Rollo Tomasi
It is just me or the Heroic Weekly Strike give 10 Legendary Marks every time you finish it.
So there is no cap in the week... you can grind it.
No you can only get 10 marks from it 3x a week.
It is just me or the Heroic Weekly Strike give 10 Legendary Marks every time you finish it.
So there is no cap in the week... you can grind it.
But that's the point. The 3oC themselves are not an exploit and can and have been used as intended. I like them. The chance of any strike boss having an exotic engram inside is exciting and fat-free!What? It's an exploit. As in, not intended. They have every right to fix it as they see fit, when they see fit. Nothing "fucked" about it at all. God forbid you'd have to play the game as Bungie intended.
What? It's an exploit. As in, not intended. They have every right to fix it as they see fit, when they see fit. Nothing "fucked" about it at all. God forbid you'd have to play the game as Bungie intended.
Got the Raid Sniper from.WarpriestIt looks absolutley amazing.
Got the Raid Sniper from.WarpriestIt looks absolutley amazing.
Ugh, Destiny News/Planet Destiny just posted a pic of what is probably a raid drop on their Facebook. Please be warned!
Got the Raid Sniper from.WarpriestIt looks absolutley amazing.
Someone asked Bungie who was farthest in the raid:
That is very simply and completely fixable with a cooldown.It is an increasing chance at exotics at ultra kills, leading to people finding the fastest and most efficient way to maximixe their farm and usage of it.
Since you can acquire strange coins, engrams that become strange coins, and reputation that can become faction upgrades that can become strange coins, and Xur still sells exotics outright for strange coins, I must say that that's simply not true. Exotics are not forever out of your reach.If you love patrols and public events, exotics are forever out of your reach.
Again, the only issue is how quickly "as quickly as possible" is, solvable with a cooldown.3oC is by design most efficient if you kill an ultra as quickly as possible, so you can pop another one.
Now, that would be a good fix, definitely worthy of bringing to Bungie's attention.So far it even seems that public ultras, i.e. taken and public bosses, don't have an effect of 3oC.
Outside of this cheese/abuse (exploit is not entirely accurate in this case, I feel), I don't see quite how the 3 of coins is all that removed from what you described. At the very least it does bestow an increased reward for players that enjoy either strikes or story missions. Possibly they're even consumed by raid bosses? Dunno yet. The caveat that it should simply also work on bosses in public spaces as well, I'm totally on board with.My point is that I just want to see an increased reward for doing activities you love, instead of funneling players.
Edit: I'm so not worthy of being at the top of the page. Sorry everyone!
I'm such a curmudgeon. I see the exotic farming and think - why? Seriously. I love the feeling of that great loot drop, and short circuiting that so early is really unappealing to me. I'm looking forward to building out the exotic collection, not cheesing it in one day prior to an exploit getting patched. (This is more a commentary on me than you guys, but I still just don't get it.) It's like blitzing through all your presents in 3 minutes Christmas morning.
Fear's Embrace is fucking impossible solo. This is the real raid.
People keep sending me invites to join them to Raid lol, but I refuse to do it before I'm 100% prepared. Best that I hide myself offline for the moment.
I keep hearing about how hard this mission, I beat it in one short. If you're at the boss room I'll give you an easy strat, camp at the entrance and snipe the boss until adds come your way, clear the adds and then snipe the boss again. Continue until boss is dead.
This is classic Urk.Someone asked Bungie who was farthest in the raid:
Aaaaah I need pictures!
Link images.I think spoiler tags on pics don't work on mobile. Don't want to ruin it for some people.
Unless I'm mistaken and it does work?
I don't agree I think with some practice that it will be come like crota and vault was.If this is normal I can't imagine what hard will be like
I don't agree I think with some practice that it will be come like crota and vault was.
It's just because this is the first time doing it that it looks crazy.
I don't agree I think with some practice that it will be come like crota and vault was.
It's just because this is the first time doing it that it looks crazy.
I soloed it...there is a small alcove you can take cover in on the top level. Avoids the poison, avoids the fire, and funnels enemies on front of you.Fear's Embrace is fucking impossible solo. This is the real raid.
Edit: Nah fuck this for now. The amount of bullshit that the boss summons at half health is completely absurd.
I'm such a curmudgeon. I see the exotic farming and think - why? Seriously. I love the feeling of that great loot drop, and short circuiting that so early is really unappealing to me. I'm looking forward to building out the exotic collection, not cheesing it in one day prior to an exploit getting patched. (This is more a commentary on me than you guys, but I still just don't get it.) It's like blitzing through all your presents in 3 minutes Christmas morning.
Link images.
you can abuse the "three of coins" that Xur has if you have a bunch of strange coins to burn. Use one, slather yourself in cheese, kill a story boss and yourself at the same time with a rocket, respawn, use another, repeat a bunch of times get a bunch of exotics
Three of Coins are also awesome used as intended, i.e. start up a vanguard strike streak and use one per strike
Grats! what's the new perk on it anyway?
the more you know :>had no idea that hawkian was a never-nude
~4-5 per minute is a bit of a difference than 1 per 5 minutes, no? he goes down in secondsIt's not an exploit. It save some time sure. But that mission takes like 5 minutes start to finish:
Also at some level, you can only have 2 exotics anyway. It's not like people are getting full gear sets
That on the other hand is great news, and reinforces my thinking that the 3oC is a great addition to the game.And yes they work on bosses in public spaces
It's fucking immense!HOLY FUCKDAT ORYX!