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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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How high does your Cryptarch level have to be for legendary engrams to actually produce a legendary item? Does anyone have a hunch here?

My farming on Old Russia following the Completionist's guide wasn't that successful unfortunately.


Do you not enjoy just playing the game?

What's the rush to be level 26+? Outside of DLC packs which might add gear to get the light level much higher, this is pretty much it right?

You honestly don't see a difference between repeatedly playing the game content over and over for hours on end and playing new content?

I'll explain as best I can. Seeing and doing new things in videogames is fun. It's the reason why this entire game doesn't take place in Old Russia. Eventually you get to go to the Moon. There's new stuff to do there. It's fun. After the Moon you can go to Venus and Mars. The reason why the game has more than 1 mission at all is because going to the same places and replaying the exact same scenarios does not stay fun forever.

The only piece of new content this game has after Mars is the Raid. Remember how we said earlier that seeing and doing new things is fun? That's why people want to go there. And the only way to get there is to slog through the same missions you've already done for hours on end. This is not fun.

They are not "rushing through content." They are done with the content. They have experienced the entire breadth of the content again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. And again.

And again.

And again.

You might find this riveting. Most people were bored by the 20th or 30th "again."


Game keeps shoving me these Exotic Weapon Bounties, soon I can't take normal Bounties :(



What's everybodys favorite PvP maps?

I always do really well on Blind Watch and Exodus Blue. I hate Twilight Gap and First Light, first one is a mess of a map, second one just isn't fun with all the damn pikes, interceptors and turrets.
Twilight Gap and Shores of Time are my favourite but I usually do well in Exodus Blue too. Love the smaller maps cause I can shotgun and slap fools.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Funnest Vanguard Bounty: 30 Melee Kills Without Dying. At level 20+ I just ran around on Venus jumping in the middle of crowds and smacking people around.

Knuckleduster if I remember correctly... so much fun, I did it at L19, same type of vibe.

Melee is so deliciously OP in this game, in the best possible way.


I've collected all 5 gold chests on Earth. Are the rewards for collecting the rest of the chests on other planets worth it or just cosmetic stuff?

Game keeps shoving me these Exotic Weapon Bounties, soon I can't take normal Bounties :(

How do you get these? I've turned in around 50 bounties and still haven't seen an exotic one.


How high does your Cryptarch level have to be for legendary engrams to actually produce a legendary item? Does anyone have a hunch here?

My farming on Old Russia following the Completionist's guide wasn't that successful unfortunately.

every time you rank up it goes up 1-2%

I've collected all 5 gold chests on Earth. Are the rewards for collecting the rest of the chests on other planets worth it or just cosmetic stuff?

Mars has good stuff, strange coins and engrams
So I finally get to play in a fireteam with someone from NeoGAF and my social anxiety from new people kicks in and I can't speak :c Sorry dude who I ditched in the tower, I assume you're from here because you mentioned NeoGaf a few times in voice and text.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
So I finally get to play in a fireteam with someone from NeoGAF and my social anxiety from new people kicks in and I can't speak :c Sorry dude who I ditched in the tower, I assume you're from here because you mentioned NeoGaf a few times in voice and text.

Don't worry mate, a lot of people have been there - my advice, just give it another go: it'll get easier for sure.

I used to be quite timid re: talking in online gaming, now it's hard to shut me up :)


How do you get these? I've turned in around 50 bounties and still haven't seen an exotic one.

I have done all bounties every day since release and randomly game has given me these bounties when returning completed normal ones. I have already done one from start to end, got shotty for it.


How high does your Cryptarch level have to be for legendary engrams to actually produce a legendary item? Does anyone have a hunch here?

My farming on Old Russia following the Completionist's guide wasn't that successful unfortunately.

Mine is level 13 and I still don't legendary gear from legendary engrams all that often.


This random loot is so frustrating. I just got to Crucible level 4 expecting a decent weapon or piece of armor and I get a damn Hunter gauntlet. I'm a Warlock.


I'm only level 7 but I am loving it! It makes a MASSIVE difference playing with people you know though. Wasn't great on my own with random people just running in the opposite direction to me.
My psn is same as gaf name if anyone else is a low lvl who wants to play


is now taking requests
I got my very first legendary drop yesterday (at level 22!)

It contained not one, but two motes of light!

joyfull bliss


Neo Member
I hope Bungie add some new unique Legendary weapons to the game (Borderlands 2 type weapons)
From what I've used/seen they all feel pretty generic for the term "Legendary"
Considering the grind to get one, they should feel more satisfying to use.


Any tips on soloing the new weekly heroic challenge in the Summoning Pits?

I can make it to the boss, get him to about half health before I get slaughtered.


What's everybodys favorite PvP maps?

I always do really well on Blind Watch and Exodus Blue. I hate Twilight Gap and First Light, first one is a mess of a map, second one just isn't fun with all the damn pikes, interceptors and turrets.

Firebase Delphi is probably my favorite. Interesting design and lots of tension provided by those huge doors that took a while before opening. As a whole, Exodus Blue is definitely the worst, even though it actually suits my shotgun-heavy play style pretty well.


I hope Bungie add some new unique Legendary weapons to the game (Borderlands 2 type weapons)
From what I've used/seen they all feel pretty generic for the term "Legendary"
Considering the grind to get one, they should feel more satisfying to use.

Exotics are supposed to be for Destiny what more unique legendary weapons are for Borderlands 2. E.g. I have exotic shotgun that is full auto with increased damage on last shot and ammo regeneration [read: infinite ammo in a way].

Edit: fixed awkward typo


How much reputation do you get from the Vanguard Playlist? Is it more worthwhile than just spamming public events and patrols?


The Cryptarch's Bane
I hope Bungie add some new unique Legendary weapons to the game (Borderlands 2 type weapons)
From what I've used/seen they all feel pretty generic for the term "Legendary"
Considering the grind to get one, they should feel more satisfying to use.
I don't know why they named them this way, but you're describing Exotic weapons. They have really unique quirks and features that distinguish them and make them suited to different builds.


Damn. It's the worst when you're all excited about your drop and get a blue that's much worse than your current gear.

Just start thinking legendary engrams as more rare blue engrams and you are better off, less disappointment when it gives that blue item.

And pleasent surprise when you finally score that legendary.


Junior Member
Why is the beginning area behind a locked gate? I'm just looking around on the Earth patrol and it won't let me go any further.

You could explore that bit in the Alpha. What gives?
I had a blue helmet engram turn into a purple last night.

That more than makes up for the two purples that got turned into a blue the night before.


I have done all bounties every day since release and randomly game has given me these bounties when returning completed normal ones. I have already done one from start to end, got shotty for it.

Do you do both the Vanguard and Crucible bounties? I've been ignoring the Crucible ones as I am focused on PvE. Maybe I shouldn't be...


Why is the beginning area behind a locked gate? I'm just looking around on the Earth patrol and it won't let me go any further.

You could explore that bit in the Alpha. What gives?

I noticed this as well. I was quite annoyed as it was a sweet area to explore in the alpha with all the rusted cars. Maybe the DLC will give us access to it.


Shingen-E almost guarantees you at least a 1.5 k/d every match unless your aim is just really bad haha. That gun's fire rate is insane. Combine it with a shotty and you'll do work.

It's stable too. But combine it with radiance too and you can go on plenty of nice streaks.

Won't be using it in iron banner though.


Damn. It's the worst when you're all excited about your drop and get a blue that's much worse than your current gear.

I've found it to be better to just level up the rep of the faction you want to get legendary gear from and then get enough crucible marks and buy them. Farming is a waste of time as half the time you don't even get legendary gear from legendary engrams. It's always blue shit that's worse than what you already have, material that's used to upgrade your weapons and armor or strange coins and motes of light.


How is everyone getting to many vanguard marks? I have 20 after all I've played.

The lvl 22 strikes take way too long for a measly 3.


How is everyone getting to many vanguard marks? I have 20 after all I've played.

The lvl 22 strikes take way too long for a measly 3.

I got 50 last night doing public events and bounties. Do you remember how much rep you got for strikes?
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