Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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I actually tried that mission the other day to complete the bounty and they didn't register as majors or ultras for me. Dunno if you have to play on a higher difficulty of something.

Pretty sure it worked for me. Maybe they patched or something because its easy as hell. Just about all the heroic missions on the moon have a high density of hive majors/ultras. I'll check it out again when I have a chance.

It happened to me earlier while doing one of those bounties.

Yeah I confused that too lol. Fallen majors you gotta wait for the spawns in patrol. Hive bounty is easy mode


Formerly Gizmowned
Finally! Got a Legendary engram! Got it while in the process of doing a bounty on a boss.

It's a leg armor so if it does become Legendary then I'll use the Vanguard marks towards chest and arm armor.


Are you sure you weren't mixing up Hive Majors with Fallen Majors?

You can also do that "awakened the Hive"-quest people are abusing for drops. Knights with yellow bars spawn there. Also a fantastic place to do both double kill with Fusion rifle and triple kill with Super.

I still got some Fallen Ultra/Major to kill before starting todays Bounty run. Anyone got a quick way to get them?


Formerly Gizmowned
Legendary Engram became 2 Strange Coins, I'm ok with this because I now have enough to buy something Exotic from Xur.


Neo Member
Just started the Earth cave farm and my first kill drops a purple ha

EDIT: It turned into the Legendary Strange Suspect pulse rifle, finally a bit of luck.


You can also do that "awakened the Hive"-quest people are abusing for drops. Knights with yellow bars spawn there. Also a fantastic place to do both double kill with Fusion rifle and triple kill with Super.

That's exactly what I did to finish those bounties last night. Takes no time at all.


You can also do that "awakened the Hive"-quest people are abusing for drops. Knights with yellow bars spawn there. Also a fantastic place to do both double kill with Fusion rifle and triple kill with Super.

I still got some Fallen Ultra/Major to kill before starting todays Bounty run. Anyone got a quick way to get them?

I did it with this guy. And you can actually run like 50 feet into the cave behind him and he'll respawn at the top of the cave.


You can also do that "awakened the Hive"-quest people are abusing for drops. Knights with yellow bars spawn there. Also a fantastic place to do both double kill with Fusion rifle and triple kill with Super.

I still got some Fallen Ultra/Major to kill before starting todays Bounty run. Anyone got a quick way to get them?

For fallen majors I went to this spawn on Venus: took around 10 minutes

For Hive majors it'll be the sword mission on the moon.

Edit: Beaten like... well like me in PVP.
I don't do STR for Bladedancer because that sub-tree has a skill called "Fast Twitch," which regenerates your melee in 5 seconds. It's minimal gains to be investing in STR with that particular skill so I went FWC and did INT/DIS.

I kinda want to see how much faster you can make the cool down on blink strike with STR stacked as well. See if you can get to a situation where every time you melee it is blink strike. In other news:

Turns out the vendors have the best legendary drop rate. Now wat do I do...


So I got my first exotic bounty last night, awesome I figured. Got the first two stages done pretty fast since it was just pve. But then came the third stage and its pvp. I have to gain 500 points by killing enemies with void damage, each kill giving 5 points. As a hunter I'm forced to use secondary and heavy weapons for this. But the worst part is that every time I die I lose 2 points. That just makes it way much more annoying then it needs to be tbh. So yeah, now im stuck trying to get lots of kills in pvp using only a fusion rifle and hoping i don't get my ass handed to me all too much.


Finally reached Vanguard Level 2.

Decision time though; I've already bought a nice Legendary Cloak, because style is more important than anything else.

But...I have 11 Strange Coins, so do I risk buying some Legendary armor now, and risk havjng it become obsolete once Xur turns up? It'll be just my lucky that the armor piece I buy would be made redundant by whatever he's selling, wasting my Vanguard Marks!


Formerly Gizmowned
I don't believe it I'm 2 Marks over my limit. I can only get 128 Marks and I wanted 130 for 2 pieces of armor.

Why you do this Bungie!
Is it weird that I'm level 23 and haven't even had a whiff of a legendary item yet? I feel like something is wrong.
I've been grinding and farming engrams to the point of exhaustion and I don't have a thing to show for it. I've only got one legendary engram from leveling up the cryptarch and it turned out to be a rare.


I was lvl 24 with all blues, which is imo the highest lvl you can achieve without legendaries. I'm almost lvl 26 now and haven't even found a purple engram, forget about actually finding useful stuff. Both my legendary pieces are purchased from crucible vendor.


Jesus, this First Blood bounty is majorly bugged. I've gotten first kill in five games in a row but it still says I've completed 0 out of 0.

What the fuck


What's everybodys favorite PvP maps?

I always do really well on Blind Watch and Exodus Blue. I hate Twilight Gap and First Light, first one is a mess of a map, second one just isn't fun with all the damn pikes, interceptors and turrets.


I don't believe it I'm 2 Marks over my limit. I can only get 128 Marks and I wanted 130 for 2 pieces of armor.

Why you do this Bungie!

I'm in a similar situation. I reached Dead Orbit level 1 and liked the look of the Emblem so bought one for 35 marks. Which will now leave me 30 short on buying 3 legendary armor pieces.

Seriously Bungie for the love of God just do away with the weekly cap.

What's everybodys favorite PvP maps?

I always do really well on Blind Watch and Exodus Blue. I hate Twilight Gap and First Light, first one is a mess of a map, second one just isn't fun with all the damn pikes, interceptors and turrets.

Shores of Time on Venus: It's a fantastic map as the control points are so close together it results in some great gunfights quite often. Easy to rack up a decent amount of kills.

The larger maps just don't work at all in PVP (well in certain modes anyway). You get killed then it takes you 20 seconds+ to get back to where the action is only to be one shotted by a rocket launcher and be back where you started.


What's everybodys favorite PvP maps?

I always do really well on Blind Watch and Exodus Blue. I hate Twilight Gap and First Light, first one is a mess of a map, second one just isn't fun with all the damn pikes, interceptors and turrets.

First Light and Bastion are easily the worst two maps in my opinion.


Weekly cap is fine for launchweek. But they should increase it in time.

And thanks for the advice on Fallen bounty =) Need to write these down for all enemies.
What's everybodys favorite PvP maps?

I always do really well on Blind Watch and Exodus Blue. I hate Twilight Gap and First Light, first one is a mess of a map, second one just isn't fun with all the damn pikes, interceptors and turrets.

Shores of Time and Rusted Lands are by FAR the best maps in the game. Both flow well, both support all playstyles, both feel logically built.

Funny enough, I've warmed up to First Light after experiencing some of these other terrible maps like Blind Watch, Exodus Blue, and Bastion.


Haven't played on Bastion yet but I keep hearing that's a bad one. Vehicle maps in this game aren't fun for me.

It's an atrocious map. Up there with First Light as the worst in the game.

As an aside I played The Anomaly map last night for the first time. That was quite cool.


Almost have my faction rep to level 2 and then I'll be able to get more legendary gear seeing as i haven't had much luck with engrams lately.


Shores of Time and Rusted Lands are by FAR the best maps in the game. Both flow well, both support all playstyles, both feel logically built.

Funny enough, I've warmed up to First Light after experiencing some of these other terrible maps like Blind Watch, Exodus Blue, and Bastion.

Yeah those two are good. The thing about Blind Watch is everyone ends up just fighting over near the one flag / inside the building. Other half of the map usually goes untouched for the most part. Not designed very well, but I seem to do pretty well on that map because it's kinda predictable.
Where did you get that helmet?

It was the weekly from the weekend coin vendor last weekend. Wait till friday and see what new gear is being sold by the coin vendor is to see what legendaries you are going to buy around if it you want to be sure of maximum coverage. You can only wear one exotic weapon and one exotic armor piece at a time so you don't miss out too much by missing one week of it.


Just found out you can hover over your level number in the pause menu (the one on the left) and it shows your progress to your next mote of light.

I honestly thought it was just random drops.

I seem to be learning new stuff every day about this game.


Just found out you can hover over your level number in the pause menu (the one on the left) and it shows your progress to your next mote of light.

I honestly thought it was just random drops.

I seem to be learning new stuff every day about this game.

Yep you just continue leveling and everyone you get a mote.

I now have full legendary armor gear. Now I need to get crucible and vanguard up to level 3 so I can replace my last two blue weapons.


What's everybodys favorite PvP maps?

I always do really well on Blind Watch and Exodus Blue. I hate Twilight Gap and First Light, first one is a mess of a map, second one just isn't fun with all the damn pikes, interceptors and turrets.

Shores of Time is the GOAT map. Blind Watch is another favourite. Basically the Beta maps are good, the ones that weren't in the Beta all suck apart from the Mercury one.
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