Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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The Vanguard bounties "Eliminate X in Mission Y with the Heroic modifier" are actually quite easy and fast to complete! Plus, they give +100 reputation. I wonder why I took so long to try them out.


Do you do both the Vanguard and Crucible bounties? I've been ignoring the Crucible ones as I am focused on PvE. Maybe I shouldn't be...

I do both each day, BUT all exotic weapon bounties I have got when I have been returning batch of PvE bounties. But doing PvP too can't hurt imo.

Are those bounty completely random? Or is there a certain way to get them?

Do bounties each day and return them to that vendor. Game at random rewards you with exotic weapon bounty in return.

At least this is how I see it. Do bounties and get these at random.


Is light Level 24 the highest level you can go without having any legendary armor? I have all blue armor, level 20, max upgraded, and can't get higher than light level 24. Seems blues are useless for me now and I need at least legendary to go any higher...


How is everyone getting to many vanguard marks? I have 20 after all I've played.

The lvl 22 strikes take way too long for a measly 3.

I usually:

Do daily MIssion = +5 Vanguard Marks
Grind some patrol with possible pulic event = +4 for each gold tier event
If you can do weekly = +5 I think
then I will grind out about 3-4 strikes a day = +6 vanguard everytime (Limited by level, I assume you're level 22 but once you get higher the marks come easy)

Also if you're looking to get better gear and want to mix it up from strikes you can always use SpawnLoop areas and in 30 minutes you can have like 10 engrams, sometimes legendary.


Pilot, your Titan is ready, prepare for Titanbombs
Any tips on soloing the new weekly heroic challenge in the Summoning Pits?

I can make it to the boss, get him to about half health before I get slaughtered.

I haven't attempted it yet but apparently there is a set amount of waves. When the additional monsters come, stop focusing on the boss and clear them.
After 5 waves (I think it's 5) no more will spawn, leaving you to deal with the Boss.


The Cryptarch's Bane
If you join a faction, all rep from Vanguard AND Crucible goes toward that faction, so I think it's faster to gain access to Legendary gear.
Just be aware their vendors require Crucible marks as currency.
Is light Level 24 the highest level you can go without having any legendary armor? I have all blue armor, level 20, max upgraded, and can't get higher than light level 24. Seems blues are useless for me now and I need at least legendary to go any higher...
This is correct. Four lvl 20 blues, fully upgraded = level 24. Time to decide what you want your first legendary to be :)
Is light Level 24 the highest level you can go without having any legendary armor? I have all blue armor, level 20, max upgraded, and can't get higher than light level 24. Seems blues are useless for me now and I need at least legendary to go any higher...

I think so.

I was Level 24 and a half with full blue armor for a few days as I couldn't find any legendary's.
I've wasted a lot of time trying out different factions - Crucible, Dead Orbit, Vanguard, etc. Now that I've settled with Future War Cult, I'm only Rank 1 and it's taking forever to build up rep :(

I could have bought Legendary gear days ago...



The strongest argument for Vita - remote play. At work right now but, with my phones wireless hotspot and 4G connection, I could even play it on the bus.

There's a delay so no PVP, but good for farming.

Hyun Sai

The "Vanguard Marks are earned most quickly by playing in Strike Playlist" is the most blatant lie / misinformation ever.

Go and do public events folks, I can't believe how fast it is to earn Marks this way.


Is light Level 24 the highest level you can go without having any legendary armor? I have all blue armor, level 20, max upgraded, and can't get higher than light level 24. Seems blues are useless for me now and I need at least legendary to go any higher...

I believe this to be the case. I've almost completed the bar on light level 24 with all blues and I've not seen higher than +15 light on any blue armor I've collected since.
If I get an Exotic for another class, I'm just going to throw it in the vault and start that character class from scratch.

Its a breeze to get to level 20 (two/three days?) and its all going to come down to Exotics.

Everyone will have full legendaries in a few weeks cause you can just buy them. Exotics are where its at.

I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that you can just "buy" legendaries. It takes the rare-ness out of them. Also, the fact that I know at least 3 people with a piece of exotic armor and the game has been out a week.

In Borderlands, the Orange weapons were so rare it was unbelievable, whispers were mentioned of people seeing them or getting the chance to hold one..... until all the glitching happened and then we all had every orange in the game, but before that I liked their exclusiveness.
I like that people are now going for Vanguard/Crucible reps and marks instead of playing the Cryptarch lottery, this is what you guys should've done from the start. But of course there was no way of telling how fucked up epic loot is in this game, so I don't blame anyone.


I'm the same. Everyone swears by them in PVP and I get one shotted by them all the time but whenever I use them it takes at least 2 shots to kill someone. Dunno what I'm doing wrong.

Get familiar with range of your shotgun and always try to engage with ADS, it seems to help with hitting target. Also like others said do "Shot => Instant melee strike" -combos. Should be guaranteed kill at decently close range.


Played with two randoms on the public Mars strike list. Wow that took some time at level 18.

PVP is frustrating with the shotgunning. Went up against a 24 guy Dante95 and seen him get meleed 3 times by me plus another 2 by another guy and still had over 1/4 health. That seems crazy.

Overall, I'm really enjoying the game. The auto rifles I keep getting are the same gun basically. Wish there was more variety in the designs I get. Still such a timesink each day.


You get 2.

Ah right it starts at level 18 for the strike playlist. I find at lvl 24 the 24 strike mission goes smoothly, I get more gear/engrams and the reward is 25 rep +6 marks. Not the fastest way to grind by any means but to each their own.


Got my first last night. Urgh.

Anyway, crucible has been a lot more fun once I actually got a weapon with some decent modifiers on it. I seem to be fine at killing people, but I also just seem to die a lot. Oh well, practice makes perfect.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Played with two randoms on the public Mars strike list. Wow that took some time at level 18.

PVP is frustrating with the shotgunning. Went up against a 24 guy Dante95 and seen him get meleed 3 times by me plus another 2 by another guy and still had over 1/4 health. That seems crazy.

Overall, I'm really enjoying the game. The auto rifles I keep getting are the same gun basically. Wish there was more variety in the designs I get. Still such a timesink each day.


honestly its really not even worth hanging around in matchmaking groups like that. once you seem some otherworldly shit like that twice or more, just leave


I like that people are now going for Vanguard/Crucible reps and marks instead of playing the Cryptarch lottery, this is what you guys should've done from the start. But of course there was no way of telling how fucked up epic loot is in this game, so I don't blame anyone.

Yup, this has been my plan since Day 3 when I unlocked all this. Any Legendaries I get from RNG are simply a welcomed bonus.

By the weekend I'll be able to buy boots and a helmet to complete my armor set with Legendaries and an Exotic. I'll probably wait to see what Xur is selling though before I grab anything.

I hit Rank 3 with New Monarchy last night and as a reward they gave me their awesome cluster-bombing Arc a Damage Rocket Launcher. I have the Solar Damage Crucible Rocket Launcher as well that I got from RNG.
Shingen-E almost guarantees you at least a 1.5 k/d every match unless your aim is just really bad haha. That gun's fire rate is insane. Combine it with a shotty and you'll do work.

my combo is a Fusionrifle shot, its either an instant kill or leaves you very low on health, swap out to Shingen-C or knife to the face.

Hunter swaps out weapons very fast and my Fusionrifle has 6 shots and a fast reload speed/recharge rate.


The "Vanguard Marks are earned most quickly by playing in Strike Playlist" is the most blatant lie / misinformation ever.

Go and do public events folks, I can't believe how fast it is to earn Marks this way.

Yup, this is a great way. The playlist is not very attractive, especially if you need reputation. Maybe if you have a solid fireteam and can breeze through it, but solo not so much. On Patrol, you could also farm the materials to exchange for more marks and reputation if you have a lot (I'd keep a buffer of 50 or so for upgrading gear), and grab chests and do missions for even more reputation.

Plus you'll get several Ascendant materials each day if you chase public events, which are now more frequent.
Woo! A review that finally gets it. Yes I know there's a review thread, but last time I checked it was quite troll-ey.

The review thread isn't troll-ey, just not wildly enthusiastic about the game. There's a few trolls, yeah, but for the most part it's full of reasonable people with reasonable issues. The fact that anything less than fawning adulation is viewed as trolling is... pretty messed up, man.


Why is the beginning area behind a locked gate? I'm just looking around on the Earth patrol and it won't let me go any further.

You could explore that bit in the Alpha. What gives?

I was just talking to my friend the other day about that. I have no idea why it's block off other then future dlc or that all that area we were suppose to be able to explore on launch isn't ready.


Oh shit, I'm at the New Monarchy vendor looking to buy gauntlets and I have no idea which one to go for, the one with the slightly, slightly, better stats, and by slightly I mean by a couple of points, of the gauntlet which goes with my current set, the Justicar.

E92 M3

So, general question: For anyone that bought the digital guardian edition on the Xbox One, does it still show that something needs to be installed when everything is? I have the expansion pass, both expansions, collectors items, and vanguard stuff installed. Why is it still showing that stuff needs to be installed? (in games and apps)

Secondly, did your Destiny purchase show up on Xbox rewards site?


formerly Oynox Slider
The review thread isn't troll-ey, just not wildly enthusiastic about the game. There's a few trolls, yeah, but for the most part it's full of reasonable people with reasonable issues. The fact that anything less than fawning adulation is viewed as trolling is... pretty messed up, man.

Hey, sorry. I did say 'the last time I checked'. I've not really been going much outside of this thread and thought it might be cool to read for others who did the same. If reasonable people are having reasonable discussion, then I'm all for it!

I should say that the review isn't fawning adulation either, just broadly positive - like my own experience. It's flawed but ultimately it's completely hooked me and I've had some amazing moments in it.

And I'm not a man.


Question for you guys. I've only really played one thing MMO or MMO like and that was Star Trek Online. Near the airplanes in Old Russia on earth, there is a torn fence with a ledge below. I saw it and went down there and there is a cave with a enemy inside with ?? as his level. I couldn't touch him and he killed me with one shot.

DLC or is that something you have to be high level to check out. I think it might be a chest in there.
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