Future PhaZe
wait so spindle is still dropping at 310?
about to nab another one and infuse my telesto
about to nab another one and infuse my telesto
http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=180283992Oh it was in here? Sure, let me just scroll trough 40 pages or so ;p
Many of you guys are the 1% of the 1% in terms of power progression. I think sometimes folks lose sight of that.
Ghost slot concerns me, too. I'll dig into it when I'm back at the office.
Here's what I'm doing (on all three of my characters):
My Gearing Goal:
Trying to get armor pieces with ideal stats/talents and crucially, visuals. If I can make a Raid piece work visually, great, otherwise, I'm using them as Infusion sources.
Slot Talent goals (prioritized):
Head: 1. Orbs trigger shield regen 2. inverse shadow equiv
Gloves: 1. scout rifle reloader
Chest: 1. Bonus Armor for X Subclass 2. Sniper Ammo 3. Scout Ammo
Boots: 1. HMG ammor 2. Sniper Ammo
For my Nightstalker, I'm trying to keep Str at 300 and everything else in Int because I want high uptime on Vanish or Smoke grenade, depending on what I pick.
Saw some dude in the Tower last night before bed with Int/Str Bog Wild, Scout/Sniper and Void Armor. Hunter was a Bladedancer and didn't know what found gold looks like.
For Strikes my Sunbreaker is 300 Str, but I want to start to build a different stat kit for Raiding because Melting point doesn't (for my roles within the group) have the usage, so it's kind of wasted stat points.
And all of this, I think it goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway), is just for my own obsessive perfection on my characters. The game isn't balanced around this, I just want my kits set up well. >_<
Not stealth edit: I agree it's frustrating getting a Raid piece at 300, esp when you can roll yahtzee and get a 300 blue. I'll add that to my To-discuss list.
Yesterdays Raid Run was my most collective yet:
Class Item
3 Exotic Engrams (3oC)
All at or over 300.
Engrams turned into The Last Word, Hawkmoon and Crest of Alpha Lupi. I was at 298 Light when I started the raid and ended up at 304. RNG blessed me!
need mah solar sword pls
99% of Trials/Iron Banner will be:
Primary: Some sort of Pulse RifleSpecial: 1000-Yard Stare /Conspiracy Theory DLyudmila-D for meHeavy: The VertigoI will probably be using The Chaperone
believe it.
Unstable is helping with a Spindle run real quick but we can still do the Strike after he's done if that works for you. Hopefully only 15 minutes. I need solar sword as well.
So anyone Need a Third one for their Team? ( Black Spindel run)
Got a 300 Titan and 300 Hunter who still needs to do it.
No mic at the Moment
Id: darkshodan84
Lol you're welcome deoo7
Thank you!
wait so spindle is still dropping at 310?
about to nab another one and infuse my telesto
Special level 300 Sunless Cell strike with specific targets that need to be killed within a certain time frame.when you guys say "exotic sword quest" what exactly are you doing?
Until DestinyLFG and Reddit get together to form #OccupyDestinyGAF.
when you guys say "exotic sword quest" what exactly are you doing?
Yeah, that definitely needed to be fixed. Never did it, won't miss it. Regular speed is fine to me.
Special level 300 Sunless Cell strike with specific targets that need to be killed within a certain time frame.
1% of the 1% or something like that was my favorite so far. I'd also like to add "best of the best of the best...with honors"OT33 - Spindle2Win
No kidding! You took all the loot! Thanks for joining us![]()
Unstable and me were going to do the exotic sword strike, anyone want to join?
One per character.Black Spindle DH is up again? Daddy needs another try at the ship if is. Is black spindle one per character or one per account reward?
Range it is.
I'm going to see her at NYC CC in a week!
1% of the 1% or something like that was my favorite so far. I'd also like to add "best of the best of the best...with honors"
HNG that scene <3
So jelly. Please tell her Mr Red Bull likes her.
Hahaha yeah I posted that video yesterday after luke said we were the 1%ers
It's OK I just completed it with randoms who had different swords. It was magical.We are doing multiple runs, we'll get you in on the next one.
when you guys say "exotic sword quest" what exactly are you doing?
I just got the Theosyion Vibrissae gauntlets from the Echo Chamber strike. They look awesome.
Oh god, fix that speaker.
I traded in mats for Motes, did one click too many and bought a cloak for 25 motes.
When you infuse your legendary sword past 280 Shaxx will give a new quest to do a bunch of monotonous bullshit and the last step is to do 300 light Darkblade strike where you're assigned a hive knight which you'll need to kill within 30 seconds of defeating the strike boss. It has matchmaking but it requires a fair bit of coordination to not fuck up.
If you have alts you can put all the flavour swords on one character when they're 280+ and Shaxxx will give you all 3 quests on the one character. It lets you skip a step where you have to kill 50 majors and 25 guardians with a sword.
Hahaha yeah I posted that video yesterday after luke said we were the 1%ers