Ahhhh thanks everyone. I'm guessing the rep you earn doesn't reset each week like marks do.
The marks don't reset, your cap is reset and you can start to gain marks again.
Ahhhh thanks everyone. I'm guessing the rep you earn doesn't reset each week like marks do.
This one...
Only the level of weapons is normalized and brought in line, all the upgrades, and weapons are not. A player with some legendary super accurate weapon has a distinct advantage over a player who has a crappy green or blue rifle with not as much accuracy. The weapons are not equal, and time invested upgrades also make the weapons different and in cases better than others. So things are not equal
This one...
Quoting just cause this was buried at the bottom of last page
Can someone explain to me the difference between reputation and marks?
Ha! I like this one.OT4| Please understand
This one...
Is it just me, or is the Crucible the best way to go about getting gear and rep/money in a way that doesn't require farming? I feel like you can do more Crucible matches in the same amount of time it would take 2-3 people to do a strike, thus giving you more chances at loot - but also building up crucible rep/money faster than vanguard. Or is this all in my head...
Honestly the more I play, the more I am fine with the way it is. If people want to waste 40 hours farming nexus or shooting a cave for something I can get for seals and tokens I will get anyway, more power to them.
I haven't unlocked it yet, but I could see it being very useful in the heroic strikes. According to the strategy guide, it gives a 25% boost to weapon damage, 35% if you also have Relentless equipped.
Would anyone on X1 care to join me on the level 28 Heroic Daily?
Destiny |OT4| Do you even Raid brah?
Anyone? This is kicking my ass solo.
Anyone try the Level 28 weekly story as a Level 26?
Also it seems you can continue past Vanguard level 3 but no vendors require 4...yet. Working on New monarchy now.
Crucible is superior yes if you enjoy PvP.
Crucible is superior yes if you enjoy PvP.
Thanks for the in depth explanation. Looks like I'll be playing this game for quite some time.Reputation is your current ranking within whatever faction the rep is being applied to. If you are not wearing any specific class items, this will be Vanguard in PvE activites, and Crucible in PvP activities. You need to reach certain ranks to buy particular items from the vendors for these two factions; rank 2 is needed for armors, and rank 3 for weapons. The Vanguard armor vendor is in the lower area of the center of the Tower in the back (separated by class), and the Vanguard weapon vendor is in the hangar on the East side. Both Crucible vendors are also in the lower area of the center of the Tower, just before you get to the Vanguard armor vendor area on either side of the hallway (where Xur also appears on weekends).
There are currently 3 other factions you can earn reputation with:
- Dead Orbit
- New Monarchy
- Future War Cult
If you go to any of these faction vendors in the Tower (Dead Orbit and Future War Cult are on the East side where the hangar is, New Monarchy is on the West, talk to a robot in Tower for a map), you will be able to buy a class item from them at rank 0 reputation (Cape, Bond, Mark). When you wear this item, reputation you would normally earn towards both Vanguard and Crucible instead gets applied to the faction on the class item.
Marks are the currency you need to buy the items themselves once you have the reputation rank to necessary, which will be listed on the items themselves at the vendor. Vanguard marks are only used to purchase items from the Vanguard vendors and are earned through PvE activities (strike playlist, material turn-ins, etc). Crucible marks are earned via PvP activities, and are used to purchase from all the other available faction vendors. Wearing a faction class item has no bearing on what type of marks you earn - it is always Vanguard marks from PvE and Crucible marks from PvP.
Where's the best place to farm? I just want to level up my cryptarch and get some glimmer.
Skywatch or Temple of Crota entrance. Use te consumables that boost your glimmer bonus for different enemy types.
Yeah, but everybody can buy his weapon of choice. Of course, there is some farming involved, but that's Destinys signature feature. Also, a good player can outplay a starter even with a crappy rifle. Not the case for supers, but even those are all on the same scale of being f'd up.
Whereas against that horrible netcode, one can do nothing.
Destiny OT4: Farmville
I am just a level 9 at the moment I am really enjoying everything about the SP campaign.
technically if you don't like PvP or get mad at it easily,you can just AFK in it.
Where's the best place to farm? I just want to level up my cryptarch and get some glimmer.
Where in Old Russia is Skywatch
Got this out of a purple engram last night. So happy
Also, isn't it time for OT4|RNGesus died for our sins?
That just makes you an asshole because you intentionally gimp your team. Just like you are an asshole if you come to strike just to do chest farm and no intention to do strike with other two.
Destiny OT4: Farmville