I can do it if you want. PSN Daraman
It wouldn't hurt if someone else with nades tagged along, though. Just to make it easier.
I'll help
I can do it if you want. PSN Daraman
It wouldn't hurt if someone else with nades tagged along, though. Just to make it easier.
What's the best way to solo Phogoth? I plan on doing this tonight.Weekly 28 nearly finished, boss has a tick of health left. Who wants to leach? Send message to Izuna Lasky
Boners only
Okay just you, otherwise boss may get bored.
Can u solo cheese? I hv the hard checkpoint, but i cant do this...
Anyone for a Normal raid on ps4 in roughly half an hour?
Level 29 warlock. It's ok if it's your first time but it'd be good to have a few experienced people too (mainly because I have housework to do so haven't got too much time!)
What's the best way to solo Phogoth? I plan on doing this tonight.
Can u solo cheese? I hv the hard checkpoint, but i cant do this...
I can do it tonight but it'll have to be after my hard raid run though.
I'm a warlock. I can try to help. Just need a few pointers.
Sent u a friend request.
Can u cheese hin for me pls? I tried earlier for 1 hour and didnt get it...
Anyone got that sweet sweet Atheon checkpoint to pass on?
Izuna, dont think it will allow me to save checkpoint. already tried this morning![]()
Got my Titan to 20 and finished the story. Thought the ending was very anticlimactic and didn't pack any big moment for me. The core gameplay is really solid though and a lot of fun. I can't help but feel let down, because bungie games have always had these wonderfully fun and diverse set pieces and Destiny was missing that. The mission where they mix it up and give you a sword was great, where are other levels where it's not run forward and shoot everything. Where's the vehicle combat set pieces? Where are the one off moments? It just seems like this game having to be online held back the single player design. I would love to see the single player only version of what Destiny's campaign could have been. Right now it just seems like a standard MMO. I'm not sure if I'm going to sell it or wait it out to see what bungie changes and how the DLC looks. I'm considering moving ahead and start running these strikes to gear up, which have been my favorite part of the game.
I kill weekly boss, a player comes in during the debriefing and gets a purple then immediately leaves.
The fastest purple in the history of Destiny.
So long as you have finished on normal, you will have that checkpoint...
You can keep the Hard save for Atheon. I have already done on this character but I kept a checkpoint so I can pass it around.
Anyone want to give me the VoG HM Atheon checkpoint?
I'll be home in about an hour. Are you available to pass it to me? I just want RNGeebus to be good to me and grace me with Façade of the Hezen Lords. I don't care if I don't get the Mythoclast or any of the other stuff, I just want that beautiful helm.
Anyone want to do Nightfall? I'm starting solo now but would love some company. PSN: OldKingKratos. 28 Titan.
Anyone doing a fresh Normal on PS4 anytime soon? My 29 Titan deserves a chance at Gauntlets and Chesta_javierp is my PSN.
Ill join u, psn dante316
1 more try this week, no vex yet. :|
So long as you have finished on normal, you will have that checkpoint...
You can keep the Hard save for Atheon. I have already done on this character but I kept a checkpoint so I can pass it around.
I am at Phogoth on Nightfall if any of you on my friends list wants to jump in for the loot.
May I borrow your checkpoint, sir?
I am at Phogoth on Nightfall if any of you on my friends list wants to jump in for the loot.
Send me a message on the Bone at Izuna Lasky, I will inv you in like 1 min after this Daily