It's too big for imageshack and I have no decent editing programs.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
BatiGOOOOOOL said:Done FMT.
Something people didn't seem to notice was the switch in OT where Bruce guarded Chauncey and completely shut him down after he was on fire. Meanwhile TP did a great job on Rip also.
Incognito said:Kerr literally won the game for the Spurs in a crucial game 5. Spurs were down by 15 or so, and Pop decided to bring in Kerr who proceeds to MOTHERFUCKING TORCH THE SORRY ASS MAVERICKS OVER A SPAN OF 12 MINUTES.
Worst thing I've ever witnessed.
DMczaf said:![]()
Can someone add a DUMBASS cloud over Sheed's head while he's running away from Horry?
Mooreberg said:another angle on the jam: (3.44 MB)
"You broke my heart, Kerr. You broke my heart."Incognito said:Kerr literally won the game for the Spurs in a crucial game 5. Spurs were down by 15 or so, and Pop decided to bring in Kerr who proceeds to MOTHERFUCKING TORCH THE SORRY ASS MAVERICKS OVER A SPAN OF 12 MINUTES.
Worst thing I've ever witnessed.
Blackie said:Except...miguel already posted that?
Miguel said:Special message for Jobber
Rolio said:Soups ON!! Spurs fans, the game's being replayed on ESPN..
Will fate change the outcome and make Horry's shot rim out???
Miguel said:You and I both know Horry saved the Spurs (Duncan's especially) sorry asses.
sol5377 said:one of the best finals games of all time. daaaaaamn, Horry was fuckin' clutch. In the first half, I was like, "GET THAT BUMB OUT OF THERE! HE'S TRYING TO DO THINGS HE HAS NO BUSINESS DOING!" Then in the 2nd half, Horry shut me and the entire palace up with what he does best... daggers to the heart! Who are the most clutch players of our time? Could we have an all clutch (or cold-hearted killers) list...
Who else??
sol5377 said:one of the best finals games of all time. daaaaaamn, Horry was fuckin' clutch. In the first half, I was like, "GET THAT BUMB OUT OF THERE! HE'S TRYING TO DO THINGS HE HAS NO BUSINESS DOING!" Then in the 2nd half, Horry shut me and the entire palace up with what he does best... daggers to the heart! Who are the most clutch players of our time? Could we have an all clutch (or cold-hearted killers) list...
Who else??
Incognito said:The only consolation I got from Game 5 was the fact that I could refer to Tim Duncan as Nick Anderson in the 4th quarter...
:lol :lol
Miguel said:
sol5377 said:90's - 2000's All NBA Clutch Team:
PG: Kerr
SG: Reggie
SF: Jordan
PF: Horry
C: Olajuwon
These guys would be unbeatable in a finals game.
SKluck said:I knew tonight if they win, they win game 6.
Spurs close it out tuesday or Pistons win it all. Game 7 at SA is tough tough shit, but the Pistons are the best clinching team in the NBA, SA can NOT give them a chance to clinch.
The Faceless Master said:dont forget craig hodges!
skinnyrattler said:Can a 26 and 19 game really be called a choke job?
skinnyrattler said:Can a 26 and 19 game really be called a choke job?
bionic77 said:I still can't believe what huge pussies the refs were in game 5. Is there some special rule that allows the Pistons to get away with anything when they are at home? People always bitch about the Lakers getting special calls, but hell I have never seen anyone get away with those kind of calls. Not even Jordan in his prime could elbow someone in the face at the end of the game and get away with it! I swear EVERY single replay when Hubie Brown would be talking about how awesome the Piston's defense was, you would see someone getting hit on the wrist or across the forearm. Stern is going to have work extra hard to edit that shit out of the dvds. I always wondered about the players who play like thugs in a game. Even if a ref is letting you get away with murder, it seems like only a bunch of bums would actually take advantage of it for the entire game.
Loki said:Exactly. Detroit's a disgrace, as I've said numerous times throughout the playoffs. The refs are a joke as well for allowing it. They'd show replays of fouls, and there were without exception 2-4 fouls committed PRIOR to the foul that was actually called. Shameful.
Biggest bunch of hackers since Riley's Heat/Knicks. The dynasty ('00-'02) Lakers were huge hackers too, but usually it was only in the 4th quarter, when they'd go on one of their fabled "runs" (which was code for "let us hack the shit out of them this quarter"). With Detroit it's for the full 48.
Loki said:The dynasty ('00-'02) Lakers were huge hackers too, but usually it was only in the 4th quarter, when they'd go on one of their fabled "runs" (which was code for "let us hack the shit out of them this quarter").
DMczaf said:Shh, let the Laker fans think the Pistons are the only team in the last 5 years who got away with hacking![]()
bionic77 said:And I don't want to hear this from a Jordan fan! I have tape of Jordan STABBING Magic Johnson in game 2 of the NBA Finals. The refs called a technical foul on Magic on that play btw because he got blood on Jordan's sneakers.
bionic77 said:And I don't want to hear this from a Jordan fan! I have tape of Jordan STABBING Magic Johnson in game 2 of the NBA Finals. The refs called a technical foul on Magic on that play btw because he got blood on Jordan's sneakers.