The Antitype
PvP in Destiny is at it's very best when you're AFK.
"The way it's meant to be played"
"The way it's meant to be played"
Radar is great, the hit markers aren't so much.I think the radar is fantastic and is one of the few things I think the game gets right.
Thanks for the heads up, I need that for pocket infinity quest.Rare Fusion Rifles. The Tower. Gunsmith. Refreshes in 90 minutes.
My Warlock is now Level 19 and I've just realized I need to almost completely level up the Sunsinger subclass before I can self-resurrect.
I'm gonna need a LOT of XP from now on
Pvp? Yeah, no. It is a mess for reasons touched upon by many players here who are experienced and well versed in multiplayer games. "Get gud" in of itself plays only a small role in someone's success in crucible.
I for one can't stand the radar, but I do think it's better than the one in halo at least. I'd prefer no radar at all or the traditional one you find in other shooters;the one where you don't pop up until you fire a shot. A constant radar just takes all of the fun out of tracking players and makes flanking alot harder, and kind of inhibits map movement for me, but at least it's a bit vague in destiny making it alot harder to employ cheese tactics.
Rare Fusion Rifles. The Tower. Gunsmith. Refreshes in 90 minutes.
Soloing nightfall using some crappy rare fusion rifle so I can get 200 kills on this exotic bounty is a slow task, went through it once and I'm only half way there...
The hard raid yesterday was a failure. After four hours, we gave up at the Templar battle. Pity!
Yep, it was broken for us during beta and nothing has fixed it yet![]()
the multiplayer's been laggy since the alpha. is like everything is delayed.
The hard raid yesterday was a failure. After four hours, we gave up at the Templar battle. Pity!
The hard raid yesterday was a failure. After four hours, we gave up at the Templar battle. Pity!
Got a legendary engram, strange coin, 9 helium filaments, and some other junk out of a chest today.
RNG is something else alright.
Where's the best place on Mars to go to get Relic Iron to upgrade legendaries with?
Where's the best place on Mars to go to get Relic Iron to upgrade legendaries with?
which part are you stuck on? the boss itself or the conflux/oracles?
Imagine all the energy and shards you could have gotten!
I had to sleep! Also, I don't think I'm levelled up enough yet. 😢
Why can't I get drops like this?
So I got The Last Word after winning a Clash match earlier today. I FUCKING LOVE THIS GUN. The kickback when I fire a shot, the firing animation itself, the animation when you pull the weapon out....*sploosh*
It almost reminds me of the days of using the Rex in Battlefield Bad Company 2. That gun was pure sex
It's fucking lethal in PVP.
I got it for the THIRD TIME today
The boss itself.
what worked for my group was to keep 5 players at the spawning platform in a position to see 5 of the 7 oracles. the relic guy would then stay on the bottom and take care of the 2 oracles at the front while bashing harpies to get his super up. relic then shoots templar shield down and everyone else hits him from up top.
relic guy was slenderbeans i believe. totally owns that shit.
if you want to do it "normally", one strategy is to place players near the left and right conflux spawns. again, focus on killing the oracles. your relic guy needs to kill adds and oracles and needs other players to drop orbs to get the super charged up.
Im going to try this now !!
that looks pretty cool
Datto delivers his most controversial video yet:
I think Bungie set themselves up for something rather difficult balance wise when they made Hunters so different from the other classes. They are bound to be picked on, even though people love them greatly overall.
Not really controversial. Just dislikes from Hunters who aren't capable of being impartial about their own class. If you PvP as a Hunter and it isn't blatantly clear to you that you are the best class you are probably not good at the game.Datto delivers his most controversial video yet:
I think Bungie set themselves up for something rather difficult balance wise when they made Hunters so different from the other classes. They are bound to be picked on, even though people love them greatly overall.
What do you get for finding all the ghosts?Found all the ghosts thanks to fig. She did all the hard work of looking them up and finding them. I just tagged along and provided conversation lol.