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Deus Ex Human Revolution E3 demo impressions


RelentlessRolento said:
Prob the only huge budget title I can easily get excited about. Anyone know who's doing the soundtrack?
Michael McCann.
He did the Splinter Cell: Double Agent OST, End War OST and don't remember what else.
I like him a lot, anyway.

EDIT: I've seen the interview, sounds almost too good, why didn't they show something? :(


ColonelColon said:
I haven't completed the game yet (in Paris), but it seems like certain characters will die regardless of when you choose to kill them. Although, I have read that there are multiple endings, and I'm admittedly unsure of how that might change my perspective.

No, you're right, there really isn't much that really affects the main story. Characters (mostly in the UNATCO section of the game) will respond differently to what you've done or add extra lines for some things, but the story by and large proceeds along the same as always. Sure you can kill the NPCs that aren't immune to bullets, but it doesn't affect much besides maybe eliminating an encounter in the future.

There are multiple endings, but what you do in the game has no bearing on which one you get.


Everything they're saying is getting me very hyped (specially the atmosphere, exploration, NPC interaction, multiple path stuff) but...

EviLore said:
My comment wasn't from the perspective of Deus Ex 1 being an infallible holy grail, but rather an indictment of current "AAA" game design and the people who lap it up. Give me the tools to take out four enemies through skillful play instead of pressing a single button and watching a cutscene.
...this. Surprised there aren't more people agreeing with this.

The 3rd person flashy autotakedowns of multiple foes just by getting into position and pressing a button seems like awful new era of gaming garbage. I don't wanna walk into a room and see the obvious way the devs want me to stealth kill a group of enemies. I want to have to work for it, watching the paths of multiple enemies for a good while, trying to find the few seconds when they are alone or trying to lure them away from the rest, planning from a safe distance, then executing it all flawlessly. I hope those just rare, prominent in this demo just to please the press.


Sciz said:
The four enemy example isn't even accurate. It's the same demo other outlets have reported on, and that specific "one stylish button press" is two distinct high end abilities chained together, each of them costing an energy unit.
So it doesn't boil down to one button press? Hmm. Isn't earning mark and executes remotely similar to earning points and dumping them into skills that produce a one hit kill?
I am really excited for this :)

Haters gonna hate, etc.. but seriously. If they can even recapture 70% of the magic that was the original Deus Ex, and combine it with modern graphics I will be a happy camper.

and so will all of you. quit splittin' hairs


EviLore said:
My comment wasn't from the perspective of Deus Ex 1 being an infallible holy grail, but rather an indictment of current "AAA" game design and the people who lap it up. Give me the tools to take out four enemies through skillful play instead of pressing a single button and watching a cutscene.
Come now man. Getting in the position to perform the stylish takedowns they mention in article takes skill.

The combat in Deus Ex and similar games like Vampire the Masquerade were ass. Gunplay was crap in these games and the actions that the characters could perform never lived up what the devs were selling. I hoping I can build a stealth character in this game that has super speed, jumping ability and can scale buildings in seconds.


charsace said:
Come now man. Getting in the position to perform the stylish takedowns they mention in article takes skill.

The combat in Deus Ex and similar games like Vampire the Masquerade were ass. Gunplay was crap in these games and the actions that the characters could perform never lived up what the devs were selling. I hoping I can build a stealth character in this game that has super speed, jumping ability and can scale buildings in seconds.
The combat in that game made me stop playing. GAF can go suck its cock all the livelong day, but gee willikers the combat was garbage.
Yasae said:
The combat in that game made me stop playing. GAF can go suck its cock all the livelong day, but gee willikers the combat was garbage.
I stopped playing at the part where waves of malkavians would repeatedly beat my socially adept toreador to death within a couple of seconds. Also because the game decided to start crashing instantly on load. I didn't really mind.

Great game up until that point though.


Jenga said:
only people who've played deus ex spending all their XP into swimming can talk about deus ex

real talk

I never spent points in swimming because I never saw any crates in the water.


Sounds like they're saving all the stuff in Deus Ex that worked and tossing out the stuff that didn't work. All while making the combat stand on its own.
For those prodding people in the original Deus Ex, zap them in the ankles. Silly I know, but if I remember correctly it's a one shot knockout.


Jenga said:
only people who've played deus ex spending all their XP into swimming can talk about deus ex

real talk

Swimming is about as useless as the Mass Effect 2 Mining upgrade that speeds up the scrolling of the planet.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
The demo was incredible. Probably one of my favorite games of the show.

Hope they give the team enough time to iterate and polish.


vocab said:
It made no difference!
not the point, the point was that the upgrade made me quit questioning why im spending so much of my life getting fake resources in a videogame

swimming just made me use slightly less medpacks


Letters said:
Everything they're saying is getting me very hyped (specially the atmosphere, exploration, NPC interaction, multiple path stuff) but...

...this. Surprised there aren't more people agreeing with this.

The 3rd person flashy autotakedowns of multiple foes just by getting into position and pressing a button seems like awful new era of gaming garbage. I don't wanna walk into a room and see the obvious way the devs want me to stealth kill a group of enemies. I want to have to work for it, watching the paths of multiple enemies for a good while, trying to find the few seconds when they are alone or trying to lure them away from the rest, planning from a safe distance, then executing it all flawlessly. I hope those just rare, prominent in this demo just to please the press.

In most games, I'd agree completely, but Deus Ex was as much an RPG as a shooter, so it has to have gameplay rewards that are based on character progression, not player skill progression.

Ideally, someone who didn't upgrade their stealth abilities will have to play just the way you described. Someone else who put a lot of XP into stealth, otoh, should be able to deal with the same situation much more quickly and easily.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Jenga said:
pretty much the same thing

i mean who works with disney willingly

Uuuuhhhh....lots of people.


Zoc said:
In most games, I'd agree completely, but Deus Ex was as much an RPG as a shooter, so it has to have gameplay rewards that are based on character progression, not player skill progression.

Ideally, someone who didn't upgrade their stealth abilities will have to play just the way you described. Someone else who put a lot of XP into stealth, otoh, should be able to deal with the same situation much more quickly and easily.
So Splinter Cell: Conviction. Upgrade your pistols so you can mark and execute guys. Solve "puzzles" which involve who do you mark and who do you grab.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Zoc said:
In most games, I'd agree completely, but Deus Ex was as much an RPG as a shooter, so it has to have gameplay rewards that are based on character progression, not player skill progression.

Ideally, someone who didn't upgrade their stealth abilities will have to play just the way you described. Someone else who put a lot of XP into stealth, otoh, should be able to deal with the same situation much more quickly and easily.

Not really. Deus Ex was MUCH more an RPG than a shooter. MUCH MUCH more.
thetrin said:
Not really. Deus Ex was MUCH more an RPG than a shooter. MUCH MUCH more.

I just started a new run about an hour ago and this is so true.

I do not remember the game's gunplay being this bad to be honest...

I might quit soon too. I think that I prefer talking about the game and its design than experiencing it. The poor art/VA/writing/combat is getting to me...


lorddarkflare said:
I just started a new run about an hour ago and this is so true.

I do not remember the game's gunplay being this bad to be honest...

I might quit soon too. I think that I prefer talking about the game and its design than experiencing it. The poor art/VA/writing/combat is getting to me...
So wait, what's good about the game then? Level design? :p
Blizzard said:
So wait, what's good about the game then? Level design? :p


It is funny really, the games general openness is what makes it such a revolutionary work. The RPG systems play into that as well.

But it fails in most other ways. Lucky enough, it is the only game on the market of its kind so it will continue to be revered until a better game does what it did (I can guarantee you that this game will not come in our lifetime).
lorddarkflare said:
But it fails in most other ways. Lucky enough, it is the only game on the market of its kind so it will continue to be revered until a better game does what it did (I can guarantee you that this game will not come in our lifetime).

Everyone, into the Delorean!


lorddarkflare said:
(I can guarantee you that this game will not come in our lifetime).

Well, considering the gaming industry thrives on zero creativity sequels, and shitty ass FPS's with regenerating health. You might be right. Games haven't evolved past System Shock 2, and Deus Ex really, and that was 10-12 years ago. Sad when you think about it, that creativity was at an all time high, and the best video card back then was a fucking GEFORCE 2. I guess creativity makes up for a lack of technology in those days, and we got good games. Now people just let the tech talk with copy and paste mechanics, and hope for the best. :(
The takedowns, which all look incredible, are automatic kills that can be triggered when up close to an enemy. They could make combat a lot easier than it needs to be, but they also serve to make the stealth gameplay very approachable and satisfying. In one great takedown I saw, Jensen drops down from a crate, landing next to two guards who he almost immediately stabs through the neck with blades that pop out of his elbows. Does taking out a mere two guards with a single move not seem impressive enough? In another, he drops through a ceiling window, this time landing directly in the middle of four guards. Jensen then spins in a circle, releasing a ton of shells that fly toward the enemies around him and explode on impact. Four enemies dead with one stylish button press? Hard to complain about that.

HARD TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THAT? Oh god, this is making me puke.

And funny thing is that, when i complained about the fact that in the CG trailer you could already clearly see this coming, some guys even dealt me some sarcasm.

Releasing a ton of shells that fly and explode in the middle of four enemies? Blades out of his elbows? Oh god, this is the most PATHETIC thing i've ever heard.

Ok, does anyone have a link to the thread where we discussed why videogames are still a medium for a niche of nerds? :lol

ps. In bold, the pant-pissing moments of this sad ruffian PR-non-PR journalist
onken said:
Guh, have they said anything at all about non-leathal takedowns?

Yeah, you can choose between lethal and non lethal. There's no violent and non-violent, it's just violent or ultra-violent.

*Lethal kills the guard.

*Non-Lethal, such as a hard knock on the guard's head with an iron bat, knocks the guard out, and you'll rapidly walk away.
Unfortunately, you'll miss the rest of it: the knock sends the guard in a coma. If the guard will ever wake up, he'll be stuck on a wheelchair for the rest of his life, he'll be forced to watch cheap pornos during the night thinking how great it was to lay in intimacy with his wife, and will shed a tear from the barbecue spot when his only child will start running around in the garden and he won't be there chasing him. Unfortunately, you'll never end up being confronted with this in a leter level, you'll be somewhere else, busy doing one-button stylish slowmotion ultra-somersault bayonetta-style dropkicks like a motherfucker. :lol


Found these previews from someone from the official forums:

"Some points I haven't seen mentioned yet here, thanks to GetWellGamers on SA:

- There's an inventory, and they said you had to manage it with items having relative sizes, which is cool.

- One of the loading tips talked about "Stop!worms", which is apparently a consumable that would let you essentially pause the countermeasure timer when hacking.

- You can eavesdrop on or initiate conversations to get side-quests, which you'll have a logbook/journal to keep track of.

- Dialogue menus are presented in general terms a la Mass Effect, but when you highlight the response it previews the entire response, which I really like. I hated having to guess the specifics of what I'm about to say.

- I didn't get any sort of "mini-game" vibe from the dialogue, not even any real time limit like Mass Effect or Alpha Protocol. They just hung out 'till you answered.

- You can drag bodies away to hide them. Minor, but I always liked doing it in DX. Also enjoyed tossing them into things/places that would gib them- hopefully the trend continues.

- Looking around corners/cover looked really great. You can really see a good bit down the way from where you're peeping into without exposing yourself. Again, minor, but it's one of those things that always bug me.

- Vent-crawling is still a staple of infiltration, which for those of us fond of ghost runs is a welcome addition.

- People react if you're walking around with your gun unholstered. Civvies will put their hands up or flee.

- Lots of classic augs- see through walls, cloaking, strength augs, jumping augs... They were playing on infinite Bioelectric and infinite health, though, so who knows.

- Lethal and non-lethal stealth takedowns, but disappointingly: "You can go through the whole game without killing anyone except the boss characters"

- Apparently the weapon mods are still in, though they were cagey as to whether they'd stack like the accuracy, reload, etc. mods from the first one.

And from ImpAtom's impressions, also on SA:

- Codes can be entered manually, but if you have the code, it pops up on the side of the screen.

- The crate carrying animation is literally identical to Deus Ex's, see-through crate and all.

- There seemed to be multiple paths through the levels, but we'll see how that actually pans out.

- NPCs talked and gave you hints about stuff without having to talk to them. In general, it seemed pretty good to me. I did think the dialogue sequence they showed off could have used more interaction, but I'll survive.

- You change outfits if you're going to be dropped off in a combat area, but you can still fight in the trenchcoat and such in public areas. The coat is just to hide your cybernetics/mechanical parts better. You basically put on something besides sensible combat gear when you're in public areas and put on something logical when you know you're going into combat. They told me that you don't suddenly change when you get into a fight or something.

- In the demo I saw, the guy got pretty badly injured. It looks like a fairly standard health regeneration system, so if that gives you hives, I don't think there is much you can do.

- I didn't like the takedown animations in the slightest, which was probably my overall largest complaint about the demo. The cover system felt weird, but that was more my preconceptions about Deus Ex then actual flaws with the system, at least from the demo.

- Everything else looked... well, basically pretty Deus Exy. I don't think it's going to win over the people who complaint that (x) (y) and (z) just isn't Deus Ex because it's different, but it seemed to be doing a lot more right then it did wrong. I thought the bomb-explosion aug looked pretty damn ridiculous though, and not really in a good way."


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
^ Those are some surprisingly positive bullet points.

If they have the level design chops to back it up, this could actually be something I'd be comfortable calling a real sequel.

I really hope they commit to giving consequence to your upgrade choices and inventory management. In a weird way, those were the things that really mattered in games like System Shock 2 and Deus Ex, the "If I do this, I can't do this" scenarios.

Hey, that reminds; who the hell is Eidos Montreal? Reading up on the Wiki page, it looks like they were formed just to develop Deus Ex (and maybe Thief 4? Not sure) and it'll be their first retail title. Anyone know who's actually working on this and what their resume reads like? I guess I could search down the names in the trailers credits, but meh, effort.


Unconfirmed Member
I want to be hyped, but I can't help but be suspicious. First time developer + big CG video for E3 but no gameplay footage. It sounds decent in impressions, anyway.

thetrin said:
Uuuuhhhh....lots of people.
Yep. And if you've followed Epic Mickey at all you can see that Spector seems to be having the time of his life with the project. He's evidently a massive Disney geek.


Pinko Marx said:
Its not an insta-win button, hush yourself.
killing four people at a touch of a button might as well be insta-win

or creeping up behind someone and get a prompt to instantly kill them
Jenga said:
Mmm, the regen health and insta-win buttons still annoy me, but everything else sounds great :D

yeah, I will admit that hearing that it has a standard health regen system is a bit weak. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt and thinking they would have something along the lines of Far Cry 2 or Riddick where minor injuries regenerate, but any serious damage is lasting until you properly treat yourself.
Jenga said:
killing four people at a touch of a button might as well be insta-win

or creeping up behind someone and get a prompt to instantly kill them

Like has been said before, if you have to use stealth, which incorporates a set of skills (patience, timing, observation, etc.), to creep up to someone without getting spotted, then its not insta-win. I could see if all you had to do was run up to someone and mash A, but that doesn't seem to be the case. These are stealth take downs, meaning the enemy can't be aware of your presence.
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