I don't think I've seen a game with a mid 80s average rating as maligned as this even before release in recent times.
Did people forget this game had a season pass? If theres content thats the size of the missing link then thats fine
30 hours is plenty fine if it means we'll get a sequel sooner than five years. But it might not mean that so, who knows.
That still is a game that is going to commend a lot of time from me. Shame about the abrupt ending.
No. You cherry picked mostly the worst feedback from a sea of largely better feedback, and no, I didn't see anyone but the one poster say it's a 12 hour game.Other reviewers have said the same, Read my post on page 28.
I don't think I've seen a game with a mid 80s average rating as maligned as this even before release in recent times.
I don't think I've seen a game with a mid 80s average rating as maligned as this even before release in recent times.
it's like the reverse uncharted 3 review threadConsidering most haven't played it either!
Same. Dont have time for 30+ hour epics. Cause y'know, I'm not a child.
Have they even detailed what the DLC will be?
Have they even detailed what the DLC will be?
Same. Dont have time for 30+ hour epics. Cause y'know, I'm not a child.
I didn't wanna make a thread for this, but I want to play Human Revolution through completely for the first time. Is the Director's Cut preferred over the original game? Because I can't find a copy for PS3 anywhere around me. All I can notice is that the boss battles are improved in the DC along with the DLC added.
Inserting the DLC in the main story works out a little awkwardly but yes DC is the way to go otherwise (worth it for the commentary alone).I didn't wanna make a thread for this, but I want to play Human Revolution through completely for the first time. Is the Director's Cut preferred over the original game? Because I can't find a copy for PS3 anywhere around me. All I can notice is that the boss battles are improved in the DC along with the DLC added.
Some random impressions, PS4 version.
I just finished the intro/tutorial section, just reached Prague. It took me a good 2.5 hours to get there, so the "13 hour total playtime" comments seem very strange to me. Granted, I ghosted through the section so I took my time. I imagine you can blast through it in 15 minutes if you just gun down everyone.
Game looks excellent, environments are extremely detailed. And the music is god-tier, as expected. Gameplay took some time getting used to. The new cover system reminds me of The Division, as in you're in cover, point to a location where you want Jensen to move, press X and he goes. However, in this game it's a simple button press whereas in Division you had to keep the buttons pressed. Haven't fiddled around with augments too much yet.
The Pague intro section runs terrible, there's no denying. Screentearing up the wazzoo, and massive framerate drops even though it's basically an on-rails section. Didn't encounter any of that during the prologue sequences, game ran super smooth. Also had a lengthy diaogue with a certain character and I could've swore it ran at like 10 frames per second at certain points. So weird.
Thing that impressed me the most so far is the presentation. The menus, the UI, everything is extremely slick. Game has incredible art direction overall, it just seeps style. Jensen's apartment is amazing.
Anyway, that's all I suppose. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to finish my morning coffee and watch my favouriteFox NewsPicus anchor give fair and honest newsreports.
Same. Dont have time for 30+ hour epics. Cause y'know, I'm not a child.
Who says you have to play it all in a weekend? If you have time for games period, you can ration that time however you please. Whether you play six five hour long games, or one thirty hour game, it's all the same.
Many many Neogafers are adults, and we still have time for the games we enjoy. If you have times to play games in general, and you have time to post on this board, you have plenty of time for a thirty hour game.
I really liked HR's story personally so if that is what PC Gamer means with "story doesn't do it justice", I'm kinda okay with it.
Does the game have anything on par with Morpheus or the Hong Kong Bartender?
Eidos Montreal seems to have a decent grasp on the gameplay, but I found the whole aug focus a little shallow compared to the topics discussed in the first game.
JC Denton: How about a report on yourself?
Morpheus: I was a prototype for Echelon IV. My instructions are to amuse visitors with information about themselves.
JC Denton: I don't see anything amusing about spying on people.
Morpheus: Human beings feel pleasure when they are watched. I have recorded their smiles as I tell them who they are.
JC Denton: Some people just don't understand the dangers of indiscriminate surveillance.
Morpheus: The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms.
JC Denton: Electronic surveillance hardly inspires reverence. Perhaps fear and obedience, but not reverence.
Morpheus: God and the gods were apparitions of observation, judgement and punishment. Other sentiments towards them were secondary.
JC Denton: No one will ever worship a software entity peering at them through a camera.
Morpheus: The human organism always worships. First, it was the gods, then it was fame (the observation and judgement of others), next it will be self-aware systems you have built to realize truly omnipresent observation and judgment.
JC Denton: You underestimate humankind's love of freedom.
Morpheus: The individual desires judgment. Without that desire, the cohesion of groups is impossible, and so is civilization.
maybe I'm just old but the idea of it being shorter makes me more excited
I would love that but I doubt it. The writing in the first Deus Ex, although sometimes lacking when it came to convincing dialogue, was really clever and broadly influenced. With Eidos Montreal, it's like they just focus on one thing and go way overboard with how much it affects the world and all the people in it. Doesn't feel like they cast a net very far and wide when looking for things to reference or discuss.
The Morpheus dialogue was just so outstanding (sorry, gotta quote it again!):
Like 5+ years before Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. The game is not always so elegantly written, but it is almost eerily prescient sometimes.
A little disappointed to hear wasn't running great on the 980 TI. I'll probably be waiting on this one. I'm not gonna give them my money and less I can get at least a decent performance at 1440p.
A little disappointed to hear wasn't running great on the 980 TI. I'll probably be waiting on this one. I'm not gonna give them my money and less I can get at least a decent performance at 1440p.
A little disappointed to hear wasn't running great on the 980 TI. I'll probably be waiting on this one. I'm not gonna give them my money and less I can get at least a decent performance at 1440p.
A little disappointed to hear wasn't running great on the 980 TI. I'll probably be waiting on this one. I'm not gonna give them my money and less I can get at least a decent performance at 1440p.
That whole conversation is fantastic.
That is what I want from Deus Ex within its story, breadth and depth of exploration of ideologies and philosophies, getting you to think more about the world and your choices, fleshing out characters as more than just a set piece towards a single point narrative.
Yeah sadly I just don't think Eidos Montreal quite has the chops with the current writing staff. I'm fine with that, the game does other things well, but I do miss the philosophical side of Deus Ex sometimes.
Luckily other games can fill parts of that gap, like Soma or The Talos Principle.
Yeah sadly I just don't think Eidos Montreal quite has the chops with the current writing staff. I'm fine with that, the game does other things well, but I do miss the philosophical side of Deus Ex sometimes.
Luckily other games can fill parts of that gap, like Soma or The Talos Principle.
So I've played the game for about 12 hours now, I'm going full stealth and ghosting most levels plus doing every side quest...this is very interesting. It somehow has a different feeling to Human Revolution due to the environments. Game feels far more futuristic and cyberpunky.
Both the side and main quests are pretty engaging. If the main story feels like it ends abruptly then it'd purely due to lack of time because the game is jam packed with details and there is a lot to do.
That guy who was making comparison to No Man's Sky and assuming that Mankind Divided lacks content..he's wrong.
Edit: And the music man, it's so good !
How is Soma and Talos anything like Deus Ex?
So I know will try to explain the negatives of this game by providing excerpts from the "negative" reviews and try to make sense of S1kkZ post below. This is coming from a HR fan and I've already pre-ordered MD. I feel like there is something "weird" about this game from reading so many reviews. I'm getting a feeling of developmental hell for this game. Anyway, let me provide the excerpts:
There are more reviews that echo similar sentiments. Interesting...Not sure how to process this. I am worried now. This game seemed to have suffered from 5 year developmental hell. Rumors that this game was originally one big game but chopped into 3 games for Square Enix to milk ... kind of makes sense given what we know know??
1 big hub that's not really varied, short story, abrupt ending, 1 lazy boss fight, side quests aren't good, level design is formulaic filled with convenient vents/ladders etc to help you bypass the levels. AI are dumb and run at you when you're in cover behind a doorway. Pacing is off. List goes on? Idk...let me know what you think. Maybe I'm overreacting, but after 5 years I was expecting Eidos Montreal to learn from their mistakes. It seems like they listened, but executed poorly and now this game stinks of develpemental hell and possibly that the game is "part 1" of the true Mandkind Divided game.
Also, just want to add. Apparently the pre-order mission is not supposed to be played till you BEAT the game because it contains spoilers...wtf? Seems weird! What game gives you pre-order content only to be played when you beat the game???
(sorry for rambling, I hope I made sense. I'm not trying to attack this game (I pre-ordered it! but I may cancel now)..just trying to make sense about the rumors of developmental hell and the possibility that MD was originally one big game, but all we got was "part 1"...)
From a philosophical/thematic standpoint, they ask the same questions as Deus Ex.
A little disappointed to hear wasn't running great on the 980 TI. I'll probably be waiting on this one. I'm not gonna give them my money and less I can get at least a decent performance at 1440p.
It's the Ultra preset that's either fucked or unnecessarily demanding. Like I said above, you can easily choose the High presets and get ~100fps on a 980 Ti (same ballpark with a 1070).Sucks that the performance is bad. I just bought a new PC with an i7 and a 1070.
I'm pretty anal about performance and image quality, but for some reasons I don't care that much about stuff like reflections and shadow quality. Those settings are usually huge performance sinks anyway, so I can hopefully get a few extra frames by lowering those.
A little disappointed to hear wasn't running great on the 980 TI. I'll probably be waiting on this one. I'm not gonna give them my money and less I can get at least a decent performance at 1440p.
An ending just as bad, if not worse, than the ones for Human Revolution?
Eliminating the boss problem by not working through it at all?
Fuck me. Suddenly, this is sounding rather poor overall. I hope the full package sounds better than this reads.
When is the preload up?