All this talk of ships has got me wanting a change of scenery. I have my eyes set on the Hebridean Thoughtcrime, which is apparently an Iron Banner drop. Looks like I know what I'm doing this weekend.
there is three of usHow many are you? Got room for two?
There will always be helpful people, but it would just suck to see general toxicity in LFG posts.
I think RNG should play a role in optimization, not reaching the cap. Normally in Destiny being 1 level under granted a ~30% penalty to damage and defense. With light it's a much smoother curve, but Bungie never elaborated on it.
I wish Trials worked the way your mind thinks it does, but unfortunately, level advantage differences as so minimal they might as well not even exist.
Lt. Dan never quits. Unless his wife needs him. Yes, we did the whole thing in about 2 1/2 hours. Would have been less but T-44 got kicked to orbit on our last bomb run a time or two before THE run.
there is three of us
Sweet. Just add me. Playing with Gaf as wellRickyRozay, wanna jump in there? I can come once the kid sleeps.
If everything was just handed to me I wouldn´t care about Destiny. It´s the carrot on a stick that keeps me going. Drop rates in Destiny are actually really high compared to other games like wow for example.
The excitement you feel when you get a 310 drop in the raid - that´s Destiny to me.
Anyone doing King's Fall soon? I'd like to pop that particular cherry.
Yeah, I don't like chasing carrots - my favorite part of Destiny is when I'm waiting for new content and all of my characters are complete. Can play and just have fun.
Yeah, I don't like chasing carrots - my favorite part of Destiny is when I'm waiting for new content and all of my characters are complete. Can play and just have fun.
RickyRozay, wanna jump in there? I can come once the kid sleeps.
Criticisms aside, any IB trains running that need an OP Sunbreaker?
Yeah, I don't like chasing carrots - my favorite part of Destiny is when I'm waiting for new content and all of my characters are complete. Can play and just have fun.
2 of us looking to start the raid in about 20 minutes if anyone has space for us?![]()
Legendary and Exotic drop at the same time from Draksis? I'll take it!
Best part of Destiny to me is when you're comfortable with how your character plays and you can just enjoy going through the PvP or PvE, but there's still that one thing you're chasing every week.
TTK doesn't have that for me.
I´m the exact opposite. Once I have everything I stop playing until there is new stuff to chase.![]()
WB luketenant dan.
So I think this might be releveant to discussion on the last few pages (not gonna catch up thoroughly enough to make sure) but I ran into someone in IB using The Messenger (well, an Adept one but that doesn't change its attack) which put his total light down to 290, and he was absolutely tearing people apart with it. Probably worth considering. More than one Y1 weapon likely has too much of a competitive impact but you should be able to slot one without penalty.
Also shout out to my Byronic Hero with explosive rounds, it's an incredibly fun gun to use, and was a centerpiece of my spindler runs last night.
Yeah, my time is limited too. It would be best if we can star within the hour.Im up for it if we can get a group together. I have a Golgoroth CP but I dont mind doing it from the start.
Will probably need to get the group together fairly quickly though. I only have a few hours and last time it took us about 2 hours just to get 6 people.
WB luketenant dan.
So I think this might be releveant to discussion on the last few pages (not gonna catch up thoroughly enough to make sure) but I ran into someone in IB using The Messenger (well, an Adept one but that doesn't change its attack) which put his total light down to 290, and he was absolutely tearing people apart with it. Probably worth considering. More than one Y1 weapon likely has too much of a competitive impact but you should be able to slot one without penalty.
Also shout out to my Byronic Hero with explosive rounds, it's an incredibly fun gun to use, and was a centerpiece of my spindler runs last night.
aww yiss LT is back
Criticisms aside, any IB trains running that need an OP Sunbreaker?
WB LT, we missed you.
Weird. The old iron banner ship just dropped for some dude.
WB luketenant dan.
So I think this might be releveant to discussion on the last few pages (not gonna catch up thoroughly enough to make sure) but I ran into someone in IB using The Messenger (well, an Adept one but that doesn't change its attack) which put his total light down to 290, and he was absolutely tearing people apart with it. Probably worth considering. More than one Y1 weapon likely has too much of a competitive impact but you should be able to slot one without penalty.
Also shout out to my Byronic Hero with explosive rounds, it's an incredibly fun gun to use, and was a centerpiece of my spindler runs last night.
Weird. The old iron banner ship just dropped for some dude.
so smooth. have you heard janet jackson's new album at all?
Sweet. Just add me. Playing with Gaf as well
Plus, doing the Carlton inside a bubble is the greatest thing ever.
Would give a vital organ to have seen him when he was still young enough to sing live AND dance like a mad man. Wish there was better Victory Tour footage out there.
I have not.
Myself and greatgeek were looking to do it too if there are 2 more who are up for it?
no kidding. i had tickets to this is it >.>
Seems like we have four for King's Fall.
Yeah, join the_id, Ricky and I will be there soon.
Woohoo, kid is sleeping. I'm in orbit.
Weird. Theold iron banner shipbest ship in the game just dropped for some dude.
Is there an IB train going on?
I don't have a mic right now but would like to play
PSN Klyka1
You two wanna do some IB? Add me PSN JafkuAny space left?
ASAP (probably within 30 mins).When are you starting? I could join, I completed it once.