Wow, so the PC version is bad?
1080p30 on my GTX 970. Well, time to look for a new GPU next year!
Game just crashed not even two minutes in.
Really? The fuck did they do to get this kind of performance.
no. how bout you wait for real perfomance impressions? benchmarks are one thing, but i dont believe shit until i acutally play the game. am not gonna cancel a pre order cause of soemthing like this when it can all be fixed with a patch, specially considering its nixxes.
That and recommended doesn't necessarily mean 60FPS. It can very well be 1080P/30FPS...which the 970 seems to accomplish atleast on an average.The recommended card doesn't mean it will run maxed or even Ultra settings. Rise of the Tomb Raider recommends the High preset for recommended cards. The Ultra preset isn't even maxed in that game as some settings can be tweaked even further. Nothig wrong with HAving settings that push even the best cards even if you don't necessarily see much of a difference.
Really? The fuck did they do to get this kind of performance.
Did HR also ran this badly?
Okay, so the story is middle of the road. Fine.
But what about the quality of the emails where people are constantly shit talking behind each others backs?
What did they do to get that kind of performance?
my face right now is jackiechanWHAT.jpg
I've got a 970, and I'm not worried about getting this game to look and perform well at the same time just because of these benchmarks. Because that'd be stupid as fuck, frankly.
What did they do to get that kind of performance?
my face right now is jackiechanWHAT.jpg
I've got a 970, and I'm not worried about getting this game to look and perform well at the same time just because of these benchmarks. Because that'd be stupid as fuck, frankly. Going "Oh no, 30fps on a 970!!?! Better replace my card!" based on max settings benchmarks is sooo asinine - you'd think that person would have replaced their 970 when GTA V didn't even run at 30fps while completely maxed out on a 970, huh? Except that's not how it works.
Is the pre load available?
Nice edit there, because only idiots would call someone out for asking a question.
Is the pre load available?
That and recommended doesn't necessarily mean 60FPS. It can very well be 1080P/30FPS...which the 970 seems to accomplish atleast on an average.
On Steam, yes. Preloads started several hours ago.
God bless compression algorithms.Ok, it says 19.9GB. Is this right? Though it was 45GB.
Some tidbits: 1080p Ultra with Temporal AA requires nearly 4GB VRAM, CHS are still pretty horrible in terms of fade-in/out, 10~14GB RAM (out of 32GB) used on their testbench depending on GPU, GI apparently can't be turned off and as such is probably one reason for the unexpectedly low performance, non-16:9-AR are not supported in their test version
Ok, it says 19.9GB. Is this right? Though it was 45GB.
Found tech reviews of the first game, it definitely wasn't like this.
They outsourced the PC port for this one.Found tech reviews of the first game, it definitely wasn't like this.
Found tech reviews of the first game, it definitely wasn't like this.
They outsourced the PC port for this one.
They outsourced the PC port for this one.
The final size on my Steam properties is 43733 MB.
Hmm, didn't know that.Nixxes did the port for Human Revolution also.
Another benchmark: Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Erste Benchmarks und Performance-Eindrücke - DX12 strauchelt
Should calm some people down I think:
because I'm pretty sure that trying to max out Deus Ex: Human Revolution completely, on a middle of the road graphics card for that time, wouldn't end well..
Found this video, look at the jump from ultra to high, almost double the framerate at the same spot.Something is chewing up performance at ultra, from what I've seen shadows seem to be a big part of it.
I'm not sure about that.
PS: Typo on the Tom's Hardware review, that's 1080 not 1800.
when is the steam preload up?
its been up for a little while
Interesting choice of cards for benchmarks. I recall they update their benches with more cards as they cover them though, right?
On this point - this is from an IGN graphics comparison video, so obviously has a lot of compression. Even with that, it seems there is a noticeable difference between the two versions. I have no idea what equivalent setup the PS4 is using, or how big the difference between high and ultra is, but it does raise the question what the PC is doing differently. I would like to see what this scene looks like with the high preset as well. Seems to be a big difference in volumetric lighting, LOD, AO etc
Found this video, look at the jump from ultra to high, almost double the framerate at the same spot.Something is chewing up performance at ultra, from what I've seen shadows seem to be a big part of it.
On this point - this is from an IGN graphics comparison video, so obviously has a lot of compression. Even with that, it seems there is a noticeable difference between the two versions. I have no idea what equivalent setup the PS4 is using, or how big the difference between high and ultra is, but it does raise the question what the PC is doing differently. I would like to see what this scene looks like with the high preset as well, and then see what causes Ultra to be so performance heavy. Seems to be a big difference in volumetric lighting, LOD, AO etc
Mouse over this image for a quick comparison, or open the above images in 2 tabs and switch between them if the difference isn't clear enough
When you say 'it wasn't like this', what do you mean by 'this'?
because I'm pretty sure that trying to max out Deus Ex: Human Revolution completely, on a middle of the road graphics card for that time, wouldn't end well.
To Nixxes, which isn't exactly a source of concern, at least to me.
Found tech reviews of the first game, it definitely wasn't like this.
If the PS4 version is effectively running at Medium settings, these framerates look pretty inline with the type of GPU they're using.
PS4 is 750TI. It will choke on this game at 1080p even on Medium I would wager.
Pre-ordered and preloading