I fully agree with this guy yo.
To take your side for a bit.
It would be nice if patrols offered more than just rep as a reward
Could be cool if they kept expanding ways to aquire mats
I fully agree with this guy yo.
Spinmetal - 165-175+
Helium - 150-165+
Spirit Bloom - 130-155+
Iron Relic - 100 - 120+
Give me a time-frame, I can come now and net you at least 100 easily just by following me, chatting + patrols + public time event (shard/energy bonus)
Any of the gaffers in my friend list (or not) want to hard raid about 6:30 pm? Im a lvl 30 warlock and have 3 more ready to roll at the previously mentioned hour. Add greenyMac on psn. Even if we dont finish I want to at least beat the templar and be set to finish the last bit at a later point. Greeny mac on PSN. lvl 29 or 30 only please. Experience is a plus.
It doesn't look like it's done on purpose he just walks at them into space and then drops .Someone posted that video early this morning before it got Kotaku'd... I watched it twice now and I'm still not sure what the team did to Cheese Atheon. Athena walks on an invisible platform in the air and after time's vengeance is over he falls and dies... but I am not sure how the team forced him to walk on the invisible platform... and they had to flawlessly do a full round of the fight... so wouldn't it be easier just to complete a few more rounds rather than try to force some cheese?
Give me a time-frame, I can come now and net you at least 100 easily just by following me, chatting + patrols + public time event (shard/energy bonus)
What time zone? I'm up for this if it's Eastern or Central. Level 29 Hunter. Raid experience but not much hard mode experience. PSN rNilla.
RNG has smiled upon me - so I just have a couple of quick questions:
Ultimate remote - is this worth upgrading? and what potential uses could this possibly have, outside of PVP?
VoC - just unlocked the full auto perk and some of the time it will just stop shooting...is it just me?
Also got Hawkmoon from Nightfall, so I can't wait to give it a go (though I already have a TDYK). I had to also sacrifice my alt's future equipment on the quest to hit 30...now I get to farm materials to upgrade raid gear (yay)
RNG has smiled upon me - so I just have a couple of quick questions:
Ultimate remote - is this worth upgrading? and what potential uses could this possibly have, outside of PVP?
VoC - just unlocked the full auto perk and some of the time it will just stop shooting...is it just me?
Also got Hawkmoon from Nightfall, so I can't wait to give it a go (though I already have a TDYK). I had to also sacrifice my alt's future equipment on the quest to hit 30...now I get to farm materials to upgrade raid gear (yay)
Warlocks are nerfed. I stand by this statement until proven otherwise.
I leveled my "Heart of Praxic Fire" and during radiance my cool downs don't seem any faster than before. Am I doing something wrong? The armor is fully leveled
VoC - just unlocked the full auto perk and some of the time it will just stop shooting...is it just me?
Warlocks are nerfed. I stand by this statement until proven otherwise.
Only thing broke so far with farming is the cards bonus, killing an amount of enemies to make you earn double is not working properly, as said by another GAFfer
Could you post the locations you do these in?
I'm assuming:
Spinmetal = Rocketyard
Helium = Archers Line
Spirit Bloom = Ember
Relic = Buried City
What do the jack o lantern things do?
What do the jack o lantern things do?
What do the jack o lantern things do?
The Praxic fire is completely useless. My cool downs didn't speed up one bit. What a disappointment
What time zone? I'm up for this if it's Eastern or Central. Level 29 Hunter. Raid experience but not much hard mode experience. PSN rNilla.
I do spirit in the area where the nexus strike starts ishtar something? lots of enemies for bounties/missions/xp, small loop for chests and can even do the chest glitch fairly easy. only downside is no public events.Relic I do Scablands, it feels easier to me
Buried City has a smaller loop, but I like the openness of Scablands
Spin is always Rocket, Helium is Archer's, Spirit is the Zone to Winter's Run (I always forget the zones name)
I don't feel a big difference either. I haven't tested but I have a hunch it just adds Discipline. If your build already has good DIS it probably just maxes out at 100% so you don't see a big difference. I feel Sunbreakers have a far more noticeable perk.
I do spirit in the area where the nexus strike starts ishtar something? lots of enemies for bounties/missions/xp, small loop for chests and can even do the chest glitch fairly easy. only downside is no public events.
Anyone doing normal raid later today?
I've used two of the pumpkin consumables and it didn't do anything in the tower or out in patrols/missions
Yup man, eastern time zone and added you on PSN. 6:30-6:45 is when I plan on starting.
The Praxic fire is completely useless. My cool downs didn't speed up one bit. What a disappointment
It increases in Radiance mode only.The Praxic fire is completely useless. My cool downs didn't speed up one bit. What a disappointment
Jack shit.
Pumpkin helmet (cosmetic).
I'm going to run a buddy through it tonight. You're more than welcomed to come.
Same here.
So, i leveled up the cryptarch and he gave me the Plan C as reward, is it any good? From the stats it doesn't look that great.
Hell yea thanks man, let me know what time. I should be home by 4pm EST at the latest and I will just be chilling all night.
eyes? do you mean motes?
also glimmer. need more ways to spend the in-game currency.
VoC - just unlocked the full auto perk and some of the time it will just stop shooting...is it just me?
It increases in Radiance mode only.
You can make a test... you can trow more grenades with it (increase the Radiance time too before make the test).
You can two up to 12 grenades with Heart of the Praxic Fire + Radiance Extended.
So can someone explain the level cap increase? Does it mean that you have to get new gear AGAIN, level them up AGAIN, get new ass shards AGAIN? If so, goodbye Destiny.
Cryptarch's reset brought him a class item, aka a new cloak for me.
I'm free.
I also de-leveled from 22 to 21, even though I didn't change any armor at all, other than the cloak. Not sure what happened there. Destiny can be fun but it sure likes to sock me in the balls with regularity.
So can someone explain the level cap increase? Does it mean that you have to get new gear AGAIN, level them up AGAIN, get new ass shards AGAIN? If so, goodbye Destiny.
All the crota raid hats are sick. Prepare for no drop until Hard crota again though. I'll get 20 helmets before necrochasm howeverThe Hunter helm from Crota's End looks awesome. I need it.
Well in general that's how this game's loop works.