Going to set up another Flawless run on Friday night 8pm gmt. If any of the guys from today could make it it would be great, we had a good team and a sound strat.
Yeah, I'm definately good for another try on Friday.
I'm still hell-bent on getting it done tonight with Matt, cyborg, and whoever else is going to be around. But obviously I will still help you guys regardless of whether or not I've gotten it by then. Same goes for anyone else on any of the squads I've run with: Dhruv, Lik, Afro, Steroyd, ruthlesbarbarian, kopyasu, Kartik21 (even w/o a mic, lol), et. al. Or any other team that wants to benefit from our enormous suffering and hard-earned wisdom. Flawless Raid Guides, Inc.
I probably take this shit too seriously but it's important to me to never let my teammates down on these runs. Helping people and working together is the heart of the experience. Focusing on that helps all the flaws and RNG-BS to just roll off your back.