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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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I thought it's been said that his level is irrelevant to decoding?

It is. My Cryptarch level is 14 and nothing has changed since it's been level 1. The higher percentage of getting a legendary item from an engram equating to a higher Cryptarch level is BS.

Just got this from a blue engram I got from doing the tiger strike playlist.


While loot is random in WoW (from limited table of drops per boss), it's still more fair. Here it's just frustrating. Imagine getting Coins (whatever it's called, the thing they introduced in MoP) instead of normal drops and then each player rolls individually, where there is 5-10% chance to roll actual epic and the rest would give you copper ore or some shitty rare/uncommon, so most of the time instead of getting desired piece you don't get anything at all... over and over again. Destiny on top of loot being random, is only screwing you at getting anything at all.

Exactly, the loot system in WoW is at least predictable to some degree (this boss drops these items). Having a dice roll to even get a drop, and a dice roll to determine if it's a green item, a blue engram, a legendary, etc, then ANOTHER dice roll to determine if that engram even turns into a decent item is kind of absurd, and seems like either poor design or artificially adding play time by forcing players to grind longer.


There really isn't any rhyme or reason to the drops is there? Just picked up two legendary engrams from playing a level 12 mission on the moon (for a bounty). Let's see what I get! Would prefer shards over anything else if I'm honest.

N° 2048

This thread makes me laugh. Glad a lot of the whiners have left though, maybe they can go to the review thread...

Anywho...thinking my next step is grind some Glimmer and then work on my Vanguard rep/marks :)

Slowly (which some people here can't seem to grasp) but surely I will level up past Light 24.


]While loot is random in WoW (from limited table of drops per boss), it's still more fair.[/B] Here it's just frustrating. Imagine getting Coins (whatever it's called, the thing they introduced in MoP) instead of normal drops and then each player rolls individually, where there is 5-10% chance to roll actual epic and the rest would give you copper ore or some shitty rare/uncommon, so most of the time instead of getting desired piece you don't get anything at all... over and over again. Destiny on top of loot being random, is only screwing you at getting anything at all.

You must be joking. The last time I raided I went weeks without anything dropping for me. If something did drop I could use, I usually lost the roll. Here I can run shit till my fingers are raw. People are already level 26 and up after a week hich means they are finding Legendary's and Exotics.


Can you get the rewards from the weekly heroic multiple times if you choose different difficulties?

You get extras, i.e. if you do level 24 one you get 3 coins and 26 nets you 6, but if you do 24 first, then 26 will only give you 3 coins, instead of 6 for the total of 6 per week.


Been playing a lot since release, never gotten a Legendary Engram.

Yesterday got a legendary helm engram, got a blue lvl 16 helm /wrists.
Couple hours later got a legendary chest engram, got a level 20 exotic chest...FOR MY CLASS!!! Holy shit lol. Still lukewarm on this game, but man did that feel good.

Thank you for spreading the good word brother Mugaaz, RNGesus loves us all! No man knows the time or place of that love, but it will happen....eventually...

Praise RNGesus!

RNG is a bitch. Want to know how many Blackwing Lair runs I did before I got my Judgment Shoulders? How about 4 billion? Nope, not bitter at all about it still :p

Silly paladin's, putting your faith in the light, when the truth lies in RNGesus!

As a pally I also ran BWL for roughly a year, and we never saw judgement spaulders drop even once.


Cømet;130413683 said:
There really isn't any rhyme or reason to the drops is there? Just picked up two legendary engrams from playing a level 12 mission on the moon (for a bounty). Let's see what I get! Would prefer shards over anything else if I'm honest.
Every thing about loot is random. There no rhyme or reason to it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
After 2 hours of farming a couple of spots and running the strike playlist, I FINALLY found a legendary heavy weapon ennegram. When I went to decode it, it turned into an ascendant shard...



After decoding all of my blues and one purple, I had a message at the postmaster and I ended up getting 2 more purples and one blue. The blue was a Grinder's Cloak (cause I don't have a million of these already) and the 2 legendaries downgraded to rares and were a pair of Rustburner 1.5's and a fucking shotgun. It's time for me to take a break before I through my controller through the window...
Yikes I... really need to try and prevent this kind of thing! I'm typing up some thoughts now.
You need a higher level Cryptarch. ;(
There's no evidence this has any effect
Got a purple legendary package by way of special orders...turned into 3 blues. A strange coin and two I just dismantled as they weren't as good as what I'm already rocking.

Boy do I want Vanguard armour though, long ways away.


You must be joking. The last time I raided I went weeks without anything dropping for me. If something did drop I could use, I usually lost the roll. Here I can run shit till my fingers are raw. People are already level 26 and up after a week hich means they are finding Legendary's and Exotics.

Lost roll? Git out, anyone serious about raiding had DKP/EPGP system in place. After start of each new tier I would be rocking Heroic/BiS gear after 2-3 months.

As I said, loot in Destiny is also random, you don't get good rolls for your class all the time, i.e. you use Hand Canon and armor pieces roll bonuses for Scout/Auto Rifle, and you prefer grenade spam, but pieces roll Strength instead of Discipline. But in WoW it at least drops, here it doesn't drop at any reasonable rate. On top of engrams being very rare (I had maybe 13-15 drop, rest came from mail) it has small chance to roll legendary, which in the end might not be useful (wrong class/stats/upgrades).


What's the fastest way to farm rep? I need to get Future War Cult up to 2 so I can buy some legendaries.

Is it patrols?


Finally got my first legendary yesterday. A rocket launcher called unfriendly giant iirc. A primary or piece of armor would've been better but whatever. Edit: just to clarify. Got this rl from a purple engram that i found while doing a strike.

So i spent some time yesterday farming loot on that spot on the moon. After all my rare and legendary engrams turned to shit i decided to work on my vanguard rep.
Did a shit ton of strikes. I know it's random but damn, i did devil's lair like 5 times. The one in venus with the archon priest also a lot of times. Fun nevertheless but tiresome to do the same things over and over.

Anyway, got vanguard rank 2 and bought a legendary armor. And i'll buy a gauntlet later. Fuck you RNGod! I'm not your slave.

Also i upgraded my titan defender class. I'm in love with the bubble shield. Got the bless of light buff. It's very useful. I was doing a strike with some randoms. One was a defender titan with weapons of light buff.
We by coincidence placed our shields one next to the other. So good.

I'm having way more fun than i thought i would. I'm addicted. Went to bed at 4am because is this game.


I did some farming earlier at the Skywatch and there were 3 others there (dunno if in a fireteam or what). I got about 3 Legendary engrams and they each got 1-2 in the time I was there. We couldn't talk but I danced and waves and pointed when they got Legendaries and I think we made a good farming team.

Then everything changed when the Fire Nation Fallen and Hive attacked.
When it did the mini event thingie where waves of them spawn something happened. I dunno if they just left or what but they were gone and I'd never felt so alone in Old Russia ;_;

Good Luck with your decodes farm buddies! May the Cryptarch not be a dick to you.

How did you know when they got legendary drops? Like pvp and it says it on screen? And I was at Skywatch for hours and saw no purples. The only way I get any is from the crypt guy.
Not positive, but I think impact is how much you slam an enemy back when you headshot them. I believe your actual damage per shot is the big white number next to the picture of the weapon. Can anyone confirm/deny this?

I thought the consensus was that the attack number determines whether you actually could possibly damage higher-level enemies or not. As it says in the game: "Higher Attack allows your weapons to damage higher-level opponents." And Impact "increases the damage inflicted by each round".


Which class can get the most armor/recovery stat warlock or hunter? or can they both get the same amount through skills ?

All those stats are pure defense only, recovery affects your health/shield regen. So I would personally stack agility and armor, so you are not getting one-shotted by bosses and can dodge crap more easily.


X-Frame and myself here from GAF are looking for 4 others for most likely a Saturday group to do the Raid from scratch.

We would ideally like nothing but Titan and Warlocks. (Sorry Hunters...your supers don't seem as awesome to help in success in a raid compared to the shield and auto revive)

26+ in level.

PM myself or X-frame so we can set up a time that will work. Set aside about 4-5 hours if possible.

Also, by the weekend there should be more guides and tips about how to complete the Raid.

PSN: Afrodeeziyak. Sunsinger Warlock but I can also be Voidwalker if necessary.

I'm 25, but I'll be 26 by Saturday. I'm hoarding marks so I can see what I can buy with Strange Coins on Friday.


I should have added this info:

PSN ID for me is OutlawOcelot

I'll be 27 MAYBE 28 come Friday/Saturday. 26 right now with 95% completed to 27.

Would be great if you hit 28 by then. What does it entail to hit 28? A full Legendary + Exotic set I assume at the very least, probably with a Defense upgrade or two with Ascendant Shards?


Bungie definitely needs to rebalance how they do faction/vanguard experience and marks.

Primarily up the value for doing strikes near your level. If you're going for rep why are 3 patrol missions gonna give you more than one strike?


Gold Member
Has anyone used the legendary auto rifle from the New Monarchy faction? I think it's called "Vanquisher".

I like how it looks and like the stats, but the clip size is kinda low (22). A plus is that it can be upgraded to almost full stability, but I just don't want to be reloading constantly.

Thoughts on it?


I just thought of a hypothetical way to farm for drops in the crucible. I probably wouldn't do this since it'd be a lot of work and you're still at the mercy of the RNG, but people are saying the better drops do come from PvP.

Can 6 players form a fireteam and play skirmish or rumble against each other? You could work it out so that one player gets all the kills on one other player, next game they switch places so K/D is not affected. One spot on the map can be designated the kill spot so each player just sprints there to their kill/death as fast as possible. Matches would end super fast and there would be potential legendary or exotic drops for everyone at the end of each match.


Hit Crucible rank 2 just now and bought a legendary chestgear. Still have 65 marks left though so im wondering if the cloak/cape make me earn marks och Crucible XP faster. Anyone know?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
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