So I know will try to explain the negatives of this game by providing excerpts from the "negative" reviews and try to make sense of S1kkZ post below. This is coming from a HR fan and I've already pre-ordered MD. I feel like there is something "weird" about this game from reading so many reviews. I'm getting
a feeling of developmental hell for this game. Anyway, let me provide the excerpts:
Paste Magazine
Hardcore Gamer
Game Informer
There are more reviews that echo similar sentiments. Interesting...Not sure how to process this. I am worried now. This game seemed to have suffered from 5 year developmental hell. Rumors that this game was originally one big game but chopped into 3 games for Square Enix to milk ... kind of makes sense given what we know know??
1 big hub that's not really varied, short story, abrupt ending, 1 lazy boss fight, side quests aren't good, level design is formulaic filled with convenient vents/ladders etc to help you bypass the levels. AI are dumb and run at you when you're in cover behind a doorway. Pacing is off. List goes on? Idk...let me know what you think. Maybe I'm overreacting, but after 5 years I was expecting Eidos Montreal to learn from their mistakes. It seems like they listened, but executed poorly and now this game stinks of develpemental hell and possibly that the game is "part 1" of the true Mandkind Divided game.
Also, just want to add. Apparently the pre-order mission is not supposed to be played till you BEAT the game because it contains Seems weird! What game gives you pre-order content only to be played when you beat the game???
(sorry for rambling, I hope I made sense. I'm not trying to attack this game (I pre-ordered it! but I may cancel now)..just trying to make sense about the rumors of developmental hell and the possibility that MD was originally one big game, but all we got was "part 1"...)