Bam Bam Baklava
Anyone on PS4 that needs to beat Xyor on the moon strike?
Got my first legendary after 25 hours last night. Unfortunately I was so tired when I got it that I accidentally held X to equip it. Bye bye legendary.
Just got a lvl 20 exotic rifle drop from like lvl 7 enemies on the moon doing random patrol missions.
Just got a lvl 20 exotic rifle drop from like lvl 7 enemies on the moon doing random patrol missions.
Finally got to 26 through upgrading my legendary gear. At least I can finally do the raid.
Is that a thing? I never had that problem.
Sick of these damn assholes quitting Strikes just before the boss.
What do you mean?
Sick of these damn assholes quitting Strikes just before the boss.
Regarding the grimoire card bonuses. Its the black bar that sometimes appears at the bottom of the HUD saying like Fallen Killer Rank 3 700/800.
It's tied to these bonuses
![]() legend page, advisors tab.
Wish there was a way to view all the bonuses
Speaking of shotguns I found a legendary called The Comedian which has an effect that tightens the spread of each blast if I aim so effectively I can one shot people from twice the distance.
aha a hahaha hahahahaThat's the weapons description
Did it drop as a yellow orb, or purple?
Sick of these damn assholes quitting Strikes just before the boss.
Lol - the cruel joke of life.
Must've been a great feeling.
Anyone up for the weekly strike on PS4? PSN lightning2k7 i need 2 people. Thanks.
Heroic weekly right now anyone? Trying to do it for exotic bounty I'd love a hand.
Did you find that even when playing heroic strikes? Just curious. When you don't have the 30-second respawn I find it becomes a lot deeper. With the 30 second respawn it can be a bit spongey sometimes.
Its old already to hear ANY of the story dialog at this point. And a few of the missions where you are killing yourself to farm, he gets uber annoying.
How do I get to this on bnet?
Is that a thing? I never had that problem.
High level Titans are just pure beast mode appearance wise. This is definitely my next class.
At my special orders vendor the founded emblem is orange with the tower ship on it now?
That's why Patrolling is more fun for me than Farming. Odds are probably the same and at least there's variety.
I award Destiny the "Best weapon descriptions in any game ever" trophy.
Anyone know why we can't use Bnet or the app to buy stuff from the merchants? Seems like that would be pretty easy to do right? You can already scan the available gear and re-equip your guy from there.
Happened in the beta too... though you didn't get any warning :lolLast night I was farming the cave in Skywatch for some drops. Was at it for about 2 hours or so. It's so mundane and mind numbing. But then something happened. A message popped up in the lower left corner of the screen, something like "Ememies organizing..." or "Ememies gathering...". This was not a public event, it was different. Instead of the regular Hive coming out of the farming cave, Wizards started coming out. After like an hour of shooting the same enemies over and over, I was like WTF?
Then more enemies started flooding the entire field from every spawn point, yellows all over the place, Hive Knights, Wizards, Fallen Captains. Most of the enemies were resistant to our weapons and could only be killed with supers. It was out of control. There was probably 3 of us farming (level 20+), then more players came in to help There were guardians everywhere firing off supers, generating dozens of nodes of light. It probably lasted 5 or so minutes, people actually got killed and needed reviving. It was a huge surprise after grinding level 5 enemies for so long. It was like the game knew we were gaming the system and tried to make us stop.
Things like this is makes the mundane in Destiny more exciting.
Anyone on PS4 that needs to beat Xyor on the moon strike?
Anyone on PS4 that needs to beat Xyor on the moon strike?
Last night I was farming the cave in Skywatch for some drops. Was at it for about 2 hours or so. It's so mundane and mind numbing. But then something happened. A message popped up in the lower left corner of the screen, something like "Ememies organizing..." or "Ememies gathering...". This was not a public event, it was different. Instead of the regular Hive coming out of the farming cave, Wizards started coming out. After like an hour of shooting the same enemies over and over, I was like WTF?
Things like this is makes the mundane in Destiny more exciting.
in my case it got two rares.
Because I haven't been unlucky enough.
Lvl 22 and no legendary in sight to show for
Destiny isn't Diablo. Loot from grinding and drops isn't the only/main way to get gear. Here's a guide for:
100% Guaranteed Full Legendary + Exotic Armor, no RNG
Every Level after 3 with a Faction will earn you Legendary Faction Gear
So stop complaining about drops.
Last night I was farming the cave in Skywatch for some drops. Was at it for about 2 hours or so. It's so mundane and mind numbing. But then something happened. A message popped up in the lower left corner of the screen, something like "Ememies organizing..." or "Ememies gathering...". This was not a public event, it was different. Instead of the regular Hive coming out of the farming cave, Wizards started coming out. After like an hour of shooting the same enemies over and over, I was like WTF?
Then more enemies started flooding the entire field from every spawn point, yellows all over the place, Hive Knights, Wizards, Fallen Captains. Most of the enemies were resistant to our weapons and could only be killed with supers. It was out of control. There was probably 3 of us farming (level 20+), then more players came in to help There were guardians everywhere firing off supers, generating dozens of nodes of light. It probably lasted 5 or so minutes, people actually got killed and needed reviving. It was a huge surprise after grinding level 5 enemies for so long. It was like the game knew we were gaming the system and tried to make us stop.
Things like this is makes the mundane in Destiny more exciting.
Whaaaaaat? This is a thing that happens? That sounds so sick. I wonder how random it is or if theres a time of day it happens in.Last night I was farming the cave in Skywatch for some drops. Was at it for about 2 hours or so. It's so mundane and mind numbing. But then something happened. A message popped up in the lower left corner of the screen, something like "Ememies organizing..." or "Ememies gathering...". This was not a public event, it was different. Instead of the regular Hive coming out of the farming cave, Wizards started coming out. After like an hour of shooting the same enemies over and over, I was like WTF?
Then more enemies started flooding the entire field from every spawn point, yellows all over the place, Hive Knights, Wizards, Fallen Captains. Most of the enemies were resistant to our weapons and could only be killed with supers. It was out of control. There was probably 3 of us farming (level 20+), then more players came in to help There were guardians everywhere firing off supers, generating dozens of nodes of light. It probably lasted 5 or so minutes, people actually got killed and needed reviving. It was a huge surprise after grinding level 5 enemies for so long. It was like the game knew we were gaming the system and tried to make us stop.
Things like this is makes the mundane in Destiny more exciting.
So I've been sitting on a fully upgraded 11 shot chamber hand cannon in PVE for a while. Finally gave it a go in PVP last night, and I felt like I time traveled...
So good. 3SK's every where.
Did it drop as an exotic rifle, or a legendary engram? I didn't know exotic weapons were possible drops. Very lucky!
So I've been sitting on a fully upgraded 11 shot chamber hand cannon in PVE for a while. Finally gave it a go in PVP last night, and I felt like I time traveled...
So good. 3SK's every where.
Also got a new ship via blueprint and my 13th strange coin so I'll be able to buy an exotic piece come this weekend.
Just rank up the Crucible or one of the factions. It's pretty simple, just takes a while.You know what the real pisser about this is? At the end it says that everyone should do a nightfall strike once a week. Guess what! I can't because I'm not moving off of level 24 without leveling the vendors. The barrier between 24 and 26 is ridiculous since I'm locked out of the things to help speed up that grind. I can't get Raid ready gear because I can't get into the Raid.
So I've been sitting on a fully upgraded 11 shot chamber hand cannon in PVE for a while. Finally gave it a go in PVP last night, and I felt like I time traveled...
So good. 3SK's every where.