Yeah, although PvP is a great way to level up as well if you're not awful.
ehhh I've leveled up quite a bit while being awful.
Yeah, although PvP is a great way to level up as well if you're not awful.
So what does a double upgraded 213 weapon go to damage number wise? 230? or higher?
So after hitting 20 what's the best way to get your light up?
I've seen people with like 3-4 exotics, is that just from strikes and what not?
Quite the opposite. I'm level 21 and I literally haven't played a single mission on Mars yet.
I did PvP and Bounties to level. On both my 20s, I hit the soft cap before finishing the story.So after reading this thread a bit I'm guessing it's pretty useless doing anything but story missions until you're at least level 20, right?
Quite the opposite. I'm level 21 and I literally haven't played a single mission on Mars yet.
I can't level up because the legendary stuff I get is for other classes.
Thanks Bungie.
So after reading this thread a bit I'm guessing it's pretty useless doing anything but story missions until you're at least level 20, right?
Re-posting for the new page... still looking for an answer. Anybody?
So are exotic engrams, if they even exist, the same as legendary ones? Where you get screwed 99% of the time?
Mid way through level 24 and all I've gotten was 4 legendary engrams and they all ended up as blues. Better not be the same with Exotic.
So after reading this thread a bit I'm guessing it's pretty useless doing anything but story missions until you're at least level 20, right?
ehhh I've leveled up quite a bit while being awful.
I am having the same issue and it really is ridiculous. Why would warlock stuff drop for my hunter...?
So are exotic engrams, if they even exist, the same as legendary ones? Where you get screwed 99% of the time?
Mid way through level 24 and all I've gotten was 4 legendary engrams and they all ended up as blues. Better not be the same with Exotic.
A person cannot equip 3-4 exotics. Max is 1 weapon and 1 armor piece.
Exotic engrams are guaranteed to give an exotic.
These things come from the weekend vendor for 23 motes of light.
The problem is the exotic can be for any class. So you might not be able to use it.
WHAT?! No way.
WHAT?! No way.
I'm level 22 and haven't bothered to finish the story at all ...So after reading this thread a bit I'm guessing it's pretty useless doing anything but story missions until you're at least level 20, right?
I'm actually quite enamored with how easy and forthcoming leveling is. Well, was. Now that I'm post-20…
Level 21, doing Strikes like crazy, but not a single Legendary item for me yet. I guess this is the part when I start to hate this game.
WHAT?! No way.
I'm awful, I mostly play fighting games and decided to check this out. The only way I can get any kills is either by assists or vehicle kills on Mars maps. Will give it another try tonight.Yeah, although PvP is a great way to level up as well if you're not awful.
I've only had one exotic engram which i bought from xur. Lucked out and got an exotic for my class. I think it's still luck based, but hey you have the legendary option as the first below on them if so =p
Does it have elemental damage? That would be really useful for shielded enemies in difficult strikes. The shields regenerate so fast and sometimes there's no ammo around so you can't do shit to them.So my exotic sniper rifle doesn't allow me to pick up ammo. It regenerates on it's own with a max ammo of 6, all in one clip.
So are exotic engrams, if they even exist, the same as legendary ones? Where you get screwed 99% of the time?
Mid way through level 24 and all I've gotten was 4 legendary engrams and they all ended up as blues. Better not be the same with Exotic.
WHAT?! No way.
What have you been doing
It is true.
You would be to OP if you could equip everything exotic.
At this point, I don't know why I bother decoding shit. Is it possible to dismantle engrams right off the bat?
Yes. I've got three titan legendaries sitting in my vault atm.So if I got something outside of my class and put it in the vault, will I be able to use it/access it if I make another character with that class?
Exotics can give you class abilities that usually have to be equipped, without equipping them. You can stack benefits. If you could equip multiple armor exotics, you could basically be running a maxed out class.I agree it seems kind of silly if your only allowed to equip one exotic armor/weapon, is there a reason why they did this?
Not at all, pvp is good exp, especially with bounties.
I'd still like to see my first.
At this point, I don't know why I bother decoding shit. Is it possible to dismantle engrams right off the bat?
I am having the same issue and it really is ridiculous. Why would warlock stuff drop for my hunter...?
At this point, I don't know why I bother decoding shit. Is it possible to dismantle engrams right off the bat?
Yes. I've got three titan legendaries sitting in my vault atm.
you will never find a full set anyway
It is true.
You would be to OP if you could equip everything exotic.
Does it have elemental damage? That would be really useful for shielded enemies in difficult strikes. The shields regenerate so fast and sometimes there's no ammo around so you can't do shit to them.