Twilight Gap
How did he end up over there?
i was on the platform and he teleported behind me as i jumped off. even he isn't immune to momentum.
How did he end up over there?
I love Nexus. Is it wrong that I stand atop the rear arch to avoid the adds?
I have no clue how some of you find it boring/tedious, I enjoy it
Shit I do it efficiently and maximize a lot of things at once
I used to complain about armor materials for my alts, but that has subsided due to material farming
I patrol + bounty then just go to the area where the bounties will be maximized
Seriously I have 3 characters who always hit 100 Vanguard marks and 50+ on crucible, I don't even PvP anymore
My Warlock has all factions to 3, Vanguard and Crucible now slowly climbing to 5+
My Hunter has 2 Factions done to 3, Vanguard Rank 3, last faction is 2.5 at the moment, Crucible @1.5
My Titan has 1 faction @3, Vanguard Rank 3, 2nd faction is @2.5, Crucible @Rank 1
Those chest/node loops/routes do have a meaning behind them
I mean 1 hour a day for 7 days and you'd be flushed with materials + rep + mark + glimmer + engrams + armor material + ship
So, i leveled up the cryptarch and he gave me the Plan C as reward, is it any good? From the stats it doesn't look that great.
Some groups used Desert and Jungle. Lots of cute terms people come up with.
Best exotic fusion rifle in the game IMO. Fantastic.
So, i leveled up the cryptarch and he gave me the Plan C as reward, is it any good? From the stats it doesn't look that great.
Yeah, motes. What the heck was I thinking?eyes? do you mean motes?
also glimmer. need more ways to spend the in-game currency.
Lol didn't know this but I have noticed the window. I'll try this at some point.With void burn on this week I just stayed up on the cliff and killed the Minotaur whenever it spawned.
You can also apparently skip the servitor encounter by jumping through the window in the exit hallway, which sounds hilarious.
But I fucking doooooo, I've got a bunch of weapon maxed out on xp, all of my alts could hit 29 but I need so many materials. I'm not making any progress without grinding those. Just visiting the moon for 15 minutes once a week doesn't make a dent.
Mars/Venus makes sense I guess. Following that logic Jungle/desert should work as well though I've never been in a group that uses it. I think the best way to do it is, by far, left/right. Totally unambiguous.
Radar, y'all.
Gjallarhorn replica. So want.
It doesn't really matter how we call which side we're on as long as the group outside understands and opens the right one.
So, i leveled up the cryptarch and he gave me the Plan C as reward, is it any good? From the stats it doesn't look that great.
In 15 minutes you can at least have 30+ mats easily
Only 1 that is truly rough is Iron Relic
In 1 hour
Spinmetal - 165-175+
Helium - 150-165+
Spirit Bloom - 130-155+
Iron Relic - 100 - 120+
Only thing that can fuck you is 2+ farmers also, best is to BTO (back to orbit), come back in
Repeat until you see another farmer or two, seriously, I farm so efficiently that others just tag along on my route, cause they send me messages afterwards going, half of those I didn't know spawn there and damn thanks for waiting and letting me follow
I showed 50+ GAFfers here routes and farming and always to maximize patrols
Hell if you have a buddy, bring them along also, you can shoot the shit doing loops
I love when I have company, shit goes faster, Patrols are done quicker, refresh quicker
Have a full fireteam, and it's just insane how fast shits gets done
I love to talk and most GAFfers who have played with me know I try to keep it lively and fun, but also and out info like a snitch just so it can be passed out more
In 15 minutes you can at least have 30+ mats easily
Only 1 that is truly rough is Iron Relic
In 1 hour
Spinmetal - 165-175+
Helium - 150-165+
Spirit Bloom - 130-155+
Iron Relic - 100 - 120+
Only thing that can fuck you is 2+ farmers also, best is to BTO (back to orbit), come back in
Repeat until you see another farmer or two, seriously, I farm so efficiently that others just tag along on my route, cause they send me messages afterwards going, half of those I didn't know spawn there and damn thanks for waiting and letting me follow
I showed 50+ GAFfers here routes and farming and always to maximize patrols
Hell if you have a buddy, bring them along also, you can shoot the shit doing loops
I love when I have company, shit goes faster, Patrols are done quicker, refresh quicker
Have a full fireteam, and it's just insane how fast shits gets done
I love to talk and most GAFfers who have played with me know I try to keep it lively and fun, but also and out info like a snitch just so it can be passed out more
In 15 minutes you can at least have 30+ mats easily
Only 1 that is truly rough is Iron Relic
In 1 hour
Spinmetal - 165-175+
Helium - 150-165+
Spirit Bloom - 130-155
Iron Relic - 100 - 120
Only thing that can fuck you is 2+ farmers also, best is to BTO (back to orbit), come back in
Repeat until you see another farmer or two, seriously, I farm so efficiently that others just tag along on my route, cause they send me messages afterwards going, half of those I didn't know spawn there and damn thanks for waiting and letting me follow
I showed 50+ GAFfers here routes and farming and always to maximize patrols
Hell if you have a buddy, bring them along also, you can shoot the shit doing loops
I love when I have company, shit goes faster, Patrols are done quicker, refresh quicker
Have a full fireteam, and it's just insane how fast shits gets done
I love to talk and most GAFfers who have played with me know I try to keep it lively and fun, but also and out info like a snitch just so it can be passed out more
left right is better for established groups but first timers will recognize them by scenery before relative location.
Faster to say? Because of one less syllable? By that logic "left/right" would be the easiest.
I didn't say it was puzzling, said it was moronic. If you can equate "Mars" to "Left", you can equate any other word to "Left". Simple association, regardless of the word used. Not saying "past" and "future" should be the terms used. Just saying you aren't on Mars when you are teleported so it isn't accurate and for some reason it bothers me. I admit it is petty and splitting hairs.
Just finished the Crucible part for the Thorn bounty the second time. Took me eight matches and about 90min. If I hadn't screwed up so much in the last few matches, I could maybe have finished it in an hour.
Anyway, time for Xyor again..
You seem to like to maximize things. You should make videos, to maximize the information spread.
Sent you a friend request. OldKingkratosJust need one more for a normal raid with a couple gaffers. Ps4 gdt5016
What's your strategy? I'm on 102/500 after 3 matches.
I'm using epilogue/revenge/corrective on big maps and void fusion rifle on smaller maps, playing Clash.
That was fucking epic guys. Here is the video by popular request.
What's your strategy? I'm on 102/500 after 3 matches.
I'm using epilogue/revenge/corrective on big maps and void fusion rifle on smaller maps, playing Clash.
Wish I had the capability, best I can do is just show people
People miss so many chests it's hilarious
They bypass so many nodes that even if I shoot half a clip to let them know like hey you, yeah you that's trying to farm, look node or chest
Some players pick up on what I'm doing with my gun, understand and then are gracious enough to wait, I do the same for areas they miss
It's that youtube videos do show an overall picture, but they don't hit every point
Wish I had the capability, best I can do is just show people
People miss so many chests it's hilarious
They bypass so many nodes that even if I shoot half a clip to let them know like hey you, yeah you that's trying to farm, look node or chest
Some players pick up on what I'm doing with my gun, understand and then are gracious enough to wait, I do the same for areas they miss
It's that youtube videos do show an overall picture, but they don't hit every point
Rumble + 77 Wizard (Void Fusion Rifle)
Yeah I can get those numbers too, I still don't enjoy it at all. And being forced to engage in this content is annoying. Furthermore I don't need 30+ relic iron. I need 128 to max out the gear I currently need to put things into. To add onto that I need 100 something spinmetals and no more spirit bloom because I spent 2 hours farming that yesterday.
Shh... We might get baby bumpers.
So running to a bush pressing square and running to another bush is fun? The loot cave must have been gameplay valhalla for you then.Its fun mindless stuff to do during downtime before you grab your buds for weekly hunts.
What class are you? I used my Defender's grenades very effectively for this bounty. Magnetic grenade attaches to target and is a guaranteed kill. Voidwalkers have even more options naturally.
I used Atheon's Epilogue, a void Light/Beware and a void Zombie Apocalypse and got it done in a few matches. Just play it safe! I chose Control since it allowed me to better plan for enemy locations.
Left/right is the best and most obvious thing to call it. Calling it anything else just making things more complicated than it needs to be.
Rumble + 77 Wizard (Void Fusion Rifle)
Dude you make this sound like some sort of engaging mechanic people are trying to pro game. People are probably watching some star trek trying to do anything except focus on the mind numbind boredom stretched out infront of them. I get no endorphin release from farming shit at all. It's the definition of tedium.
oh cool, lemme just grind some strikes real qui--
so which strike do you guys like the most
In 15 minutes you can at least have 30+ mats easily
Only 1 that is truly rough is Iron Relic
In 1 hour
Spinmetal - 165-175+
Helium - 150-165+
Spirit Bloom - 130-155+
Iron Relic - 100 - 120+
Only thing that can fuck you is 2+ farmers also, best is to BTO (back to orbit), come back in
Repeat until you see another farmer or two, seriously, I farm so efficiently that others just tag along on my route, cause they send me messages afterwards going, half of those I didn't know spawn there and damn thanks for waiting and letting me follow
I showed 50+ GAFfers here routes and farming and always to maximize patrols
Hell if you have a buddy, bring them along also, you can shoot the shit doing loops
I love when I have company, shit goes faster, Patrols are done quicker, refresh quicker
Have a full fireteam, and it's just insane how fast shits gets done
I love to talk and most GAFfers who have played with me know I try to keep it lively and fun, but also and out info like a snitch just so it can be passed out more
So running to a bush pressing square and running to another bush is fun? The loot cave must have been gameplay valhalla for you then.
Material farming is bullshit filler """content""". Needing shards for the latter nodes should be the end of it. I don't care that you enjoy it, it's just not good design. The fact that the ONLY way to get it is run in circles and learn spawnpoints is fkkn ridiculous.
Dude you make this sound like some sort of engaging mechanic people are trying to pro game. People are probably watching some star trek trying to do anything except focus on the mind numbind boredom stretched out infront of them. I get no endorphin release from farming shit at all. It's the definition of tedium.
Hunter sadly, no void.
Clash works best for me, I always end up dying a lot more on control.
I need Relic Iron so badly. Seriously like 200+. At my rate it'll take a few weeks I guess. Let me know if you're ever hitting Mars for farming and I'd love to tag along!