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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |OT| We Asked For This


While a better game than Human Revolution, I don't think it got 5 years worth of improvements, making it feel worse than HR when taking the current year into account. HR was more impressive for a game 5 years ago than MD is today.

The thing that bothered me the most was the broken waypoints. So many times it would tell me to go through a certain door, I go past it and the waypoint doesn't update and just stays there, or sometimes even goes all the way back to the start of the mission. I always ended up just reading the mission text again and looking through all the floors on the map to find the room name. If the specific room doesn't have a name on the map, then you are shit out of luck.

I can get past the very slightly underwhelming narrative (although I still really enjoyed it) but the waypoints seriously led me on numerous wild goose chases that kinda soured the fun a bit. I would have preferred no waypoints at all and instead have a competent map.


I'm finding it very hard to get into thematics of this game. The world and it's state just doesn't feel believable to me. Why? It has a pretty terrible premise.

Imo what made original and HR so believable that these games had a very solid background for events. Original DX was about corporations abusing the poor and influencing politicians to become more rich and powerful. HR was about advancements in prosthetics to the point their technology surpass human capabilities. Both of these premises are believable not only because it may happen, but because it's already starting to happen. All events in the games are extrapolated from these ideas with a handful of fiction and conspiracy theories, but they still seem real. The most far fetched one is probably the aug incident at the end of HR, but that was used to make a spectacular culmination for the events, so I'm ok with it.

Then we have Mankind divided, which has little to none premise for the story. The whole situation is built upon the worst case scenario that happened in the previous game. The whole real world connection thing that made previous games believable is thrown away. All this oppression, "mechanical apartheid" is so far fetched that it's like the opposite of believable situation. The game tries hard to make some kind of social commentary by drawing parallels to racism but it just falls flat. The idea for this world is to take worst examples of racism from a hundred years ago and pretend that it will again happen ten years from now.

Things just don't have solid ground to justify themselves. Why does the world hate augs now? What did the augs do to deserve it? It's not them who voluntarily caused The Incident, it was one asshole who used a backdoor to ruin whole civilisation. How about patching all augumentations to fix this backdoor? Since it had so much impact, I'm sure it will be supervised to the max this time and it won't happen again. Overall, prosthetics help people live, not make them into some lower-class creatures. I just can't make sense of all the post-Human revolution events.

Good points.
I don't think the backstory is as strong as it could be, but it's not a stretch to believe that after such a massive and traumatic tragedy, people won't act rationally about the causes and consequences. At all.


I don't think the backstory is as strong as it could be, but it's not a stretch to believe that after such a massive and traumatic tragedy, people won't act rationally about the causes and consequences. At all.

I can believe it, but the game doesn't make me feel the transition in the way I would like.

It does do a good job at the end result though, so it's okay.
Just finished my first playthrough yesterday. It was a lot of fun. I loved how they refined the gameplay from HR and added some interesting things. In this playthrough I found myself not using or wanting the new Augs (minus the remote hacking) at all. I felt there was no need for them which they could have somehow implemented them better into the game. Story wise I thought it was alright. The side stories and atmosphere of some areas are much better then the main story. The ending did feel rushed and I can feel there was cut content again like in HR.


The situation was horrific, but it was a bug in the system, a microchip that was used by one person to cause everything. None of these augumented people were purposely trying to do anything wrong.

In Mankind divided, I don't see any attempt to solve the problem, only to run away from it.

Well, the media manipulates the truth by shifting the blame. It's easy to see how most people would just blame augs anyway. Maybe not because the incident wasn't intentional, but because they are broken and can go nuts again at any given moment.

Also, the augmentation industry crashed and burn hard, so augs were left hanging. The government doesn't want to intervine because they are manipulated by parties interested in controlling the augs. Basically, people ruling the world don't want to fix augs and are intentionaly pushing the world against them.

But yeah, like I said, I don't completely disagree with you. It's a little off.


I can believe it, but the game doesn't make me feel the transition in the way I would like.

It does do a good job at the end result though, so it's okay.

Yeah it's believable, but it doesn't nail it really. Logically it makes sense, but it didn't really make me feel much.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Just finished the game for the first time at 44 hours. Went mostly stealth/nonlethal except when
dealing with the masked shadow ops guys.
Definitely felt good to cut loose with lethal weaponry after being nice for most of the game, though. I had a fully upgraded silenced pistol on full auto, with a ton of ammo stocked up. That thing cuts everything to shreds and I managed to do most of it quietly.

I really liked the game overall. I think it's an improvement on DXHR in almost every way. The only ways I consider it a step back would be the subpar consolized UI, the crashing issues, and the fact that the presentation of the "augmented people vs non-augmented people" theme is generally a bit clumsier and less believable than the "are augs right or wrong" theme of DXHR. The issues in MD feel a bit more clear-cut than the issues in HR, which is a bit disappointing but still enjoyable. The story started off kind of slow because Prague is such a freaking gigantic hub world, and the first set of sidequests were kind of ho-hum in comparison to the sidequests you get later on.

Otherwise, the level design is better, the combat is better, sidequests are better (the
Daria thing
was a fucking amazing sidequest that came out of nowhere), and the general pacing is better. The game doesn't have a super obvious "oh right, we have a budget and a timeline to keep" point like DXHR did, and felt like a much more solid game as a result.

I disagree with people saying the game ended kind of abruptly because I think it was fairly clear when you were getting to the end. The last mission had a clear sense of escalation, and I also was pretty sure I was getting to the end due to cues like how many times I've come back to Prague, how bad things were at that point, and how my skill tree was pretty much maxed out for the stuff I wanted to get. The game was primarily about
catching The Guy
, so I mostly assumed that all the other loose ends would be saved for a sequel. There was just too much to cover in the space of a single game without making it some kind of crazy 60 hour slogfest anyway, so I'm glad they decided to keep the game shorter but tighter.

I'm probably going to start a new playthrough right away. Maybe go for Foxiest of the Hounds and Pacifist at the same time. Can I do that in NG+? What exactly does Foxiest of the Hounds mean? I got that in DXHR but I was never sure if that meant if people could spot things like bodies and go into search mode, as long as they didn't actually spot me.


I can agree with the game not doing enough to show how bad the aug incident was (eventhough there is a lot of material lying around in the game to do this). But I will never understand the reaction that the apartheid doesn't feel reasonable or believable.

You see how the Muslims get treated because of the stuff that ISIS does right now? That kind of genaralised negative mentality towards a group of population exists in our own world. In Deus Ex HR, there were people who were against augmentations altogether but they kept quiet until the aug incident.

50 million people died in the aug incident in a single day just because the augs went out of control...let that sink in. Then tell me you can't see it happening...much so in one city in the entire world where the augs are concentrated.

The game tells you this via Alex and other means that Prague is an exception. This segregation only exists in Prague while the rest of the world watches how it is doing. That is the entire point of the UN resolution that the game talks about from start to finish i.e. if it passes then the segregation would be legalised everywhere and you'll see it outside of Prague too.


I disagree with people saying the game ended kind of abruptly because I think it was fairly clear when you were getting to the end. The last mission had a clear sense of escalation, and I also was pretty sure I was getting to the end due to cues like how many times I've come back to Prague, how bad things were at that point, and how my skill tree was pretty much maxed out for the stuff I wanted to get. The game was primarily about
catching The Guy
, so I mostly assumed that all the other loose ends would be saved for a sequel. There was just too much to cover in the space of a single game without making it some kind of crazy 60 hour slogfest anyway, so I'm glad they decided to keep the game shorter but tighter.

I don't think people mean they didn't see the ending coming, just that it in itself was abrupt:

Kill bad guy, Adam and Alex talk for 30 seconds, 5 minutes of newsreels.
I feel like the Aug situation was poorly handled because they kept trying to tie it back to regular racism, when really it didn't feel much like that at all. Parallels to islamophobia are closer, but the best comparison to make seems like it would've been the WW2 era Jewish ghettos. A group of people, unfairly victimized, used as scapegoats for horrifying conditions and thus thrust into even more horrifying conditions as "punishment." There's even a recruiter preaching what amounts to "work makes you free" ffs. Couple that in with a cautionary tale about the willingness of people to submit to strong leaders and strong "measures" when faced with fear and you've got a much more coherent theme. They tried to make it about Aug Lives Matter and Apartheid, and it just didn't fit very well.


I expected the ending to be abrupt but I I didn't expect it to be so unsatisfying
(a low-res new bulletin that runs at 15fps and features such classic lines as "strong words for a man with even stronger pockets", really?)
. It felt a bit like the season finale of a mediocre series. That specific arc is over but it was never that interesting to begin with and it doesn't feel like it meant a lot as far as the big picture conflict is concerned.

Overall I really enjoyed actually playing Mankind Divided, especially later on when the level design gets more complicated and challenging. The last mission's gimmick (
dealing with the gold masks in a crowded location
) was pretty neat, and most of the side missions were fairly well done.
It's just that the main narrative desperately needed a hook to get me to care about the conspiracy of the day The whole "who's responsible for the bombings" is supposed to be the mystery that keeps you guessing except the game tells you from the very start that
the Illuminati are
probably being this. That and the way the game tackles the themes of oppression, minorities, racism and class warfare is so heavy handed and the writing is so on the nose. It was hard to take seriously, and the game never really brought anything new or thought provoking to the discussion.

They need to shake up the formula for the next one, I don't think they can afford to "simply" do another sequel to HR.


I don't think people mean they didn't see the ending coming, just that it in itself was abrupt:
Actually a quite a few people did, they said "I thought I was only 60% in and then it ended". And it's baffling because the game gives you clear indication that it's about to end even before you get to final level.

As an example, read Jim Sterling's review.


I expected the ending to be abrupt but I I didn't expect it to be so unsatisfying
(a low-res new bulletin that runs at 15fps and features such classic lines as "strong words for a man with even stronger pockets", really?)
. It felt a bit like the season finale of a mediocre series. That specific arc is over but it was never that interesting to begin with and it doesn't feel like it meant a lot as far as the big picture conflict is concerned.

Overall I really enjoyed actually playing Mankind Divided, especially later on when the level design gets more complicated and challenging. The last mission's gimmick (
dealing with the gold masks in a crowded location
) was pretty neat, and most of the side missions were fairly well done.
It's just that the main narrative desperately needed a hook to get me to care about the conspiracy of the day The whole "who's responsible for the bombings" is supposed to be the mystery that keeps you guessing except the game tells you from the very start that
the Illuminati are
probably being this. That and the way the game tackles the themes of oppression, minorities, racism and class warfare is so heavy handed and the writing is so on the nose. It was hard to take seriously, and the game never really brought anything new or thought provoking to the discussion.

They need to shake up the formula for the next one, I don't think they can afford to "simply" do another sequel to HR.
Well that's how most games/movies, that are the middle one in the trilogy, end up being...unless they end in a direct cliff hanger which is even worse.


I can agree with the game not doing enough to show how bad the aug incident was (eventhough there is a lot of material lying around in the game to do this). But I will never understand the reaction that the apartheid doesn't feel reasonable or believable.

You see how the Muslims get treated because of the stuff that ISIS does right now? That kind of genaralised negative mentality towards a group of population exists in our own world. In Deus Ex HR, there were people who were against augmentations altogether but they kept quiet until the aug incident.

50 million people died in the aug incident in a single day just because the augs went out of control...let that sink in. Then tell me you can't see it happening...much so in one city in the entire world where the augs are concentrated.

The game tells you this via Alex and other means that Prague is an exception. This segregation only exists in Prague while the rest of the world watches how it is doing. That is the entire point of the UN resolution that the game talks about from start to finish i.e. if it passes then the segregation would be legalised everywhere and you'll see it outside of Prague too.

Yep, I mean look at how 9/11 made people flip out about Muslims. Right now we have certain media and politicians fanning the flames and implying everything short of internment camps so I didn't find the premise of the game unbelievable.

The game even trained me to always take the Aug train because it was better than being harassed by the cops.


So, I just started this on ps4. I've finally got used to exploration + the extremely narrow FoV (ouch), but I'm finding it a little bit underwhelming.

Granted, I'm only about two hours in (very early on - just before meeting the body mod NPC, working on completing the papers sidequest now), and I'm eagerly looking forward to it opening up a little more.

For those underwhelmed at the start, did it improve as you progressed?


. They tried to make it about Aug Lives Matter and Apartheid, and it just didn't fit very well.
The augs lives matter was most likely someone going "Hey how about we use this real world reference?" Without really thinking it doesn't fit in that well.

Though Apartheid is just a separation in the demographics because of something, which is what Mankind Divided had and I didn't think there was anything wrong with that.
I feel like the tutorial could have taken place during Jensen's therapies in Alaska clinic (with his escape as map traversal tutorial). And the opening credits should contain more information other than "Aug incident!". What is the Juggernaut Collective? Why is Jensen in Interpol? How did Illuminati cover up Panchea? The game just abruptly dropped us in the middle of the story where we know little about Jensen's motives and where the story was going.
So, Adam's almost definitely
a clone/not the original Jensen right.
I thought the scene mid-credits scene
meant Illuminati planted something in Jensen and turned him into a sleeper cell to get to Janus


The game even trained me to always take the Aug train because it was better than being harassed by the cops.

I liked that part a lot. Was a nice representation.

And then cops just stopping you even outside the train station in prague if you approached them sometimes


Well, the media manipulates the truth by shifting the blame. It's easy to see how most people would just blame augs anyway. Maybe not because the incident wasn't intentional, but because they are broken and can go nuts again at any given moment.

Also, the augmentation industry crashed and burn hard, so augs were left hanging. The government doesn't want to intervine because they are manipulated by parties interested in controlling the augs. Basically, people ruling the world don't want to fix augs and are intentionaly pushing the world against them.

But yeah, like I said, I don't completely disagree with you. It's a little off.

Fair enough. I guess it's viable to imagine that the aug incident was not long ago and society just didn't yet have time to solve the problem, so this was just a quick solution to push the problem away until everything falls back to normal.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I don't think people mean they didn't see the ending coming, just that it in itself was abrupt:

Kill bad guy, Adam and Alex talk for 30 seconds, 5 minutes of newsreels.
Okay, that part I do understand and agree with. I was surprised to see the game
tell me that I was done right off the bat instead of having some sort of closing cutscene before the whole epilogue.

I can agree with the game not doing enough to show how bad the aug incident was (eventhough there is a lot of material lying around in the game to do this). But I will never understand the reaction that the apartheid doesn't feel reasonable or believable.
I think my problem with the game's handling of the subject matter wasn't that it wasn't believable, but rather it was a little too clear cut. As you said, the apartheid itself is perfectly believable.

DXHR's main theme of "is augmentation really the right way to go?" was great because it's a grey area. You knew the progress was happening but you also saw the downsides of it so much that I genuinely felt bad and unsure of whether the world was moving too fast for its own good. It was a good grey area where you were shown clear arguments to both sides of the issue throughout the game.

DXMD's theme of "should we segregate augs?" is disappointing in that it's an incredibly one-sided argument. The game pretty much just beats you over the head with "PREJUDICE IS WRONG. SEGREGATION IS WRONG" over and over. You are shown the perspective of both sides so you understand where everyone's coming from, but you never need to question which side you're on in the argument, which is a big step back from DXHR.


I feel like the tutorial could have taken place during Jensen's therapies in Alaska clinic (with his escape as map traversal tutorial).

Well it could have, but they clearly didn't want to show much of that. He may not even have been really in a clinic, or something.


Talk about coincidences. So, I took a break from playing to watch episode 7 of The Expanse. About halfway through, it dawned on me that a particular stowaway sounded very familiar. Once he was able to speak even more, I thought he sounded an awful lot like Adam's voice actor. It was.


Well it could have, but they clearly didn't want to show much of that. He may not even have been really in a clinic, or something.

He's not the real Adam Jensen! He's a clone imprinted with real Jensen's memories!

While I'm joking, that would actually explain a few things.


I feel like the tutorial could have taken place during Jensen's therapies in Alaska clinic (with his escape as map traversal tutorial). And the opening credits should contain more information other than "Aug incident!". What is the Juggernaut Collective? Why is Jensen in Interpol? How did Illuminati cover up Panchea? The game just abruptly dropped us in the middle of the story where we know little about Jensen's motives and where the story was going.

I thought the scene mid-credits scene
meant Illuminati planted something in Jensen and turned him into a sleeper cell to get to Janus
Juggernaut collective was in the comics and The Fall (which no one played). Granted they need to have valuable things in the materials outside of mainline entries for it to be worthwhile for a fan to read/play them. They shouldn't directly dive into those materials without much introductions, it doesn't even has to be put up as an introduction but rather include it as part of a back story for Alex in a conversation and people would know.

Jensen is new to Interpol and him being with then is explained clearly. End game spoiler
it's the illuminati who wanted him there, Manderly personally asked Miller to be assigned to TF29. And TF29 is basically UNATCO.


Anybody beat Deus Ex Go and know if the praxis kits you can redeem in MD can be reused on every new playthrough or are they one and done.


He's not the real Adam Jensen! He's a clone imprinted with real Jensen's memories!

While I'm joking, that would actually explain a few things.

Well, that's what I think happened after reading some of the clues in the game haha

Talk about coincidences. So, I took a break from playing to watch episode 7 of The Expanse. About halfway through, it dawned on me that a particular stowaway sounded very familiar. Once he was able to speak even more, I thought he sounded an awful lot like Adam's voice actor. It was.

Is the series any good? Did the stowaway ask for any of this?


Keep in mind more years have passed between the release of HR and MD than the years passed between the events that happened in those games. In that world those events and things are quite recent.
The augs lives matter was most likely someone going "Hey how about we use this real world reference?" Without really thinking it doesn't fit in that well.

Though Apartheid is just a separation in the demographics because of something, which is what Mankind Divided had and I didn't think there was anything wrong with that.


It's referring a specific real world event, not a general term. Apartheid was about maintaining "purity" and supremacy, the events after the Aug Incident were about a world lashing out in fear.


Is the series any good? Did the stowaway ask for any of this?

Honestly don't know if it's better than Killjoys or Dark Matter yet, and it has that typical SyFy combination of great to utterly shit effects happening due to its scope. It's definitely ambitious though, in a kind of Total Recall + Blade Runner + every other sci-fi show ever way.


Well that's how most games/movies, that are the middle one in the trilogy, end up being...unless they end in a direct cliff hanger which is even worse.

No a middle chapter can be satisfying on its own.
Two Towers had the stories of Rohan and Isengard pretty much self contained in that book/movie.
Empire Strikes Back has multiple arcs (Han and Leia's romance, Luke's training) resolved by the end.

Being the middle chapter of a trilogy (did they even say that's what MK was?) is no excuse for not having a compelling narrative. Mass Effect 2 didn't have one but at least it used that game to focus on the characters.


I'm not really sure where else they would go with it.
It would be cool to have Jensen 2.0 meet Jensen 1.0 though.

Your spoiler has some possible foreshadowing:
When you meet the real Eliza she says, "I remember who you were." She also talks about her other versions and asks if Adam would know which was which. This, along with finding out his old Augs were missing the Sarif serial numbers, was a pretty big hint that this Adam might not be the same one.



It's referring a specific real world event, not a general term. Apartheid was about maintaining "purity" and supremacy, the events after the Aug Incident were about a world lashing out in fear.
What are we talking about here?

Also you mention "purity" you can hear plenty of sentiments about how hmaugs are corruption and impure while being human is seen as pure. The anti aug group in HR was called Purity First ffs !! Hah


4-Time GIF/Meme God
Finished yesterday. The game is a strong candidate to my GOTY.
Some notes that Eidos needs to take:
- Why so many CGs? The consoles can't handle those?! Make it real time at least for PC users.
- Motion capture was crap. Even Perfect Dark on N64 looks better on conversations.
- It's a stealth/RPG/action hybrid, but the AI is so dumb... Make the NPCs roaming around like MGS V did.
- The difficulty in general is nice, but the level system needs work. By the end of the game I was unfuckable. A thing more close to the original Deus Ex could be good.
- Make at least one more boss fight, and if you can kill him before it will be awesome too (like The End in MGS3).
- Make the choice paths really worth it. I mean, if I choose some path, I need a consequence that can change the game in a good way.
- Don't do a trophy/achievement for each path. The game is huge and you can screw up sometime, so make those available for a single run (even if is hard).
- Put more drama on Jensen. Not that much, but enough to feel the pain to the "I didn't ask for this" thing.
Juggernaut collective was in the comics and The Fall (which no one played). Granted they need to have valuable things in the materials outside of mainline entries for it to be worthwhile for a fan to read/play them. They shouldn't directly dive into those materials without much introductions, it doesn't even has to be put up as an introduction but rather include it as part of a back story for Alex in a conversation and people would know.

Jensen is new to Interpol and him being with then is explained clearly. End game spoiler
it's the illuminati who wanted him there, Manderly personally asked Miller to be assigned to TF29. And TF29 is basically UNATCO.
I know these info were later given to the player, but this game is a sequel that is bridging to another sequel, it shouldn't make me feel there are missing pieces everywhere.
I know these info were later given to the player, but this game is a sequel that is bridging to another sequel, it shouldn't make me feel there are missing pieces everywhere.

Yeah, maybe they will do something similar like Missing Link with the DLC. Personally I would hope not. It would be like them setting a standard to deliver games with holes in the narrative and then the players having to pay to fill in those holes.


Finished yesterday. The game is a strong candidate to my GOTY.
Some notes that Eidos needs to take:
- Why so many CGs? The consoles can't handle those?! Make it real time at least for PC users.
- Motion capture was crap. Even Perfect Dark on N64 looks better on conversations.
- It's a stealth/RPG/action hybrid, but the AI is so dumb... Make the NPCs roaming around like MGS V did.
- The difficulty in general is nice, but the level system needs work. By the end of the game I was unfuckable. A thing more close to the original Deus Ex could be good.
- Make at least one more boss fight, and if you can kill him before it will be awesome too (like The End in MGS3).
- Make the choice paths really worth it. I mean, if I choose some path, I need a consequence that can change the game in a good way.
- Don't do a trophy/achievement for each path. The game is huge and you can screw up sometime, so make those available for a single run (even if is hard).
- Put more drama on Jensen. Not that much, but enough to feel the pain to the "I didn't ask for this" thing.

I see where you're coming from, but this reads to me like "Just make it MGS".
What if
Janus is the real Adam

i see some people suggesting this, but.. why? or how? there's nothing to back that up, hell we don't even know who or what
is. why would
real adam
go to such lengths to convince
clone adam
to take down the illuminati? why not do it himself? unless, the
real adam
isn't physically capable or whatever. in fact, i personally even like to think
janus is an ai with some mysterious agenda
. especially considering the fact that nobody knows him/her/it, not even close allies, people are speculating on whether it's one person or a group, etc. etc, a human being can't be that invisible. but of course i have as much proof for that as anybody else.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
I see where you're coming from, but this reads to me like "Just make it MGS".
Not that much haha
Deus Ex always had more gameplay options and that's the charm, but some ideas used in MGS can work fine.

A nice idea that could work too is a crossover with Deus Ex and MGS. Who knows?
It sure was disappointing that there weren't any sidequests in
Golem city. Given the amount of care and detail they put into the area they should have given you a reason to want to stay longer.

Also, what does overclocking actually do? I've been at 150% for the past few hours and haven't noticed a single detrimental thing.


It sure was disappointing that there weren't any sidequests in
Golem city. Given the amount of care and detail they put into the area they should have given you a reason to want to stay longer.

They should have us at least return to
Golem City
once, it's insanely underused.
What are we talking about here?

Also you mention "purity" you can hear plenty of sentiments about how hmaugs are corruption and impure while being human is seen as pure. The anti aug group in HR was called Purity First ffs !! Hah

Yeah, that was a poor choice of words, lol. I just feel like racial purity fights aren't really comparable to augmented purity fights because nobody's born augmented. Idk.


Unconfirmed Member
I think it's obvious the reason they went for CGI cutscenes is that their live action scenes have horrendous lip syncing and animation.

Yep. Every time it cuts to CG, all of a sudden all the character models move gracefully and lip sync correctly. Then back in gameplay they look like a mess again. Probably the biggest area for improvement IMO. Lots of room for good tweaks there.
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