WUHU, I'm officially now a full member of Neogaf. Goodbye Junior Status
I don't think there's anything wrong with farming; not like there's anything else to do in between capping marks.
I'm still trying to figure out buying things. Isn't there a 100 mark cap, with legendary items costing more then 100 marks? That would mean that the most you could have until next week is 200 marks, not enough for two Legendary items...
So I've maxed my new monarchy and vanguard rep to 3.
I got the level 18 legendaries. Do they ever get anything higher than 18 or have I hit another wall and need to pray to RNGesus?
So, er, competitive multiplayer in this game is fundamentally broken. It's Halo but everyone has instant access to power weapons. Where's the incentive to use my hand cannon pistol when I can one shot people with a fusion rifle? Just had a game of Rumble and it was basically a case of whoever shoots first, wins. Instagib, basically. Which is fine. I love instagib. As a standalone game mode. Not as a fundamental gameplay mechanic.
The customisation is fantastic, and I appreciate the continuity of carrying over your character's weapons into multiplayer. I'm also aware that the weapons are normalised so stats don't count. But you can still one shot with the fusion rifle. And the shotgun. And the sniper rifle. And ammo is plentiful enough that you don't really have to worry about ever having to use your weaker regular weapon.
Sorry, but I just can't play competitive multiplayer when it's like this. It's dull.
Really enjoying the PVE stuff, pining for a more Halo-style multiplayer with power weapon spawns, map control, tactics, etc. CoD gets away with the loadout thing because the weapons are pretty balanced. This ain't balanced.
I just had to grind lots of Helium. Will need even more but without the ascendant shards that I also need I am not going to invest more time into that right now.
Welcome to like a year ago.
Rep, not marks.
Bah, I give up on the Crucible for now. It's just incredibly frustrating to get constantly one shot by numerous weapons. I'm a Titan and I feel like my armor is made out of paper. I just die instantly.
Finally found some ship blueprints
Here's my current ship...
Finally found some ship blueprints
Here's my current ship...
Bah, I give up on the Crucible for now. It's just incredibly frustrating to get constantly one shot by numerous weapons. I'm a Titan and I feel like my armor is made out of paper. I just die instantly.
head piece is 120ish (so two weeks)
other body pieces are like 60 each
weapons take 2 or 3 weeks
if you cap both crucible and vanguard marks you can be fully geared out in legendary armor pieces in 2 weeks
speaking of marks, since you can't buy other class gear with vanguard marks, is anyone even going to bother capping once you get a set of equipment you like?
Dude, I was doing patrol on the Moon on Monday and I only found like 10 of those. I am dreading having to do Spirit Bloom grinding...
Preview does not work for blueprints.
What level are you? I am going to be honest if you are not level 20 you are at a disadvantage.
But Rumble = Shotgunning all day
The Crucible is the best thing about this game.
This so much. I enjoy doing strikes but the payouts are way too low for the investment they take. I can probably generate more rep by doing bounties and patrol.
They should definitely up the reward on strikes to something like 7-10 marks instead of what, 3?
Ridiculous. It's by far the worst thing. The maps are crap and the game is fundamentally unbalanced and broken. Most of the weapons are redundant, barring the few that can one-shot people. It's dire.
They should definitely up the reward on strikes to something like 7-10 marks instead of what, 3?
They should definitely up the reward on strikes to something like 7-10 marks instead of what, 3?
You have to do a chest run right at the landing point. You will get helium from the chests and from helium spots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9qZKuvwsSw
Got like almost 50 in under an hour.
Also this is my Guardian right now. It#s weird that the website doesn't show all the markings on the armor:
You have to do a chest run right at the landing point. You will get helium from the chests and from helium spots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9qZKuvwsSw
Got like almost 50 in under an hour.
Also this is my Guardian right now. It#s weird that the website doesn't show all the markings on the armor:
Level 27 hunter, Wednesday (today) at about 6:30 PM CST, I'm going to be on doing the weekly strike, I think I'll need two GAFers, my friend is at level 24 with not many legendary equips, can't handle it (tried today). I'm on PS4 my name is arekkusu77. Just PM if interested so I'm not shifting through the topic. Thanks!
Level 24 strikes award 6 marksThey should definitely up the reward on strikes to something like 7-10 marks instead of what, 3?
Patrols and bounties do not award marks.Public events, patrol missions, bounties.
You could give weapons to other classes, yeah?speaking of marks, since you can't buy other class gear with vanguard marks, is anyone even going to bother capping once you get a set of equipment you like?
Still, I want to be sure he didn't mean 25 rep. Why would spinmetal give 250 rep when strike playlist gives 25, and patrols give 10? Seems pretty skewed.
25 glimmer for killing boss, not even gear loot, is just pure joke also. If I have to spend a lot of time on bulletsponge boss at least give me proper amount of cash.
Yep and rep should be doubled or tripled.
Yeah absolutely, 3 Marks for the Time you spent to complete a strike is way to low.
You could give weapons to other classes, yeah?
Yeah I should have totally gone Titan.
Warlock gear is okay but all the vendor legendary vests are hideous.
Anyone post this map of Events for Earth yet? Looks like I know how I am going to grind for Vanguard Marks this weekend.
I think my Warlock Vest looks pretty cool....
Exotic weapon bounty to kill 500 guardians in crucible with void damage.. dieing hinders progress? No thanks.
that is the one i have and i hate the skirt
i had a cool blue rarity chestpiece with a tattered skirt and open front but no vanity options makes me sad
As far as I can tell, anything negative in this thread is ignored, and there isn't really any discussion going on. It's like a constant stream of individual thoughts with nobody bothering to respond to them. What's the point?