Normal raid in about 20 to 25 minutes ish!
So far we have me and Sebulon3k.
Who else is in? Don't mind if you're a newbie (following MADGAME's very kind example).
Ps4. Obviously the higher the level the better 😄
It's brutal waiting at work while everyone is doing raids and nightfalls
Normal raid in about 20 to 25 minutes ish!
So far we have me and Sebulon3k.
Who else is in? Don't mind if you're a newbie (following MADGAME's very kind example).
Ps4. Obviously the higher the level the better ��
It's brutal waiting at work while everyone is doing raids and nightfalls
I would like to join in. Haven't done a raid on my Warlock yet.Normal raid in about 20 to 25 minutes ish!
So far we have me and Sebulon3k.
Who else is in? Don't mind if you're a newbie (following MADGAME's very kind example).
Ps4. Obviously the higher the level the better 😄
javier i plan on running a normal this evening around 6:30 eastern if youre gonna be around. Will have more experienced raiders ready to roll as well.
It's brutal waiting at work while everyone is doing raids and nightfalls
Normal raid in about 20 to 25 minutes ish!
So far we have me and Sebulon3k.
Who else is in? Don't mind if you're a newbie (following MADGAME's very kind example).
Ps4. Obviously the higher the level the better 😄
I am right there with you, friend. Very brutal. Even though I am pretty set - I still feel like I'm getting left behind. That's what fucking drives me in this game lol. I don't want to be left behind.
Mida multi tool,
Last word,
Time & Patience
The Truth
Raid boots
Infinite shards.
one day /D - best day of looting yet in destiny.
Now I just need the hawkmoon and vision of confluence. oh and some actual raid gear would be nice.
I'm down. Need to do this twice and I might have found a group with green for tonight.
Invite a_javierp when you're gonna start!29 Titan. Ran it several times before already.
Added you! Psn is HigXx
I would like to join in. Haven't done a raid on my Warlock yet.
Lovely! I think we ran it together a while ago.
So we need one more...normal mode raid, ps4, don't mind if new, start in about 15 or so minutes...
Yup. Getting only shares on normal/hard atheon and nightfall was really deflating for me. One more week of progress that separates me and everyone else
yeah add me. gt is somewhatgroovy.
can u cheese?
6 strange coins last week from nightfall. 7 strange coins this week. *sigh*
Xur is gonna sell Last Word this week.
Lovely! I think we ran it together a while ago.
So we need one more...normal mode raid, ps4, don't mind if new, start in about 15 or so minutes...
Edit - oops Namikaze1 - what is your PSN? Or add me - sploatee.
Got Hard Light from my first Nightfall run this week, is it any good?
NO! He will sell the Gjallarhorn
Xur is gonna sell Last Word this week.
I would like to join in. Haven't done a raid on my Warlock yet.
Xur is gonna sell Last Word this week.
I can come
I'll join casmith7509 29 hunter or 27 Titan.
Great! Did we already run it last week? My PSN is sploatee.
Going to make an alt. Should I go Hunter or Worlock?
Have the bumpers been installed yet? I want to try and get my titan helm before I go to work. PEACE.
Yeah, I just sent a fr.Lovely! I think we ran it together a while ago.
So we need one more...normal mode raid, ps4, don't mind if new, start in about 15 or so minutes...
Edit - oops Namikaze1 - what is your PSN? Or add me - sploatee.
Reposting for new page
Gaf, is level 26 too low to attempt Normal Raid on?
Could I do the level 26 Weekly at 26?
I need answers
lol Soloing Nightfall on my 27 Titan, reach the final boss are, 2 people join and one gets an exotic!
Talk about getting lucky, I do all the work, spoils to others, heh
Got a Void Shotty called Hide and Seek-42
I can in 20 minutes..I can do it if you want. PSN Daraman
It wouldn't hurt if someone else with nades tagged along, though. Just to make it easier.
If I have a fully upgraded rare HC with Explosive Rounds and a fully upgraded Suros shotty with a fresh Legendary Rocket Launcher(Unfriendly Giant) as a maxed-xp Defender, will I do alright?You can.
I raided and did weekly's at 26 np, just gotta be careful and have upgraded weapons. 27 is even better (what my alt is now)
Great! Did we already run it last week? My PSN is sploatee.
6 strange coins last week from nightfall. 7 strange coins this week. *sigh*
Have the bumpers been installed yet? I want to try and get my titan helm before I go to work. PEACE.
Dont speak this evil! Let me enjoy being the only one with Last Word in my PvP matches for now![]()