This game is great.Just beat King Cerberus on DMD. Sweet christ my hands, he's such a tank. Really forced me to learn how to dodge all the moves for each form and focus on my meter management.
Edit: Holy crap. Big spoilery news:
Modders made Vergil playable!
His moveset is somewhat limited and there are some bugs, but whew lad. He even has his DT.
This points to good things for Bloody palace and possible future DLC.
There are only two things I don't like:
1. The dark areas. I constantly lose myself while fighting since I can't see shit because it's so dark or the background is so dark.
2. The camera in small rooms. It's a constant struggle for me.
It gets the job done.The only disappointing thing about this game is the photo mode. I was hoping it was gonna be a bit more robust. All you can really do is orient the camera.
Idk if its just me but the game runs like ass on PC, i've put up with it for a while but the FPS counter I got doesn't match what I experience at all.
There's some sort of lag or stuttering that occurs sometimes and at random times like when Im moving around or switching cameras, but my nvidia counter never shows some sort of huge FPS jump. Ive tried everything from changing the config to DX 11 and limiting it to 30 fps, everything low, still the same issue. Anyone else having the same problem? Might just not bother playing it on PC then
What CPU / clock speed are you running? I have mild stutters on a 3.5Ghz i7-3770k and GTX 1080 combo.Idk if its just me but the game runs like ass on PC, i've put up with it for a while but the FPS counter I got doesn't match what I experience at all.
There's some sort of lag or stuttering that occurs sometimes and at random times like when Im moving around or switching cameras, but my nvidia counter never shows some sort of huge FPS jump. Ive tried everything from changing the config to DX 11 and limiting it to 30 fps, everything low, still the same issue. Anyone else having the same problem? Might just not bother playing it on PC then
The higher difficulties scale up pretty hard for Dante. His DMD missions in particular are among the most brutal in the game.The amount of overpowered shit you can do with Dante compared to Nero and V is ridiculous. He just destroys everything. Absolutely wrecked everything with him.
So, the more i play with V, the less i like it. I feel like i have no control over what and how the familiars target enemies, executing the directional inputs it's not much problem but since there is no manual way of controlling the position of the summons it becomes very random. I wish there was a system to let V still and control the pets or something similar, i need more control to feel like i'm not just mashing buttons while reading poetry until i have to dodge.
I'm on my second run on the third difficulty and i'm starting to dread the V missions.
His pets will -always- target the enemy you are targeting, It's only when you go in for the finish that they will start targeting enemies around you, to keep you safe.
They only target random enemies if you don't lock on yourself.
This might be the problem, i rarely lock on with Nero or Dante, unless i'm doing directional inputs or trying to snipe something...might make the game a lot slower but maybe i'll rearrange the control layout for fast lock on switches.
Edit: I love that this game has separate control layouts for every character so i can optimize it differently by play style.
You can use the sideways dodge to forcefully return Shadow to your side, and if you lock onto an enemy and hold it without attacking he'll run up to it after a second or so. It's not super snappy, but you can use it to control positioning.Unintuitively it seems that V's combat gives you more control over it if you get closer to the action since the pets tend to protect you or attack what's closer to you which kinda defeats the purpose of being a summoner but whatever, it works at least although riskier.
You can use the sideways dodge to forcefully return Shadow to your side, and if you lock onto an enemy and hold it without attacking he'll run up to it after a second or so. It's not super snappy, but you can use it to control positioning.
As for Griffon, the dodge thing also applies but his back + button attack can serve the same purpose while also providing defense, and the forward + button attack is good for going in.
You might wanna spoiler tag that.thing
Avoid getting hit, vary your moves, play consistently well. There's no more clear time / orbs found nonsense like in DMC4, thank goodness.Any tips to get S ranking? Just not getting hit? Or is time a factor too?
Strawberry Sundae!I can't believe the game even graced us with a new version of this classic from the anime:
Weird, I guess you're running it through steam's input stuff to get the game to recognize it?i got a question: my controls seem to be changing while i play. i'll be jumping with a button, then suddenly everything changes, and now i have to use a different button to jump. same thing for attack & shoot, those buttons switch as well from time to time. same thing for menu confirmation buttons. feel like this keeps happening, even when i'm using the same character. has anyone run into this issue?
maybe it's my controller setup. i'm using a plugged USB Nintendo Switch Pro controller. no idea why the controls keep shifting.