Finally found a shader I like.
Finally found a shader I like.
Anyone up for a 2nd level weekly strike in the evening? I need some of those damn coins.
I hope you're a Warlock or a Titan, and you have a decent void Fusion Rifle and void Machine Gun/Rocket Launcher.
Have fun in Rumble.
The grimoire card bonuses are apparantley tied to loot drop rates. If you get to a certain level of that bonus you get more chance and more materials and more x.
So good.Pulse Rifle with Full Auto Mod..yiss.
Finally found a shader I like.
Pulse Rifle with Full Auto Mod..yiss.
Please don't dieI want to die.
What did you do to get into a raid? I have no clue how to gather 6 people. 1 of my personal friends is stuck in level limbo, my other friend is just not playing much.
Lol, thanks bud, it was worth the heart ache from all those purples turning green on me.Praise RNGesus!
RNGesus, blessing our brother Gutz! (Grats!)
This gun is so sick, it fully reloads in about 10 seconds after emptying its "clip". It doesnt reload in the way other weapons do, as it doesn't have a magazine, and just needs time to recharge.![]()
I'll do whatever it takes to get my hands on these Exotics man. They all look so fuckin good
Love, love love this game.
That is all.
And why I haven't been posting much
Theyre stronger than auto rifles? Or....
Cømet;130424963 said:Where abouts on bnet are the advisories and crucible stuff? This website is a pain in the arse to navigate.
EDIT: nvm found em.
Anyone know if Xur is coming back this weekend, or we going to see more random vendors?
Cømet;130424963 said:Where abouts on bnet are the advisories and crucible stuff? This website is a pain in the arse to navigate.
Cømet;130424963 said:Where abouts on bnet are the advisories and crucible stuff? This website is a pain in the arse to navigate.
EDIT: nvm found em.
Bungie: "We want every piece of loot to have an epic story behind how you got it."
Player: "I got a legendary engram from a random chest."
Seriously, Bungie, I know you have people reading this thread. The loot distribution, in its current state is crap, and you know it. Fix it.
I'm up for it if you're playing it at around 7pm central. Need some coins myself. Have 8 right now. I'm a level 25 hunter. PSN is MrJellyBean.
There's a little button that looks like a Bar Graph, on for example a Place card. Click it!I keep hearing about bonuses you can activate from Grimoire cards but when I go to the cards all I see are the cards themselves with lore/info on. What am I missing?
You are correct, at least for your starter set.At this point (27 hours in / 11 of those at lvl 20) It seems the expected way to gear up is from the Vendors.
This is what I'm working to get:
It's a Batman gun with poison bullets. I want it.
There also doesn't seem to be a lot of exotic items which even further diminishes the idea of finding something unique.
Sitin at work thinking bout this damn game..
I am a hunter though, so I guess warlock is next class.
Finally found a shader I like.
Reminds me of a Brute Spiker from Halo 3.
I think they could also make the weapon effects more interesting. Spewing bullets from a Void gun look the same as from an Arc gun or a Flame gun-- how about some particle effects? Or maybe some kind of impact effect? Would help make some of the guns, particularly the non-exotics, feel more differentiated and special.Well, for the next game or maybe the DLC I hope Bungie adds more interesting weapons. You have all the aliens fighting with these uniquely designed weapons, why can't we use them?
Some of the guns we have a very cool, but darn it, I want my alien weapons!
Let me know how it goes, I'm at work so I can't test out the run quite yet. I've heard that there are more assassination missions on Mars, so I would like to go there and see if I can map out a route for optimizing the patrol there.
Cloaks, marks, and bonds can now drop in this Playlist. Tournament Tickets also become more common.
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but the reason strikes don't seem to be dropping much gear is the advisories on Bnet are the way to open them up. I have one sitting there right now where I need to beat 5 more strikes (50 total) and then cloaks, marks and bonds will start dropping too. Perhaps once you hit 75 or 100 it makes legendary or exotic gear available as end of round drops too?
Fainlly reached Vanguard rank 3. Time to get a legendary cloak from dead orbit to get rid of the last blue item.
Maybe for the Trials of Osiris? If that's still a thing?Looking at the Grimoire cards for the Crucible playlists, it says:
Anybody seen/know anything about Tournament Tickets?
Bungie: "We want every piece of loot to have an epic story behind how you got it."
Player: "I got a legendary engram from a random chest."
Seriously, Bungie, I know you have people reading this thread. The loot distribution, in its current state is crap, and you know it. Fix it.