So Postmaster told me I left 4 legendaries on the ground. oops
Yeah wish I had Last Word instead of High lord fixer. Saw a titan with it and that was like blowing me away with that thing.
The sound of that full auto...
Xur will sell it at some point. :3
Then nerfed.
It's pretty good.No, it's time for Gjallahorn again. Please,
Then nerfed.
The Last Word is the best PVP gun currently.
You're wielding the hand of God.
Thanks for the nod guys.
Later this week after I get through the Raid/Nightfall/Weekly on my 3 characters, I'm going to set up more groups for those with little or no Raid experience.
Thanks for the help Dante. Holy crap that was a tense Nightfall. But I did get Ghallajhorn so it was worth it.Ill join u, psn dante316
Yep, two halves but you lose out on precision.
No, it's time for Gjallahorn again. Please,
Is it possible to enter in session of cheese with a Titan lvl 15?
Anyone want to do the nightfall?
Psn: prettybad
I'll buy it if Xur sells it since I have zero luck ever getting this kind of stuff as a reward, but I think I'll still end up sticking with Thorn.
The ability to fire a few shots into a guy and watching the rest of his health drain while I run away like a coward is more fun than I thought it'd be. Most people don't realize what's happening and flail around trying to see what's still hitting them and that's kind of priceless.
Thanks for the nod guys.
Later this week after I get through the Raid/Nightfall/Weekly on my 3 characters, I'm going to set up more groups for those with little or no Raid experience.
Dude, would you consider me and one of my buddies if you do one Friday on the earlier side (EST)? I'm ready to get my feet wet in the raid. I have a level 29 warlock and a 28 hunter. I have decent gear (ice breaker/gjallarhorn (x2), pocket infinity, the truth & final boss with void element). I'm decent enough player to solo most of the nightfalls/9 coin weeklies & my buddy can hold his own as well.
Hoping to do one Friday night, and at least one on both Saturday and Sunday.Hopefully this weekend!
Ohhhhh I need to get my Titan upNope.
Thanks for the nod guys.
Later this week after I get through the Raid/Nightfall/Weekly on my 3 characters, I'm going to set up more groups for those with little or no Raid experience.
Not bad, especially when you upgrade the stabilityHow is Praedyth's Timepiece? Not really into Pulse Rifles but it's the only Arc primary I have.
I have a feeling the weapon will be Last Word. Haven't seen that one in a long time. DOubt it'll be another rocket Launcher. Maybe Suros though.No repeats please, we've already had too many as is. Sunbreakers x3, Lucky Raspberry x2, Red Death x2, Achlyophage Symbiote x2.
No repeats please, we've already had too many as is. Sunbreakers x3, Lucky Raspberry x2, Red Death x2, Achlyophage Symbiote x2.
Is precision a gun mod such as Explosive or High Caliber rounds? or are you talking about a players aim? Because I find it impossible to miss targets who don't have much mobility except for jumps and glides.
The patches are always posted on Wednesday.... so I'm sure tomorrow you will wake up with the patch there gonna be a patch today or
These damn job interviews whenever you want to find a group for the Raid. My Resume says 28, but I have to explain I used to make LV29 before I got my Helmet.
Guy is like, hmm... one sec, lemme check with the rest of my squad
3rd Nightfall done, all 3 Characters heads glowing
Warlock got Ice Breaker (2nd), Dismantled
Titan got Hide and Seek-42 legendary Void Shotgun (Crucible Use, Nice!)
Hunter... Knucklehead Radar (3rd), Dismantled
Goddammit, 2 out of 3 NF been same items already have and maxed out =/
I have an Atheon hard checkpoint on my hunter. Would anyone mind coming to cheese it for me before the update goes live?
I'm on PS4.
I have an Atheon hard checkpoint on my hunter. Would anyone mind coming to cheese it for me before the update goes live?
I'm on PS4.