Is it possible to stream music while playing Destiny?
Trials of Osiris
My PSN: Josh-Shiki , there was a problem with internet on my area this morning and so it is not so stable, I just hope it can endure the quest.
Is it possible to stream music while playing Destiny?
Are there any trials Sherpas for XB1 DestinyGAF? I've actually never done Trials before and I'm hoping a GAFer can run me through it.Can't wait for your Sherpa runs of Trials! hehe
I'm starting a iron banner train. Anyone want to play?
Not sure if that's required anymore as you can browse folders while in the app.Definitely. The Spotify app is great for this if you have a subscription. Just open Spotify first then Destiny since it boots you to the title screen anytime you access Spotfiy while playing Destiny. Just use a phone or tablet to change songs, etc. Works like a charm and very fun too.
Edit: also you can play music straight from a USB drive that has MP3s, just make sure all the files are in a folder labeled Music. You can control that directly from the PS button menu, it won't suspend Destiny.
Definitely. The Spotify app is great for this if you have a subscription. Just open Spotify first then Destiny since it boots you to the title screen anytime you access Spotfiy while playing Destiny. Just use a phone or tablet to change songs, etc. Works like a charm and very fun too.
Edit: also you can play music straight from a USB drive that has MP3s, just make sure all the files are in a folder labeled Music. You can control that directly from the PS button menu, it won't suspend Destiny.
I don't know why I put off getting the calcified fragments for so long. Decided to finally work on getting to 45 for the Touch of Malice but I'm only at 32 now.
Join on me then.
I need! Please! ThecanisdirusSpot for spindle.
anyone doing a spindle run?
You were right about your connection, any chance of you rejoining anytime soon? Waiting at the teleporter.
Anyone still want to do solar sword strike in an hour on Xbox? XBL: Laughlin12
Phenom, Hawkian, X-Frame?
I've had one drop due to connection issues, have a space open at the teleporter right now.
PSN: Inapplicable
Edit: Maybe not, I'll give you a run after this one if people still need it.
Definitely. The Spotify app is great for this if you have a subscription. Just open Spotify first then Destiny since it boots you to the title screen anytime you access Spotfiy while playing Destiny. Just use a phone or tablet to change songs, etc. Works like a charm and very fun too.
Edit: also you can play music straight from a USB drive that has MP3s, just make sure all the files are in a folder labeled Music. You can control that directly from the PS button menu, it won't suspend Destiny.
Hey laughlin: All the folks you mentioned are on psn.I feel bad
Tons of guides on them. I used IGN + a calcified fragment tracker site to find 44/45. Now that the Agonarch Rune is active, I'll finish it up today.
Got the wolf cloak to drop before rank 3. Fuck yeah. Now I don't have to keep playing this shit.
but what about the best pulse rifle in the game?
I notice the inventory refresh time on the Banner gear is due in 11 hours. Does this mean all the available gear to purchase will change?
Imma be pissed if they take away that pulse before I hit rank 5.
Definitely. The Spotify app is great for this if you have a subscription. Just open Spotify first then Destiny since it boots you to the title screen anytime you access Spotfiy while playing Destiny. Just use a phone or tablet to change songs, etc. Works like a charm and very fun too.
Edit: also you can play music straight from a USB drive that has MP3s, just make sure all the files are in a folder labeled Music. You can control that directly from the PS button menu, it won't suspend Destiny.
that used to the be the case, but not anymore.
Now you can already have Destiny launched and (as long as they are on the same network) launch Spotify while playing. On the bottom where your music is playing there should be a "connect to" option whenever you're in range of the network on both the PS4 and your device. Whenever you bring that up it should show your PS4 as a network device and you can click it + start playing it from there.
I notice the inventory refresh time on the Banner gear is due in 11 hours. Does this mean all the available gear to purchase will change?
Imma be pissed if they take away that pulse before I hit rank 5.
That timer counts to daily reset time at which points new bounties are put up.
I miss going to the Reef with a purpose, now Brother Vance will only have bounties, mreh, maybe the placebo effect of decrypting with other than rahool guy.
Can't wait for your Sherpa runs of Trials! hehe
What what?