Uh, why is this patch 18GB for me?
Its not 18GB, its patching the previous patches. Its ~500MB
Uh, why is this patch 18GB for me?
Why is people getting exotics a bad thing? They are so afraid people will stop playing if they get the loot they want. I don't need a constant carrot to play Bungie. Please.
So what's the consensus on the Iron Banner
level really doesn't matter still?
Duh, so they can sell you 3oC
I'm really fucking pissed about the weapon parts. Seriously. Fucking. Pissed.
Whats up with the 330 weapons in the armory?
Dance list
Blowing a kiss
Slow clapping
Fist pumping
Crying on your knees
Dastardly rubbing your hands
Sliding a finger across your neck
Bowing like a martial arts master
Hanging your head in shame
Throwing a tantrum
Victory cheering
Congratulating others
Chest pumping
Beckoning foes
Cowering in fear
Pretending to swing a baseball
Calling someone "out" in the above sport
Dancing the Carlton
330 HM Kings Fall confirmed330 exotics in the updated armory
Reduced weapons parts? WTF, that's some bullshit.
How about the ability to lock them instead.
I'm really fucking pissed about the weapon parts. Seriously. Fucking. Pissed.
Weapon Parts from dismantling Uncommon or Rare Weapons have been reduced by around 25%
330 attack for King's Fall Hard Mode via Planet Destiny
That economy nerf across the board is fucking brutal and hard hitting, for no reason.
Why Bungie, WTF?
I'm really fucking pissed about the weapon parts. Seriously. Fucking. Pissed.
If anything this will force more people away than keeping them playing. It's basically telling people who have little time to play the they are making it impossible for you and harder for everyone else.
This must be a decision by the publisher rather than the dev team surely?
Apparently if you hit an enemy with your smoke bomb, it would take both charges. Never happened to me.Smoke Bombs used with Sealed Ahamkara Grasps no longer costs two charges
I've been rolling Nightstalker/Sealed Amakara's and I never noticed it taking up two charges for one smoke bomb
330 attack for King's Fall Hard Mode via Planet Destiny
Haha. WAT. Hold up. Is KF Hard Mode just a difference in damage?
What are they doing?
Edit: Oh god...it's going to be HM Crota at lvl 32 again isn't it?
You couldn't delete the halloween pumpkin head things even if you tried, but weapon parts, no problemo.
Its not 18GB, its patching the previous patches. Its ~500MB
Lol so much love for the Crucible questline change. Preach!