I made the above post a couple of days ago and it was lost in the ether. Doesn't anybody else have an opinion on this? Competitive multiplayer is broken. Starting with "power weapons" has dumped Destiny in a "not-quite-Halo, not-quite-CoD" wilderness. And definitely not in a good way.
Agree it feels a lot like the Halo multiplayer. Not sure i'd go as far as saying broken though. I've not had much luck one-shotting. A bit here and there with the FR/shotgun, but nost of the time the opponent seems to end up with <75%.
Talking of Halo though, I'd love to see some SWAT here.
I'd like to echo some of the other opinions I've seen about raids. I'm nowhere near 26 yet (12) due to having to WORK and a FAMILY. Also the chances of me finding (a) the time and (b) having 6 'friends' available to co-op the raid are non-existent. So, sadly i expect i'll never get round to it. No matchmaking - Nice one bungie
Final point. The wife and I quite often spend time co-op'ing games in the evenings once parenting duties are done. Had high hopes for this, having LOVED halo. The lack of decent story and couch co-op has really dissapointed me. Hopefully the sucess of D3 will make dev's aware of the market for couch co-op.