Well, I'm free for raid, weekly strikes, anything since I was just let go. You guys don't really want to know how I received the news. It's seriously a fucked up way.
Fainlly reached Vanguard rank 3. Time to get a legendary cloak from dead orbit to get rid of the last blue item.
Made this last night.
Awesome & good for you for doing it the "right way". Farming is lame lol.fuck farming, once I buckled down and started focusing on bounties and picking up opportunistic materials I got my first two legendaries... bought them from FWC. immediately busted through the level 24 plateau and sitting midway through 25. on top of that I have plenty of materials waiting to be used to upgrade my new armor once I level them![]()
Favourite strike boss?
Worst strike boss?
Favourite enemy faction?
I'll go first!
Favourite strike boss is probably the Archon (I know people hate him, but you have to run and gun and I like it).
Worst strike boss is definitely the cabal tank man.
Favourite enemy faction is the Cabal. I think the Legionaries look huggable.
Go! (if this post doesn't get lost in The Darkness (see what I did there?))
How is the best weapon type to damage Wizards? We have a hard time with them in the Weekly Heroic Strike yesterday... the job was done but it was really painful to kill them... maybe there are done kind of damage type or weapon that better fits.
Nice montage. I still have no idea what that super does.
Favourite strike boss?
Worst strike boss?
Favourite enemy faction?
Text message.Your boss posted it on your facebook wall, didn't they.
I wish there was a shader that was all dark blue like double banshee except it gives me a red visor.
How is the best weapon type to damage Wizards? We have a hard time with them in the Weekly Heroic Strike yesterday... the job was done but it was really painful to kill them... maybe there are done kind of damage type or weapon that better fits.
Depends on the color of their shield... but I believe in this case, solar (orange).Guys.
How is the best weapon type to damage Wizards? We have a hard time with them in the Weekly Heroic Strike yesterday... the job was done but it was really painful to kill them... maybe there are done kind of damage type or weapon that better fits.
How is the best weapon type to damage Wizards? We have a hard time with them in the Weekly Heroic Strike yesterday... the job was done but it was really painful to kill them... maybe there are done kind of damage type or weapon that better fits.
Text message.
While on my way to work. Had to get off the bus and wait for an half hour for another one.
Ohhhhh I didn't know that... thanks.Their shields are red, so solar damage takes their shield down quicker.
how to win in pvp: Pick a shotgun. that is all
Please don't die. My luck had been incredibly horrible with engrams and loot chests up until today.
(uncommon, and rare from 12 legendary engrams, stings bad man.)
I was lucky to get grouped with a very international group from GAF, and we just happened to be able to listen to each others advice, and take orders when needed.
We are still working on the raid, but so far we have made pretty good progress.
I had added a shi-ton of Gafers to my PSN friends list at the end of the beta, so I had plenty of opportunities for forming raids.
Just randomly happened that I was on when a spaniard, couple aussies, and some 'mericans were all on and wanted a raid party.
Lol, thanks bud, it was worth the heart ache from all those purples turning green on me.
This gun is so sick, it fully reloads in about 10 seconds after emptying its "clip". It doesnt reload in the way other weapons do, as it doesn't have a magazine, and just needs time to recharge.
Sweet baby RNGesus, I can't wait to level it up to turn people into walking explosives.
Awesome & good for you for doing it the "right way". Farming is lame lol.
So could someone explain to me what the point of Leveling up multiple vendors would be other than different types of gear?
All gear is essentially the same right? Or is leveling up in Vanguard better than devoting all my points to New Monarchy?
Two blasts from a solar fusion rifle makes a wizard your bitch. lol.
So if you keep it, should you die you can hit L1R1 and rezz.
If not you can just use it and receive dmg protection and all abilities enhanced, it also lets you pretty much spam your grenade. It's awesome.
Awesome & good for you for doing it the "right way". Farming is lame lol.
So those big shiny oranges are grenades? Damn..
Or a powerful Solar Sniper Rifle. Pop goes the weasel.
No, the different faction gear offers different attributes. FWC tends to bump discipline and intellect. Dead Orbit focuses on other attributes and same with Monarchy. Depending on your class you may prefer one faction's gear over another. Take a look at their gear and then focus on one by buying their armband/cloak/whatever. You'll stop leveling up Vanguard and when you do bounties, turn in materials for rep, etc, it goes to your faction instead.
Destiny isn't Diablo. Loot from grinding and drops isn't the only/main way to get gear. Here's a guide for:
100% Guaranteed Full Legendary + Exotic Armor, no RNG
Every Level after 3 with a Faction will earn you Legendary Faction Gear
So stop complaining about drops.
Oh wow, got my first exotic weapons bounty.
Anyone know what might be the easiest?
A Voice in the Wilderness
Shattered Memory Fragment
Tolands Legecy
Text message.
While on my way to work. Had to get off the bus and wait for an half hour for another one.
Favourite strike boss?
Worst strike boss?
Favourite enemy faction?
Two blasts from a solar fusion rifle makes a wizard your bitch. lol.
And spam melee! it is knownand used by me a lot haha
While I get the issues people have with the drops, I gotta say I agree with you. I hit Vanguard 3 last night and did a bunch of turn ins for marks. I have 2 legendary pieces of armor and got one of the legendary scout rifles from hitting rank 3 (sliver away from hitting 26). I've done public quests, strikes and all kinds of patrols on whichever planet I feel like. My gear is better than most of the people I've seen shooting at a cave for hours on end and I feel like I've probably had way more fun getting there.
I've also found a half dozen legendary engrams out in my travels (and a fair amount of blues ones) and none of the decrypts have been insane, but some have been upgrades and one or two have been actual legendary items. I feel like the random drops/cryptarch stuff should be icing on the cake for your adventures, not the entire dessert.
To each there own, if people want to shoot at a cave all day that's fine, but there are way more varied and entertaining (imo) ways to gear up.
C is easy! If you're on xb1 I'll join up with you.
If not, there was an exotic guide... Somewhere. I don't have the link atm.
Speaking of shotguns I found a legendary called The Comedian which has an effect that tightens the spread of each blast if I aim so effectively I can one shot people from twice the distance.
aha a hahaha hahahahaThat's the weapons description
Ehh.... They could do a bit more than that.They do actually, pay attention to the heavy machine guns tracers, they match the color of the elemental damage
Just got a purple helm to decrypt. I'm afraid.
Oh wow, got my first exotic weapons bounty.
Anyone know what might be the easiest?
A Voice in the Wilderness
Shattered Memory Fragment
Tolands Legecy