Destiny |OT32| Driviks and Draksis (Spoiler Tag ALL Raid Discussion)

Current opinion is that is references the awoken queen, as there is a grimoire where the queen refers to Eris Morne. My personal favourite theory is that Eris Morne is just Taox in disguise, but there is no evidence to back that up insofar

Ah now that you mention it I do remember reading a grimoire about her audience.
Crazy as in I've never seen it, just heard about it. I'll have to check it out. We usually get him down on the 2nd rotation, so I guess four bubbles is faster.

Slower due to
all the add clearing between bubbles but not a big deal. Assuming you get his health low enough during the first cycle to trigger Taken spawns then you only actually clear out the initial add waves when using two Gazers. Taken just keep spawning regardless so you don't really clear them out before starting second cycle.


Mrs. Harvey
TBH all of it solo-able, it's just faster and better with at least one more person on your fire team. You can pretty much G-horn every champion to death, or snipe from a safe vantage point.

I'm offline right now but if you need help with anything let me know. I still have to do the wolves on mars on titan and warlock.

Just got the Mars one which I guess is the last one for me. Have to do stuff before I can play again so we can team up later on.
I gave Eris 50 damn flakes and all I got was a rune? What am I missing?

You need 45 fragments to trigger all 3 sections of the Hunger Pangs quest. You get ToM at the end of that (Fear's Embrace mission). The Old Hunger quest doesn't really give much, I think there's actually going to be more steps that unlock later, maybe w Heroic.


Current opinion is that is references the awoken queen, as there is a grimoire where the queen refers to Eris Morne. My personal favourite theory is that Eris Morne is just Taox in disguise, but there is no evidence to back that up insofar
Eris mentions "my Queen", Mara Sov mentions "my hidden friend."

Eris Morne is spying on the Vanguard for the Queen.


Would two people here know where the Cosmodrome Champions are and be willing to help me kill them for the quest?

ID: Ozone31
Eris mentions "my Queen", Mara Sov mentions "my hidden friend."

Eris Morne is spying on the Vanguard for the Queen.

We don't have to spoiler tag Grimoire stuff, haha. Just raid stuff and that will be coming to an end very soon. I'll post new OT sometime tonight, and it will be tag-free.


For those who haven't seen this video: Here is everything that the Destiny Official song could/should have been instead of the Paul McCartney song:

Rise From the Dark, by Malukah
(written for Destiny from the tracks in the soundtrack)
Absolutely incredible, especially once The Last Array section hits.

See now I always think of this song as a Destiny song. Ready?

verse 2:
"A bullet for them, a bullet for you, a bullet for everybody in this room" would make a fun PvP quick montage

Then the chorus when he says "I'm falling" it sounds like "I'm Fallen" so I would have random vandals or Dregs in goofy poses a la Brak from Space Ghost Coast to Coast

Plus I dig the song


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Exotic sword quest, anyone? I'm done trying this with randoms. I just need the flame warden.

PSN: androo2300


Crazy as in I've never seen it, just heard about it. I'll have to check it out. We usually get him down on the 2nd rotation, so I guess four bubbles is faster.
it's not faster really. It's just safer. We had a full team of spindles when we tried that strat out. It also helped that I had WoL and Fig and Zoba were using their tethers.

I can
gaze all day every day. And yeah the one bubble at a time strat is definitely safer/simpler even if it's a little longer w all the add clearing. I'll probably take my Titan as well but if we have a bunch already I could maybe bring Hunter. Bones are nice for jumping sections.
I only did that strat twice so far but it only took just the first time for me to realize that it is the only strat viable for a flawless run.

how do you get the 310 artifact? Doing the taken war quests?
The Vanguard's Taken Wars quests and then Road to King's Fall quest. It's a long quest line.
Slower due to
all the add clearing between bubbles but not a big deal. Assuming you get his health low enough during the first cycle to trigger Taken spawns then you only actually clear out the initial add waves when using two Gazers. Taken just keep spawning regardless so you don't really clear them out before starting second cycle.

Ah, that makes sense.
Slower due to
all the add clearing between bubbles but not a big deal. Assuming you get his health low enough during the first cycle to trigger Taken spawns then you only actually clear out the initial add waves when using two Gazers. Taken just keep spawning regardless so you don't really clear them out before starting second cycle.

Did the easier strat with ray and fali couple of hours ago with 3 first timers, definitely easier and safer, and takes maybe 2 minutes longer than the usual strat. Would recommend for all newbies and inexperienced raiders.

Just got the Mars one which I guess is the last one for me. Have to do stuff before I can play again so we can team up later on.

Petra missions are separate and not required for the 310 artifact. They'll give you another Boolean Gemini and Queen rep. Let me know when.

Kind of disappointed that all the taken wars missions just make you go into the same areas backwards.

Is the the raid fusion rifle Midha's Rekoning any good, or can i infuse it?

It's an INfusion rife.

Can anyone help me run a quick mission to finish up a quest line?

Which one?


Anyone looking to kill Oryx? Need to kill him for my 310 Artifact.
Eris says my Queen.Is Eris working for Nokris?
I'm, not sure how I missed the cutscene before
Eris is an Awoken right? Didn't really put it together earlier because of the blight that surrounds her, but that's another little note I took from that scene.
Fuck this scent of the worm chest.
I ended up doing the wall hug with my Warlock. Couldn't be bothered to memorize the platforms.
That safe strat for
seems like it takes all of the fun out of the fight. I like passing the gaze back and forth. Does look a lot safer, though.
So got back into this game since launch. Clearing VoG was the last thing I did, didn't mess with the 2 following xpacs. Came back and I'm having a lot of fun right now again, probably even more than at launch, despite some of my friends not back playing.

So far I think i'm around 240-245 light iirc. Would like to get geared up to tackle harder strikes and nightfalls again, maybe raids. Anyone have advice for efficient gearing or is it still luck of the drop? Crucible or strikes or whatever better than the other for this purpose? Also, didn't finish the campaign. Should I do this? Is there a decent reward for it?

-Definitely finish the campaign. There are some important quest lines that only open up afterwards.

-Do Vangaurd strike playlists and Court of Oryx to get blue engrams. The new loot system gives progressively higher light gear based on your own light level when you decrypt. So be sure to always have your highest light stuff equipped at the Cryptarch.

-you're high enough to do the Daily story so do that and daily crucible for legendary marks. Buy something nice at the Tower for whatever gear slot has the lowest light, or a nice weapon. People really like the Dead Orbit scout rifle.

-ultimately a lot is just luck but they give a ton of engram drops so eventually you'll get some good stuff just playing naturally. Good luck!
Fuck this scent of the worm chest.

Heh, it can be hard if you're trying it solo. Get someone to stand on the platforms so it's easier to get across.

Anyone looking to kill Oryx? Need to kill him for my 310 Artifact.

Any of you pro mode flawless guys starting a kings fall raid in an hour or so? I could really use an oryx kill, but would love to run the whole thing with guys that can knock it out quick. I'll have about two hours and no checkpoint.

I have Oryx checkpoint. Don't need the kill but if there are more people interested, I can load it up.
Anyone looking to kill Oryx? Need to kill him for my 310 Artifact.

Eris is an Awoken right? Didn't really put it together earlier because of the blight that surrounds her, but that's another little note I took from that scene.

I ended up doing the wall hug with my Warlock. Couldn't be bothered to memorize the platforms.

I would really like to, but I probably won't be on for 20 minutes or so. Keep me in mind if that time frame works.

Edit: ruthless!


Ugggh I'm too lazy to do that
I may be missing some things. Anyway, here's what you need to do:

For Ikora Rey, you have to do Paradox, collect some things on Venus patrol from Taken Vex, and then kill an Echo of Oryx where you captured Skolas.

For Cayde, you have to do Shield Brothers to start the Taken Wars quest line. After that, you have to do Blighted Coven, kill 3 taken champions on earth, and head back to House of Kings' place to kill another Echo of Oryx.

For Zavala, you have to do this mission on Mars called Tenebrous Tunnels, kill 6 Taken Lieutenants on Mars patrol, and finally Fear's Embrace.

Eris will give you a quest upon beating Shield Brothers for Cayde telling you to help out the Vanguard with the Taken. Once you helped out all 3 above, she will give you the Road to King's Fall quest. You have to do Summoner's Circle and then kill 3 specific bosses in the raid to finally get your 310 artifact.

I told you it is long.

Edit: mars not Venus. I'm tired as fuck.
edit 2: found the first mars mission
Did the easier strat with ray and fali couple of hours ago with 3 first timers, definitely easier and safer, and takes maybe 2 minutes longer than the usual strat. Would recommend for all newbies and inexperienced raiders.

Safer easier and more boring. I offer it as an option when raiding w newbies but it's pretty lame. With a competent group it doesn't take long to nail
double gaze strat, especially since I only need one other competent player. Add clearing and DPS team have very simple jobs.

That safe strat for
seems like it takes all of the fun out of the fight. I like passing the gaze back and forth. Does look a lot safer, though.

Yeah pretty much. Honestly I wish there was some punishment mechanic designed to prevent it. If you didn't
juggle the gaze then you'd get some debuff or the radiant light pool would lose effectiveness or something. The fight is clearly designed w double gazers in mind given his back and chest crit spots
Anyone looking to kill Oryx? Need to kill him for my 310 Artifact.

Eris is an Awoken right? Didn't really put it together earlier because of the blight that surrounds her, but that's another little note I took from that scene.

I ended up doing the wall hug with my Warlock. Couldn't be bothered to memorize the platforms.

My hunter needs half the raid still, so if you still need some...

Psn RadicalVelocity
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