Victory Red
One more time: Is the Guardian Edition worth it?
Thats subjective.
One more time: Is the Guardian Edition worth it?
One more time: Is the Guardian Edition worth it?
One more time: Is the Guardian Edition worth it?
One more time: Is the Guardian Edition worth it?
I hope thats true! Would like to know if a Level 25 can do it with other 25s and 26s or whatever the mix needed is.
if you plan on getting expansions, then definitely.
No, just the weekly cap is being reset so you can earn more.
Keeps players from getting all the gear super fast I guess.
I hope thats true! Would like to know if a Level 25 can do it with other 25s and 26s or whatever the mix needed is.
I've only used them sparingly, I think they're ok.
If you think you can hit headshots easily with a single fire, slow RoF weapon, then good I guess.
gdlk if you can aim
One more time: Is the Guardian Edition worth it?
Is there any specific reason to finish the story mode (besides finishing for the sake of finishing it) once you hit level 20? My hunter is 23, and i've been having fun with the crucible and strikes so i havent gone back and finished it.
What about the skins and armory stuff?
You get a free Mote of Light out of it!
Did I just beat the game...?
Did I just beat the game...?
Capped out Sunsinger now time to pvp with two grenades!
Also, anyone notice a difference in movement speed when agility is low? I've equipped the Recovery+toughness thingie and my agility is super low but I'm not noticing a huge change in speed.
I still dont understand why this game couldnt have a normal story to set the universe up.
uh that's not how game studios work. They would not intentionally remove content from the launch game just to make money on a future expansion. If it's in the expansion then it clearly wasn't ready for launch.
Bungie was well aware about our concern pre-launch about a lack of content in Destiny. They do not want to get a low metacritic score; it's rumored that getting a high score would result in salary bonuses for them.
I kinda like how they just throw you into the world. If you want lore or whatever, that's what the Grimoire cards are for.
Yeah, if you want to be sober and throw up.
We got one space for a DestinyGAF EU1 member to join to get the all from one clan strike trophy.
PSN: Hasney
Oh. (sic) Where in game can I find these?
I kinda like how they just throw you into the world. If you want lore or whatever, that's what the Grimoire cards are for.
I'd like someone to read what I have so far for this Destiny fanfiction. Seriously.
It's sitting at 1200 words. More or less.
Don't ignore me, guys.
I think there is an actually thread where they are talking about the story.
Do you just get vanguard rank xp for trading in materials or do you get marks too?
So, has anyone gotten an alternative Ghost Shell yet? I haven't seen anything in-game besides the default shell.
So, has anyone gotten an alternative Ghost Shell yet? I haven't seen anything in-game besides the default shell.
I mean no offense but I need to use you as an example to express this. The fact that this post exists is a testament to how SAD this loot system is. We have one guy singing praises for getting just one legendary loot, while I believe I've gotten 4, 2 each for weapon and armor equips. I remember where they showed the private demo and that boss dropped an exotic weapon. I've yet to get anything in terms of loot from a boss from playing this. The loot system makes absolutely no sense.
Do you have to reach rank 2 of crucible/vanguard rep before you can trade in materials? I'm at 21 and didn't see any options to trade in materials when I was talking to the vendors. Also, does the 100 mark weekly cap apply to marks received via materials too, or is that just for marks earned in the field?marks and rep.
You can trade for vanguard, and you can trade a different npc for crucible.
Ive been earning them as I play linked to kills and stuff. You can read them in the iOS app. Not sure if you can check them out in game though (which is dumb if that's the case).
edit: Looks like they arent available to read in game. Well thats just stupid.