It is about gunfights and skill. People complaining about shotguns need to make the same effort to stay away from shotgun range as the people using them make to get into shotgun range.
i know this isn't a response to me but i'd like to weigh in with my thoughts. Pretty much every map in Destiny
is shotgun range, especially when you factor in sprint, overshields and blink. The long lines of sight you have to stop players before they get close are often cluttered as well. Here's how the maps play in Rumble:
Exodus Blue - largely focused around the buildings where there's little height variation. too many corners and angles; shotguns everywhere.
Asylum - only 3 major lanes on the map. otherwise overwhelmingly CQB. you have to be
really good to kill shotgun players before they get to you
Burning Shrine - you win if you can snipe. Otherwise, shotguns galore.
Anomaly - best place to be if you want to avoid shotguns is the heavy ammo cave. Every other chokepoint is shotgun territory
Twilight Gap - absolutely terrible, cluttered sightlines and swiss-cheese building design. Most engagements are in CQB
Blind Watch - shotguns. behind automatic doors no less.
Rusted Lands - all the major chokepoints and heavy ammo spawns are in CQB
Firebase Delphi - shotguns galore in the central rings, which hold the best sightlines on the map
Shores of Time - the only map not dominated by shotgun fights
Supers on CQB maps bred necessity for shotguns. shotguns bred necessity for ARs. the game backed itself into this corner.
And the only reason ARs are everywhere is because they're easy to use and reliable. If more people could actually aim, you'd see more complaints about crossmap SR dropping people in 4 hits Pulse Rifles in sometimes 3, and Hand Cannons with 1 shot anywhere and a head shot to follow.
Everyone uses ARs because they have the fastest kill time. You can kill 3 people with one mag of the Shingen-E in just under a few seconds. If scout rifles had the fastest kill time, people would use that.
Grenades can't even 1hit kill anyone unless its a sticky. Its right on par with any other halo game and honestly some of them could deserve a buff (skip, swarm grenades in particular)
Warlock and Titan have OHK grenades. Bladedancer also has OHK grenade
Like I said earlier, there's no point in ever taking a corner hard when the radar lights up a like Christmas tree anytime someone is even two rooms out - and if you're going to hit the corner anyways? JUMP come around it high and you've already stretched the range of the encounter past the shotguns 1hk range and put the other guy on his heels trying to find you.
Also, anytime someone wastes a super on you out of panic and kills just you and no one else - you WON. You won HARD. That means that they're not creating orbs for the rest of their team and you know they're gonna be out of trump cards for a long, long time. Take the death and move on. Its not like you're getting kill-streaks in this game so keep it moving and be sure to stomp them out when you see them next time.
tl;dr git gud and realize that destiny isn't Halo, Killzone, or CoD. Play it like the game it is.
Am pretty good at the game, which is why it's frustrating how easy it is to blink + camo shotgun, or throw down a shield and create even more shotgun chokepoints. "playing the game as it is" at this point means abusing the shotguns. destiny's pace is perfect with scout rifle combat, but its meta game has currently peaked at ARs and shotguns. they've even rendered melee combat obsolete
my win percentage speaks for itself - i consistently average ~24 kills and ~4 deaths a game sniping on every map and usually end up with nothing to show for it - not even an in-game rank. Meanwhile, the players shotgunning everywhere are earning legendaries and exotics when they lose.
everything is backwards