This, for me, is Destiny's raison d'être, its resounding justification. It's a systematically refined game, with superlative combat and intriguing progression that plays the long game. It's beautiful. It's a slow burner, perhaps dangerously so for the skittish console audience, although the prevailing winds in gaming - where social, persistent metagaming is king - are on its side. It's a sound competitive shooter that doesn't particularly stand out in a sea of strong competition. It's inscrutable and cold and heavy-handed, saddled with pompous lore, inept storytelling and undercooked mission design. It won't necessarily satisfy fans of Halo's rollercoaster campaigns. It could really use a sense of humour. And it initially appears to do nothing new beyond require an internet connection.
But in the white heat of the Strike playlists - or in Heroic mission runs with a friend, or in the unheralded arrival of a public event whilst tooling around in Patrol - Destiny blazes a clear trail through the middle of the desolate no man's land that, for years now, has segregated the bombastic emptiness of shooter campaigns from the frenetic slaughter of multiplayer. And it does so with a poise and depth that its few peers - games like the charming but scrappy Borderlands and Far Cry - cannot match; a poise and depth that will keep people playing it for years.