Blaze and I can join if you have 2 spots.
Yup! I'm just hanging out in orbit. Join up!
Blaze and I can join if you have 2 spots.
Starting up an IB train!
Will edit this when we are full.
PSN: DirtyAquaticApe
Edit: Need 3 more.
Nvm deoee beat me to it!Yup! I'm just hanging out in orbit. Join up!
Starting up an IB train!
Will edit this when we are full.
PSN: DirtyAquaticApe
Edit: Full
Nvm deoee beat me to it!
Yup! I'm just hanging out in orbit. Join up!
Damnit, leave GAF for 5 minutes and miss the Train D:
Dang. Saw someone get a 295 Nirwen's Mercy after an IB match. Saved themselves the trouble of getting Rank 5 I guess.
Damnit, leave GAF for 5 minutes and miss the Train D:
My thoughts exactly.Nirwen's Mercy is filling in the hole in my heart where Hopscotch was. It feels so good. I'm also actually really getting into the sidearm, too.
My thoughts exactly.
I've played around with the sidearm a bit but I can never justify picking a sidearm over a sniper or a shotgun in PvP.
Think I'm gonna give up on PvP until sunbreaker shields are nerfed. Fuck me they are like god mode.
Think I'm gonna give up on PvP until sunbreaker shields are nerfed. Fuck me they are like god mode.
FINALLY managed to clear KF - after fireteams falling apart at deathsingers 4 or 5 times, I finally managed to keep a group through to completion. Drops were meh though.
Warpriest: Chaingun @302 (I have the RL at 310)
Golgoroth: Exotic engram
DS: Cloak @305 (hey an upgrade from my 298)
Oryx: Scout @300 (I have a 310 Supercell and TLW), Chest at 305 (I have a 310 already), Helmet @305 (again already have one at 310)
"smart loot" lol
I'll take a hammer over that Stormcaller shit any day of the week.
Pretty sure in 40+ games I've seen 3 drops. 2 cloaks and a sidearm. Nothing for me so far. Probably not bother next IB.
GAF train rolling out the mercy in IB. Shaxx is loving it!
I've yet to try farming Tanniks. I did farm Omnigul last week and got the Bond and Pulse Rifle.Running tanniks over and over again....just...give me the fucking hood.
Anybody have a spot open for IB train?
Coin hype!
Should just rename IB to Strange Banana Coins
You get a Strange Coin! And you get a Strange Coin! Everyone gets a Strange Coin!
Coin hype!
Should just rename IB to Strange Banana Coins
Thx for the choo choo
Need 4 for IB train. Join on me PSN Jafku
Will edit this post when full
Edit: Full
We need 1. Sent you a FRLet me know when you need one more. I´m game
We need 1. Sent you a FR
Stormcallers don't regenerate health, they die in one sniper or golden gun (head)shot and they don't have the same range.
Stormcallers can be shot and killed. Sunbreakers are almost impossible to kill in time and even if you get their health down they simply regenerate it immidiatly and kill 5 more in the time their super lasts.
2 for a NF? Already started. Join on PewPewPewBow.
Edit: NF done.
Fly young birdy fllllyyyyy