Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition |OT| Two girls, one motivated Vergil

anyone else had problems doing the force edge combo with stinger for Vergil?
i cant for the life of me figure this out
the YY then tap Y one btw


Man I'm fucking rusty. Berial kicked my ass and I had to use a vital star :lol

I kept thinking if I dodged him just at the right time that witch time would activate. Gotta get the amazingly fluidity of Bayonetta out of my head when diving back into this game. It's more grounded.


I kept thinking if I dodged him just at the right time that witch time would activate. Gotta get the amazingly fluidity of Bayonetta out of my head when diving back into this game. It's more grounded.
Someone hasn't played Vergil yet...

Vergil is so swag that he doesn't dodge... he just teleports to your face again to avoid your hits. He is the very definition of "strong defense = offense".


I kept thinking if I dodged him just at the right time that witch time would activate. Gotta get the amazingly fluidity of Bayonetta out of my head when diving back into this game. It's more grounded.

Just jump to avoid his attacks.

Jumping has i-frames on the way up.

I kept trying to do it in Bayonetta lol.


holy shit lady is fun

holy shit lady is fun

holy shit lady is fun

the vids don't show how satisfying it is to get into a flow with her and i haven't even gotten enemy step yet (i just got doublejump)


Lady is fun but she's not really a DMC character. It's like someone took some 3rd person shooter action game and put her in DMC with some DMC mechanics. You basically just do damage with guns than actually melee attacks.


I will say that some of her moves should be stuff that Dante should be doing. Like the R1 + Back + O with Handguns is swag as fuck... it's a launcher into a powerful version of Two Some time ending in a jackpot like explosion.
Finally finished both campaigns on Devil Hunter, all three characters are great. Vergil's maneuverability is godlike, Lady is a ton of fun once you get accustomed to playing the game in a different way. Trish feels like the most limited of the new characters (I could be totally wrong though) due to lack of weapon switching and a smaller moveset overall, but she's still a load of fun to play.

Lady's fully charged shotgun blast has nutso damage output if you jump cancel effectively with it. And fireworks tears apart enemies as well if you trap them in a corner, her shotgun is definitely my favorite of her weapons. I also recommend people switch out the shoot and DT buttons for her as well like you would with Nero.
Lady on LDK difficulty should be a game.

Like literally call it "Lady on Legendary Dark Knight Mode" and I would buy 5 copies on the spot. So addicting.


Unconfirmed Member

Am I getting enough juice out of my 970? Does this game support 144 Hz refresh? Sorry for the noob questions but I'm fairly new to finally have settings on games any different than the lowest values possible.


Lady is fun but she's not really a DMC character. It's like someone took some 3rd person shooter action game and put her in DMC with some DMC mechanics. You basically just do damage with guns than actually melee attacks.

ehh, i dunno about that
she really feels like an evolved version of gunslinger style from DMC3 to me- the only things she's really missing are something that's like artemis's multi-lock and wild stomp
Argh. I'm not buying a PS4 for another month! THIS IS KILLING ME!!!!!!

Lady is fun but she's not really a DMC character. It's like someone took some 3rd person shooter action game and put her in DMC with some DMC mechanics. You basically just do damage with guns than actually melee attacks.

She's Magoichi Saika from Basara 4 put into the DMC engine. Seriously, look at Saika's gameplay: long/short range grenades which you can control the explosion setting, lock on rocket launcher, the style of rapid fire, the style of charge shot, even some of the animations.


ehh, i dunno about that
she really feels like an evolved version of gunslinger style from DMC3 to me- the only things she's really missing are something that's like artemis's multi-lock and wild stomp
With Gunslinger you are still going in and doing melee attacks for combos. Lady's melee options are cheeks, you are basically just creating space with Grapples and the backwards explosion attack.

Also Lady's guns are over powered as hell compared to Dante even when you include Multilock. There's no point in going for melee attacks when gun damage is so high.
Am I getting enough juice out of my 970? Does this game support 144 Hz refresh? Sorry for the noob questions but I'm fairly new to finally have settings on games any different than the lowest values possible.

Try 144Hz and let me know how it goes. It keeps crashing to desktop for me when I run it above 60Hz.
Am I getting enough juice out of my 970? Does this game support 144 Hz refresh? Sorry for the noob questions but I'm fairly new to finally have settings on games any different than the lowest values possible.

I have a 970 as well, I've upped the resolution to 2560x1440 and upped MSAA to 4X to improve image quality and still have 60+ fps
I had a sliver of health left and the frog boss had about 30% left, so I used the middle vital star....I didn't need it. Beat him without taking damage. godammit.


Vergil at Mission 7. Lady/Trish at Mission 3. Nero at Mission 3. I'm still shit at character action, but I love it. I need to figure out some things with Vergil. His Just Frame nonsense and other small things. It's kind of amazing how we're just given the whole arsenal at the start for him. It makes playing as Nero feel a bit slow. I also still need to get use to sword to trick. It's kind of amazing since I assume it makes worrying about recovery frames on anything kind of moot. I can also go anywhere I want in a room in no time flat. Frog boss I forget the name was kind of a laugh with it.

Lady is also weird to work with. I still need to get more moves, but each thing seems to pack a ton of damage and a ton of style rating to make up for her seemingly being slower. Only on Mission 3 though so what do I know.


I see. I figured probably as much since it was unlocked from the get-go, but I wasn't 100% sure or if they just decided to unlock it since it was the "new" mode and all.
Can't remember if I said so yet but "CRAZY" OT, great work.

Haven't had the chance to jump in too far, but love that I'm playing this again. Last time I seriously picked it up was when it came out, and I knew very little about character action games back then. Looking forward to looking at this game with more experienced eyes.


Santa May Claus
I can't believe I'm reading negative reviews on Steam because of a lack of mouse/keyboard controls. Really?

Yes, but with English text.

I don't think that changes anything. I'll check.

EDIT: It looks like I might not be able to change the text type after I've already created a save.
I just cleared Heaven or Hell and got the below message:

Was the "Next Devil May Cry" message for Hell or Hell?

If it is, it would make sense it's a tease. I think Hell or Hell is only unlocked after DMD, so it's the last effective difficulty you unlock.

That message is teasing DMC5 more than the original
I can't believe I'm reading negative reviews on Steam because of a lack of mouse/keyboard controls. Really?

I don't think that changes anything. I'll check.

I swear those people are masochists. I get that the PC is an open platform and people want options, but playing on a keyboard is going to be a major handicap aside from the 1% that play these games on there regularly, haha.

So far the port seems to run fine at 720p for me, which is fine since that's how I run it when I stream. I still feel the game has no business giving people problems when the last one ran on terrible computers just fine. Hopefully some mods show up on Infernal Works soon.


I wanted to play the original story again since I haven't play DMC4 since it first came out. And I remember why I dropped it. The puzzles and backtracking are annoying and are not fun. If Capcom does do a legit DMC5 then I would say get rid of the puzzles and the backtracking.


Fuck me, what's the point in pre-loading if it's taking me at least as long to unpack it as it would take to download it?
Sorry if it's already been said, but a friend wanted me to ask a question here. He said:

"In the Asian version of the game, are the regular camera controls identical to the western release? Or do I need to invert them? They feel strange both regular and inverted, so I'm getting confused at this point."


Loves Robotech S1
lady is ridiculous. ldk with her is a game unto itself. use her DT or a full charge K-A and bosses just -die-. i love it. this needs to be in dmc5.


Sorry if it's already been said, but a friend wanted me to ask a question here. He said:

"In the Asian version of the game, are the regular camera controls identical to the western release? Or do I need to invert them? They feel strange both regular and inverted, so I'm getting confused at this point."

It's exactly the same.
The game ultimately isn't that demanding but the scaling is horrible compared to the original. People losing huge amounts of frames compared to the original.

I just don't feel like playing the game knowing that it's being bogged down by unnecessary shit I always disable like motion blur and probably SSAO, but there is currently no way to disable those. It looks awful and can barely keep 50-60 fps on my laptop.

yea same. My pc could run dmc4 over 60fps but now it dips below 60 on lowest settings. I was hoping my pc would be able to run this game too but I guess not. Hopefully someone figures out how to disable and optimize for low end pcs like mine.
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