Never seen an IB match empty out as quick as this last one. Enemy team was just a pair of guppies in a sea of sharks as we chased and killed the last two players who didn't immediately quit.
Is raid fusion any good or should I infuse it with Spindle? I rarely use fusions except for Telesto during void burn NF.
Any IB trains going that can use one more?
They went out with a bang.Never seen an IB match empty out as quick as this last one. Enemy team was just a pair of guppies in a sea of sharks as we chased and killed the last two players who didn't immediately quit.
On my wayWE're starting one
Join neoaku or Dunk 7
I got my Black Spindle back up to 300. how much of a gain is it to go back to 310? I could do it but would have to sacrifice 3 raid weapons.
I got my Black Spindle back up to 300. how much of a gain is it to go back to 310? I could do it but would have to sacrifice 3 raid weapons.
Anyone want to do (most of) the raid? We're up to the Gate.
Three of us, so looking for three more. First time we've done the raid. We're picking up the mechanics pretty fast, though. All close to 300 light.
PSN's Galaxy_Dive
Not much because the max light an enemy has is 300, so you're already doing normal damage to everything.
That's what I figured. I'll leave it at 300 if it doesn't improve the damage.Just wait until Hard Mode. Everything is over 310, you might be able to do it with 1 weapon infusion.
They went out with a bang.
-insert Sentient gif here-
Infuse it. It's not very good, especially if you're not fond of fusions in the first place.
thxRecommended light level for the raid is 290. You can get by in the 280s but you'd need a good group and hopefully get lucky with some drops along the way. Final boss is 300 light.
208 is way low, keep doing strikes and story missions and Court of Oryx. You'll level up quick.
Never mind, ended up just soloing it. The XB1 side of DGAF really is nonexistent.![]()
Have 5, need one more. At Gate. PSN Galaxy_Dive
5 people looking for a 6th for King's Fall. We've made it to Oryx, never downed him (time constraints last week). If you know 6-orb method for Golgoroth, even better, but since we're missing our second Gazer, we'll default to 1-orb if we can't pick up a Gazer.
1. Captscience
2. Moris
3. orioncelsius
4. g3ud0
5. Azolith
Still need a 6th?. psn = gutterboy44
That will make me sad. Seriously, it almost makes me wish I could just transfer my character over to PS just so I can actually play with this awesome community. I want to hope against hope that cross-platform play may be possible in the future, but I would be content if Bungie just stopped with the year long exclusive content. It's fucking ridiculous.Destiny 2 is gnna be interesting in this regard at how much sony and Bungie will get close and push exclusive ps4 stuff.
Wouldn't be shocked to see more destiny year 2 announcements at PS experience this December.
Nice run guys! Despite some crazy Oryx glitching, a pretty smooth run. By far my best loot haul from the raid and happy to get Azolith his first clear too!
We just had some craaaazy Oryx glitching
I got my first PvP hatemail guys! I feel so proud! Promptly blocked him after replying.
I got my first PvP hatemail guys! I feel so proud! Promptly blocked him after replying.
We just had some craaaazy Oryx glitching
I got my first PvP hatemail guys! I feel so proud! Promptly blocked him after replying.
Got 2 spot for IB! Join up on me.
We battled through teleporting enemies and ogres not taking damage all the way to the last phase only to have the bombs not spawn and Oryx to be stuck in his stagger animation.