WHERE IS YOUR PROOFActually, if you hold any empty weapon out for 30 seconds, you get ammo for it.
WHERE IS YOUR PROOFActually, if you hold any empty weapon out for 30 seconds, you get ammo for it.
Do you farm or strike?
>__>Actually, if you hold any empty weapon out for 30 seconds, you get ammo for it.
I randomly ran across another GAF player on Saturday night. I was doing the Earth strike and noticed one of the folks I was teamed with had the "NA East 6" clan tag. He invited me to his party chat. Chill dude - figpc I think was his name. Gaffers are a cool bunch.
I'm awful, I mostly play fighting games and decided to check this out. The only way I can get any kills is either by assists or vehicle kills on Mars maps. Will give it another try tonight.
Your image is broke.Randomly came across a GAF member as well. I haven't seen him post in this thread yet though lol.
But the nightfall strike is freaking beautiful since it boosts faction reputation gain and exp gain for the rest of the week.
Is there a good way to farm engrams at level 20 solo, ie story missions set to level 20 or 22?
Those grenades are fucked. They are supposed to be magnetic, but I have seen it go straight THROUGH enemies, NPC and Human. I've seen it go right over the target's shoulder and hit the ground behind them. It's a crapshoot tossing one out.
Don't you gotta be like 28 for that though?
To raise the cryptarc level.
The higher level he is the better odds of receiving something good.
Mine is lvl 7 and I have been slacking. I have seen lvl 13+ already.
Dunno if that's actually the specific condition, but it's true that if you're out of ammo you'll be given a resupply after some time. Discovered this in the beta against the walker in Devil's Lair lol.WHERE IS YOUR PROOF
So, spend a lot of glimmer on his junk to level the Cryptarch? Or just get lucky with more engram drops? Those are the only ways to level him, right?
I finished it at lvl 26.
I have seen 24 and 25s finish it. There are pretty easy ways to cheese every encounter.
You die in 1 shot from most things regardless of level, so I don't think it matters too much. Just have to use the right strategy.
It is just hard to believe how lackluster the social stuff is in this game. I only have 1 friend I play this game with. I have been looking forward to this raid and now I probably can't play the shit. UggggggGGGGGHGGHGHHHHhh
Destiny could really use competitive ranks.
You have 10 seconds to tell me why Titans aren't a horrible class for horrible people.
I dunno about 25's but you can't even run it at 24. It's locked off for me.
2 legendary primary weapon engrams, scored on one:
You are.You have 10 seconds to tell me why Titans aren't a horrible class for horrible people.
NoI'll take a video when I get home; I used that trick on the Spider Tank boss, it's great because if you hang all the way in the back on top of that building, it's basically incapable of hurting you, and all you have to deal with is the occasional Captain/Vandal combo that tries to rush you.
And man, you really want that Avatar quote, huh?
You have 10 seconds to tell me why Titans aren't a horrible class for horrible people.
faster to rep up the Crucible, 25 for the win, 10 for the lose
How are the hand cannons in PvP?
Yup! It's fire or solar, whatever they call it!Does it have elemental damage? That would be really useful for shielded enemies in difficult strikes. The shields regenerate so fast and sometimes there's no ammo around so you can't do shit to them.
How are the hand cannons in PvP?
Wait, so you get them points for W or L? what about ones overall performance, you must be getting some additional points?
All legit questions, I haven't played PvP yet after I hit lvl20
gdlk if you can aimHow are the hand cannons in PvP?
YesQuestion about chests - if I find one on patrol, do the gear and engrams come out at my level no matter where I find it?
Getting shotgunned / fusion rifled right before I shoulderblock someone into oblivion is such a buzzkill. I still love it, though. Hurts my ratio, but it's a game, it's for fun.Because you get shotgunned in the face if you do.
Had my first afk guy in a playlist Strike. Pathetic creature only ran from zone to zone and crouched in a corner till the waves were over.
Actually, if you hold any empty weapon out for 30 seconds, you get ammo for it.
You have 10 seconds to tell me why Titans aren't a horrible class for horrible people.
faster to rep up the Crucible, 25 for the win, 10 for the lose
Anyone want to run The Black Garden (lv 20) with me? I have a bounty for beating it on Heroic and also one for 9k experience without dying (already at 3k). Just trying to see if I can take them out both in one go and to make it a bit easier on myself.
Higher levels preferred, just so it'll be even easier (I'm level 24).
I'm CrocomirePrime on PS4, add me if you wanna join!
The easiest way I found to finish the lv 28 nightfall strike is with 3 defender titans.
It greatly reduces the risk of wiping and starting the whole damn thing over again.
I can cap at 25,000 glimmer in just over an hour. Spend all of it at the cryptarc for around +500 exp. Then decode the crap you found during the hour farm. Things go pretty quick from there.
He levels by decrypting found engrams or decrypting engrams you buy from him.