Anyone up for the daily heroic story ?
psn: stairouaisnan
I'm in...
Anyone up for the daily heroic story ?
psn: stairouaisnan
It's an atrocious map. Up there with First Light as the worst in the game.
As an aside I played The Anomaly map last night for the first time. That was quite cool.
Do you not enjoy just playing the game?
What's the rush to be level 26+? Outside of DLC packs which might add gear to get the light level much higher, this is pretty much it right?
Twilight Gap and Shores of Time are my favourite but I usually do well in Exodus Blue too. Love the smaller maps cause I can shotgun and slap fools.What's everybodys favorite PvP maps?
I always do really well on Blind Watch and Exodus Blue. I hate Twilight Gap and First Light, first one is a mess of a map, second one just isn't fun with all the damn pikes, interceptors and turrets.
Funnest Vanguard Bounty: 30 Melee Kills Without Dying. At level 20+ I just ran around on Venus jumping in the middle of crowds and smacking people around.
Game keeps shoving me these Exotic Weapon Bounties, soon I can't take normal Bounties![]()
How high does your Cryptarch level have to be for legendary engrams to actually produce a legendary item? Does anyone have a hunch here?
My farming on Old Russia following the Completionist's guide wasn't that successful unfortunately.
I've collected all 5 gold chests on Earth. Are the rewards for collecting the rest of the chests on other planets worth it or just cosmetic stuff?
No, the Strange Merchant which appears on the Weekend next to the Crucibal Quatermaster sells Exotic Engrams in exchange for your Motes of Light
Has this been confirmed or are you speculating?every time you rank up it goes up 1-2%
every time you rank up it goes up 1-2%
Mars has good stuff, strange coins and engrams
Finally hit 21, only rare gear no exotics yet.
Been doing the strike playlist for gear, any suggestions on what to do instead? I suck at PvP.
Has this been confirmed or are you speculating?
I'm really enjoying control. Shingen E, warlock sunsinger is niiiice.
So I finally get to play in a fireteam with someone from NeoGAF and my social anxiety from new people kicks in and I can't speak :c Sorry dude who I ditched in the tower, I assume you're from here because you mentioned NeoGaf a few times in voice and text.
How do you get these? I've turned in around 50 bounties and still haven't seen an exotic one.
How high does your Cryptarch level have to be for legendary engrams to actually produce a legendary item? Does anyone have a hunch here?
My farming on Old Russia following the Completionist's guide wasn't that successful unfortunately.
What will 3 Motes get me... Exotic dust I presume? lol![]()
Destiny down in Australia? Server not available message.
Nope I'm playing just fine.
What's everybodys favorite PvP maps?
I always do really well on Blind Watch and Exodus Blue. I hate Twilight Gap and First Light, first one is a mess of a map, second one just isn't fun with all the damn pikes, interceptors and turrets.
I hope Bungie add some new unique Legendary weapons to the game (Borderlands 2 type weapons)
From what I've used/seen they all feel pretty generic for the term "Legendary"
Considering the grind to get one, they should feel more satisfying to use.
I don't know why they named them this way, but you're describing Exotic weapons. They have really unique quirks and features that distinguish them and make them suited to different builds.I hope Bungie add some new unique Legendary weapons to the game (Borderlands 2 type weapons)
From what I've used/seen they all feel pretty generic for the term "Legendary"
Considering the grind to get one, they should feel more satisfying to use.
Mine is level 13 and I still don't legendary gear from legendary engrams all that often.
I'm really enjoying control. Shingen E, warlock sunsinger is niiiice.
Damn. It's the worst when you're all excited about your drop and get a blue that's much worse than your current gear.
I had a blue helmet engram turn into a purple last night.
That more than makes up for the two purples that got turned into a blue the night before.
I have done all bounties every day since release and randomly game has given me these bounties when returning completed normal ones. I have already done one from start to end, got shotty for it.
Why is the beginning area behind a locked gate? I'm just looking around on the Earth patrol and it won't let me go any further.
You could explore that bit in the Alpha. What gives?
Do you do both the Vanguard and Crucible bounties? I've been ignoring the Crucible ones as I am focused on PvP. Maybe I shouldn't be...
Shingen-E almost guarantees you at least a 1.5 k/d every match unless your aim is just really bad haha. That gun's fire rate is insane. Combine it with a shotty and you'll do work.
Shingen-E almost guarantees you at least a 1.5 k/d every match unless your aim is just really bad haha. That gun's fire rate is insane. Combine it with a shotty and you'll do work.
Damn. It's the worst when you're all excited about your drop and get a blue that's much worse than your current gear.
Game keeps shoving me these Exotic Weapon Bounties, soon I can't take normal Bounties![]()
How is everyone getting to many vanguard marks? I have 20 after all I've played.
The lvl 22 strikes take way too long for a measly 3.