running a fresh group any time today? I've been working my ass off just to get 5 wins but haven't been able to get with a group that clicked.
Does anyone want to run PoE 35, or try to do ToO? I only want 5 wins for ToO for the titan boots, but if we make it to Mercury why not!? PSN is greyblade.

Sofa King

Carrying isn't cheese. If anything it's a handicap. People got carried through raids all the time. Especially after cheeses were fixed lol.

It's harder to carry in trials though.

It's maybe not technically cheesing, but it surely doesn't reflect some actual accomplishment by the one being carried. All it shows is that you befriended somebody who was really good, and you get a reward.

I now know what I think Bungie should do for Bungie Day. They should open up Mercury and allow everyone one reward from the chest and the Grimoir unlock.
Relax man we worked our asses off helping people in ToO and the salt in the thread is definitely not helping. It seems like Mercury is a must for people instead of having fun.

which is unfortunate as the mercury loot is overrated

its pretty fun to see mercury itself at least once tho


I'm partial to 6 wins for the e-light, and will sign up right away if you make one...but that may complicate things more than necessary. I think it would be nice to see more posts from the "3x9-0" gaffers like Rubenov's earlier just offering to jump in and help out. And less of "I'm a great player but need a second to carry X to Mercury.

Especially on weeks like this where the rounds take longer.

I tend to agree, but there are plenty who already have one or more characters with multiple Boots/Silver/Gold/Mercury get and are trying to get their 2nd and 3rd. Meanwhile, there are those without a single package for any character this week. Adding a 6th win doesn't seem like a lot, but it could be considering that could mean another 3-4 matches (if one doesn't have a loss or have the loss boon) per person.

I think this is really a good idea. More GAFfers could run others to 5 wins, as that really is not all that hard with at least 1 good player on the team.

This week's list was insane and things need to be changed up for next week.

Also, just my 2 cents, venting is fine and all, but reading all the ToO hate just because you can't get to the loot you apparently so desperately need comes off as childish to me.
That being said, elemental primaries being locked behind a mode that does not involve elemental damage is quite stupid.

I don't think this would be an issue if the rewards (especially Etheric Light) are somewhat equivalent in PvE. It is NOT. Add the fact that another PvP event like IB will offer Etheric Light, and it becomes even more apparent that the PvE rewards are quite awful in comparison.

Having said all that, I'm not exactly sure how to manage those Google lists. I'll have a chat with Hawkian when he's online to see how he did the sign-up and Google spreadsheet. I'd like to start a list for 5- or 6-wins soon.


Have you beaten 35? I put aside 4 hours and it took Kadey 8. Now I have to start from scratch where with a raid, I could come back and spend 2 hours a night on Crota HM if needed.
Nope , haven't completed 35, but the point still stands. I know that once more people become familier with the fights and develop strategies, the trials will get shorter and easier as well. I'm sure nobody forgot that VoG used to take many hours, and after a few weeks it was done by two.

Edit , for the record, I think a checkpoint at least before the first boss would be great. Maybe if Bungie set it up as Only the original party can return back to it to prevent cheese carries maybe?
Have I once mentioned being helped to Mercury? I don't think any of the salt is aimed at you guys helping people out. If I'm wrong, please show me a post that reflects that.

It sounded like you said Tears has to pick up people from the list, while he has been doing that for almost 3 whole days. If that is not what you intended to say then I'm sorry. It seems like the expectations were too high and people expect guaranteed 9-0s, that's why I'll back out next week.

That'd be cool! Wanna relieve blowing up them radiance Locks on res over and over again lol

Good, I'll get to it now and PM you the link in 5 min.

You running a fresh group any time today? I've been working my ass off just to get 5 wins but haven't been able to get with a group that clicked.

Sorry man, I don't think this will happen today, I have to get up early tomorrow. It'll be my final weeks at uni before graduating.


Mrs. Harvey
^No problem. And Titans are the best overall.

Hate to admit it but it's Bungie's fault that certain activities do need a requirement. Skolas is impossible without arc weapons with optimal gear. And beyond that players have to be at a level to execute the game plan. Even having one player be a little off will affect the outcome. I did two Skolas first tries with different players compared to the first one which took hours.
Killed Skolas got a cipher picked the Lord of Wolves hope it doesn't suck, I always wanted a shrapnell launcher looking gun and this is the closest I will ever get to that lol
WARNING: Do not sit idly in the Reef/Tower with Emblem/Gear/Weapons or you will get spammed for invites to "trails?/?" or "tirals?///" or "tialrs??/?".

That would be me lol

Ran out of time to kill skolas, family stuff

Thanks for the checkpoint Bungie you motherfuckers

Tell me about it, I did like 6 runs towards skolas this week, didnt completed a single one, got stomped hard I had to leave after 1-2 hours of trying.

^No problem. And Titans are the best overall.

Hate to admit it but it's Bungie's fault that certain activities do need a requirement. Skolas is impossible without arc weapons with optimal gear. And beyond that players have to be at a level to execute the game plan. Even having one player be a little off will affect the outcome. I did two Skolas first tries with different players compared to the first one which took hours.

Time to implement Item level restrictions?


Both times I've beat Skolas the key was 365 Arc Snipers.
I prefer P&T because it's a massive stagger machine, but even in my last clear we only had one. The other two were 365 legendaries and we did fine.
Killed Skolas got a cipher picked the Lord of Wolves hope it doesn't suck, I always wanted a shrapnell launcher looking gun and this is the closest I will ever get to that lol
Your first choice doesn't matter.

My Titan chose Greg's Promise.
The second step will take the full 72 hours :\
Nope , haven't completed 35, but the point still stands. I know that once more people become familier with the fights and develop strategies, the trials will get shorter and easier as well. I'm sure nobody forgot that VoG used to take many hours, and after a few weeks it was done by two.

But it had checkpoints. I don't mind spending many hours to fail, and pick up again the next day. It's the spending many hours and having to start over again that sucks. Plus, it doesn't help that I don't find the encounters leading up to the end very interesting. Hide here, shoot that with some defender or invis hunter defuse mines on the side. Whooo. I really thought horde mode would be like defend the confluxes or the enemies are moving against each other on patrol.

Edit...Shit post at the top. Sorry for the whining.

Have I once mentioned being helped to Mercury? I don't think any of the salt is aimed at you guys helping people out. If I'm wrong, please show me a post that reflects that.

edit: In fact, I think I've been arguing that Mercury shouldn't be the goal for people that can and are willing to help.

The salt is not aimed at us in particular, but people shitting all over ToO is just such a shame. So what if you can't get the Mercury chest? Are you having fun playing ToO? If yes, then just keep knocking those matches out, get better along the way and have fun whilst doing it. If not, then stop playing ToO.
I haven't cleared 35 PoE yet because I think the encounter is inherently not fun. As such, I'm not going to bother with it. See how that works?

The way Bungie has everyone fiending for loot makes people forget they're just playing a game it seems. You know, to have fun.

I do really thank you guys, but yes it's really getting too personal. Too much time was taken to set these things up. I don't know if I'll do it next week.

My post wasn't a dig at you by the way, great job on the list, but it just got a little out of hand with the amount of people signing up.
Have I once mentioned being helped to Mercury? I don't think any of the salt is aimed at you guys helping people out. If I'm wrong, please show me a post that reflects that.

edit: In fact, I think I've been arguing that Mercury shouldn't be the goal for people that can and are willing to help.

Tears and Robinson have been tag teaming to help ppl get to Mercury. That reply to Tears did come off a bit heated on paper. (Not literal paper but whatevs) Not a huge deal but the ppl helping out already do feel a ton of pressure to get ppl where they wanna go.


Both times I've beat Skolas the key was 365 Arc Snipers.
I prefer P&T because it's a massive stagger machine, but even in my last clear we only had one. The other two were 365 legendaries and we did fine.

Your first choice doesn't matter.

My Titan chose Greg's Promise.
The second step will take the full 72 hours :\

Hey Mindlog. Up for a 35 or u done on all ur alts?
Both times I've beat Skolas the key was 365 Arc Snipers.
I prefer P&T because it's a massive stagger machine, but even in my last clear we only had one. The other two were 365 legendaries and we did fine.

Your first choice doesn't matter.

My Titan chose Greg's Promise.
The second step will take the full 72 hours :\

72 hours wtf! kind of bounty is that lol
The salt is not aimed at us in particular, but people shitting all over ToO is just such a shame. So what if you can't get the Mercury chest? Are you having fun playing ToO? If yes, then just keep knocking those matches out, get better along the way and have fun whilst doing it. If not, then stop playing ToO.
I haven't cleared 35 PoE yet because I think the encounter is inherently not fun. As such, I'm not going to bother with it. See how that works?

The way Bungie has everyone fiending for loot makes people forget they're just playing a game it seems. You know, to have fun.

My post wasn't a dig at you by the way, great job on the list, but it just got a little out of hand with the amount of people signing up.

I re-read my post and apologize, it was meant to be tough guy, and came across a bit assholish.

I think I'm mostly fired up because PoE sucks and I really did have fun with ToO last week, but this week has turned to frustration. I do have fun running it, but I'm having a hard time articulating what is frustrating me...and that's a pisser in and of itself. I think it has to do with not wanting to be the guy to waste someone elses boon.
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